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 Planetary Habitability Science: People
Marc Fries's Picture
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
M/S 183-301
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena, CA 91109

Marc Fries

Dr. Fries' research interests include petrographic analysis of silicate, opaque and volatile phases in meteorites, interplanetary dust, and returned cometary samples primarily using Raman spectroscopic imaging to constrain formation and metamorphic conditions. This work extends to the study of terrestrial impact-related samples, where Raman spectroscopy is used to identify and analyze high pressure/high temperature shock-derived phases to constrain impact conditions. Other work includes characterization of kerogens and volatiles such as sulfides and light organic compounds from venues of astrobiological interest such as hot springs, fossil materials and terrestrial mantle xenoliths to assess their viability as microbial hosts and/or as sources of light organic compounds in the origin of life. These studies are also carried into the field via portable Raman spectrometers for in-situ characterization. Dr. Fries also tests portable Raman technology and techniques for future manned and unmanned space flight missions.

  • B.S. (Chemistry), Troy State University (1998)
  • M.S. (Materials Engineering), University of Alabama at Birmingham (2001)
  • Ph.D. (Materials Science), University of Alabama at Birmingham (2002)

Selected Awards
  • 2006 Macres Award for Best Instrumentation Paper, 39th Annual Microbeam Analysis Society Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii

Selected Publications
  1. Steele A., Fries M., Amundsen H., Mysen B., Fogel M., Schweizer M., Boctor N., "A comprehensive imaging and Raman spectroscopy study of ALH84001 and a terrestrial analogue from Spitsbergen", MAPS (in press)
  2. Rotundi, A., Fries M. and 18 authors, "Combined Micro-Raman, Micro-Infrared and Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope Analyses of Comet 81P/Wild-2 Particles Collected by Stardust," In press, Meteoritics and Planetary Science
  3. Fries M. and Steele A., "Moonraker: Promise and limitations of a concept for grain-wise mineralogical characterization of lunar regolith using Raman spectroscopy," Workshop on Science Associated with the Lunar Exploration Architecture, 2007
  4. Sandford S., and 46 authors including Fries M., "Organics Captured from Comet Wild 2 by the Stardust Spacecraft," Science 314, 5806 (2006) pp. 1720-1724
  5. Fries M., Steele A., and McCoy T., "Carbon and mineral phase distribution in inter-grain spaces and inclusions within chondrules," MetSoc 2005 Abstract #5302
  6. Fries M., Steele A., and Ruzicka A., "Carbon and mineral phase distribution on a CV3 dark inclusion boundary  a confocal Raman imaging study," MetSoc 2005 Abstract #5236
  7. Fries M., Cody G., Fogel M., Harvey R., Jull A.J.T., Nittler L., Rost D., Steele A., Toporski J., Vicenzi E., Wainwright N., "Contamination in meteorites stored since 1977  preliminary results of the Antarctic Meteorite Contamination Study (AMCS)," MetSoc 2005 Abstract #5201
  8. McHone J., Fries M., Steele A., "Raman imaging of natural coesite in archived petrographic thin sections: Vredefort impact structure," LPSC XXXVI (2005) Abstract #2315
  9. Fries M., Mysen B., Vicenzi E., Rost D., Steele A., "Hydrated phosphates in Nakhlite MIL 03346." LPSC XXXVII (2006) Abstract 2267
  10. Fries M., Steele A., "Inclusions within chondrule mineral grains as characterized using confocal Raman imaging." LPSC XXXVI (2005) Abstract 2238
  11. Ruzicka A., Killgore M., Mittlefeldt D. and Fries M., "Portales Valley: Petrology of a metallic-melt meteorite breccia," MAPS 40,2 (2005) pp. 261- 295
  12. Marc D. Fries, Yogesh Vohra, "Properties of Nanocrystalline Diamond Thin Films Grown by MPCVD for Biomedical Implant Purposes," Diamond and Related Materials 13 Vol. 9 (2004) 1740-1743
  13. Marc D. Fries and Yogesh K. Vohra, "Nanostructured Diamond Film Deposition on Curved Surfaces of Metallic Temporomandibular Joint Implant," J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 35 No. 20 (21 October 2002) L105-L107

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