Table of contents for Dramatic and theatrical censorship of sixteenth-century New Spain / Daniel Breining.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Electronic data is machine generated. May be incomplete or contain other coding.


Introduction                                                     1
1.    Theatrical Censorship and Its Early Settings: The Greek Ideal
and the Problems with Drama                                11
1.1   Plato's Background                                   12
1.2   The Ideal Form                                       14
1.3   Formalism and The Republic                           15
1.4   Mimesis, the Fallibility of Imitation                19
1.5   Platonic Subject Matter                              22
1.6   Education and Morality                               23
1.7   Educational Catharsis                                28
1.8   Educational Censorship                              29
1.9   Economic Immorality                                 32
1.10  Corruptive Fallaciousness                           33
1.11  Inspiration                                         37
1.12  Innovation                                          42
1.13  Orality versus the Written Text                     42
1.14  Authorial Control                                   44

2.    The Continuation of Classical Ideals and Anti-theatrical
Sentiments in New Spain                                     47
2.1   The Control of Theater/Drama as Mandated through New
Spain's Official Ecclesiastical Writings, 1524-1585  51
2.1.1 The juntas eclesidsticas from 1524 to 1546
and the Tenure of Archbishop Juan de Zumirraga  56   Spaniard Against Spaniard            57   Spanish and Indigenous Interactions  62   The Natives and the Christian God    69
2.1.2  The Three Provincial Councils: The Dictates of
Archbishops Alonso de Montufar and Pedro Moya de Contreras   75  The First Mexican Provincial Council of 1555        76   The Second Mexican Provincial Council
(1565) and the Influence of the Council of Trent             77   The Third Mexican Provincial
Council (1585) and the Inquisition    80
2.2    The Personal Writings of Juan de ZumArraga          89
3.    Indigenous Influence, Catechistical Purpose, and Hybridization
in Didactic Representations and the Early ginero chico Dramas of
New Spain                                                  99
3.1   An Historical, Social and Political Framework        101
3.1.1 The Nahuatl Language and the Pre- and Post-
Columbian World                                102
3.1.2  The Purpose and Character of Pre-Columbian
Nahuatl Theatrical Representations             107
3.1.3  Pre-Columbian Theater                         111

3.1.4 Indigenous Representational Spaces             115
3.2   Occidental Conversional Theater and Drama in New Spain
and its Relationship to Pre-Conquest Representations  124
3.2.1  Spiritual Conquest through Theater            125
3.3   The Old and the New World Meet: Hybrid
Representation in New Spain                          131
4.    The First Extant American Drama: Nexcuitilmachiotl
motenhuajuiciofinal by Fray Andres de Olmos                151
4.1   Fray Andres de Olmos, the Man                        152
4.2    The Nexcuitilmachiotl motenhuajuiciofinal           155
4.2.1  The Early Performances and Texts              156
4.2.2  A synopsis of Eljuiciofinal                   158
4.3    The Hybridized Eljuicio final: Mis(Re)interpretation  160
4.3.1 Language                                       164
4.3.2  Dramatic personae                             167
4.3.3  Staging Techniques                            171
4.3.4  Performance Sites                             178
5.    Theater and Drama in New Spain: Censorship and Governmental
Controls in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century       185
5.1   Hernin GonzAlez de Eslava                            186
5.2   Juan Prez Ramirez                                    199
5.3   The 1574 performance of"Coloquio espiritual y sacramental
III" and Desposorio espiritual entre el pastor Pedro
y la Iglesia Mexicana                                203
5.4   Crist6bal de Llerena and his Entremes (1588)         210
Conclusion                                                       217

1. The addenda of Archbishop Juan de Zumb aga to the first and
second editions of the Compendio breve que tracta de la manera
de como se han de hazer las processiones (1544) by
Dionisio Rickel, el cartujano                              223
2. The Nexcuitilmachiotl motenhuajuiciofinal (1531-33)
by Fray Andres de Olmos                                    233
3. Entremds (1588) by Crist6bal de Llerena                    245