CAT Chat Minutes

December 3, 1999

Information Items

On Tuesday, November 30, machine studies took place. At that time, Sector 1 was performing top up studies with shutters open. Why can¹t other users have their shutters open parasitically for tuning while beam is in the storage ring?

We are reviewing with the accelerator physics people to identify under what machine studies conditions it would be possible to enable all of the shutters.

Follow-up Items

The card reader by LOM 432 now has a weather cover installed.

The ISM meetings, for each CAT, are just about complete. The only sectors remaining are 18 and 10.

The roof and other repairs, like wall caulking, were done this past summer. If you have any building problems, please inform your floor coordinator ASAP.

The problem with the APS status channel display at the Guest House was traced to an optical fiber splice whose performance had deteriorated. The problem is now repaired.

User Operations

A two-week overview of the storage ring operation was presented to the group. The fault rate seems to be higher than usual. PSS faults, power supplies, and IOC communication faults were the primary causes for these trips. Investigation is still in progress. Our goal for each week is to be at 95% availability with minimal interruptions to the fills. The control room should be keeping everyone informed of all fault situations.

Beginning next week, machine studies will begin Tuesday, December 7 at 0800 hours and end at 1600 hours. Scheduled for that timeframe is the accelerator access from 8:00 ­ 10:00 am followed by corrector feed forward, orbit correction and injection studies.

General Information

Safety Issues ­ Jim Lang has taken on the responsibility of ESH Safety Coordinator, and will be the primary contact person for safety related issues and questions. B. Stockmeier will still be available, but as always, your first contact person should be your floor coordinator.