Margaret Lincoln
September 24, 2007   [email]

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on your proposed accessibility guidelines.  I appreciate your work to make the outdoors more accessible for everyone.  However, I do have a few concerns regarding the need to strike a balance between accessibility and negative impacts to the character of an outdoor recreation area or trail caused by modifications for accessibility. 

I strongly believe that it is important that your regulations recognize that there are differences between city parks and forested areas or wilderness.  Site modifications for easy access that are appropriate in urban outdoor areas may not be appropriate in more natural areas.  The regulations should allow for somewhat greater challenge for people with disabilities in more natural areas and not expect that a campsite in the forest should be just as easy to get around in as a city park in order to preserve the natural landscape character and setting that people are seeking when they choose to go there.

In my opinion, some of your regulations will require excessive site modifications that could harm the natural character of the setting or the closing of backcountry trails, and therefore I request that you modify some standards in the proposed regulations to allow more flexibility for natural conditions as the Forest Service has done with its accessibility guidelines.  The following are some of my specific concerns:

Thank you for considering and hopefully making these changes.


Margaret Lincoln
Glendale, WI