Table of contents for The responsive museum : working with audiences in the twenty-first century / edited by Caroline Lang, John Reeve and Vicky Woollard.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog.

Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

List of Contributors 
List of Abbreviations
Caroline Lang ,John Reeve and Vicky Woollard
Section 1. Understanding Audiences: theory, policy and practice. 
Chapter 1. Influences on Museum Practice. 
John Reeve and Vicky Woollard 
Chapter 2. The Impact of Government Policy 
 CarolineLang, John Reeve and Vicky Woollard
Chapter 3. The Public Access Debate
 Caroline Lang 
Section 2. Developing Audiences 
Chapter 4. Prioritising Audience Groups 
 John Reeve
Chapter 5. Networks and Partnerships: building capacity for sustainable audience 
 Ian Blackwell and Sarah Scaife 
Response: Nico Halbertsma
Chapter 6. Dancing Around the Collections: developing individuals and audiences. 
Eithne Nightingale 
Response : Izzy Mohammed
Chapter 7. Museums and the Web
Caroline Dunmore 
Response : Roy Hawkey
Chapter 8. Understanding Museum Evaluation
Kate Pontin 
Response: Susan Potter
Section 3: Managing the Responsive Museum 
Chapter 9. Where Does the Museum End?
Mike Tooby 
Response: Alec Coles 
Chapter 10. The Funding Challenge
Phyllida Shaw 
Response: Antonia Byatt
Chapter 11. Learning, Leadership and Applied Research
Nick Winterbotham 
Response: Janet Vitmayer 
Chapter 12. Audience Advocates in Museums
John Reeve 
Response: Jane Samuels 
Chapter 13: Whose Space? Creating the Environments for Learning 
Rick Rogers 
Response: Christopher Bagot
Chapter 14. An Unsettled Profession. 
Vicky Woollard 
Response: Caitlin Griffiths 
Where do we go from here? 
Caroline Lang , John Reeve and Vicky Woollard
 Appendix 1 UK Museum and Gallery Visitor Figures
Appendix 2 Inspiring Learning for All Framework
Appendix 3 A Common Wealth !9997) - Twelve Targets

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Museums -- Educational aspects.
Museums -- Philosophy.
Museums -- Social aspects.
Museum visitors -- Educational aspects.
Museum techniques.