pestat - a tool to monitor resources on all PBS nodes ----------------------------------------------------- The pestat code contacts every node served by the given PBS server and retrieves resource information such as CPU load and memory usage (any resource information can be programmed into the code, if you need it). A single summary line is printed for each node. The latest version of this code is available from The code has been tested on the following architectures: o Linux (the default) o Compaq Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Example output (from Linux): # pestat node state load pmem ncpu mem resi usrs jobs jobids p01 free 0.15 511 1 0 0 6/3 0 p02 free 0.00 511 1 0 0 0/0 0 p03 free 0.00 511 1 0 0 0/0 0 p04 free 0.00 511 1 0 0 0/0 0 p05 free 0.00 511 1 0 0 0/0 0 p06 free 0.00 511 1 0 0 0/0 0 p07 excl 0.73 511 1 0 0 1/1 1 219 p08 excl 0.94 511 1 0 0 1/1 1 217 p09 excl 0.99 511 1 0 0 1/1 1 217 p10 excl 0.99 511 1 0 0 1/1 1 217 Example output (from Tru64 UNIX): # pestat node state load pmem ncpu frmem ubcmem usrs jobs jobids asrv free 1.24* 640 1 274 62 5/4 0 acmp free 0.00 1536 1 1139 75 9/9 0 a01 excl 0.00* 512 1 311 24 1/1 1 14371 a02 excl 0.01* 512 1 314 24 1/1 1 14371 a03 excl 1.00 512 1 323 24 1/1 1 14263 a04 excl 0.97 512 1 97 24 1/1 1 14298 a05 excl 1.00 512 1 309 24 1/1 1 14371 a06 excl 0.60 512 1 361 17 1/1 1 14582 a07 excl 0.56 512 1 355 18 1/1 1 14582 a08 excl 1.00 512 1 143 24 1/1 1 14598 a09 free 0.00 512 1 438 14 0/0 0 Some nodes have an asterisk (*) next to the "load" column. This indicates a node whose load is "unexpected", i.e., a free node with a high load or a busy node with low load. The "acceptable" load-range for a busy node has arbitrarily been taken as 0.5-1.5, but this can of course be changed in the code (look for the loadave variable). Installation ------------ Edit the Makefile: Change PBSHOME to point to your PBS source directory, since pestat.c needs several header files from the PBS source distribution. Look at the supported architectures and uncomment the relevant lines. Check that the include and lib paths point to the correct directory. Type "make" to generate the executable "pestat". Run pestat to verify the correct operation. Copy pestat to a directory in your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin. Linux notes: ------------ The OpenPBS 2.3 RPM-package installs include and lib files in the directory /usr/pbs. You will also need to unpack the source distribution, since pestat.c needs several header files from the PBS distribution. Compaq Tru64 UNIX notes: ------------------------ The Makefile assumes that you have copied the relevant PBS files to /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib, so edit this if necessary. One snag is that you can't link with "-lnet" because that would incorrectly pick up /usr/shlib/ The pestat.c code has some "#ifdef TRU64" sections that assume that the resources named "freemem" and "ubcmem" are available. The latter refers to the Tru64 UBC (Unified Buffer Cache) memory reservation. These resources requires that you have compiled PBS with the MOM-patches written by Mohan . These patches should become available on Author: ------- Originally written by (ANU Supercomputer Facility, Australian National University). Questions: Ole Holm Nielsen, (Technical University of Denmark). Please send bug reports, support for other architectures, etc. to Ole.