Lunch League Details

Lunch league is a kind of Magic league, mostly for people in the MCS Magic League who also want to play at lunch. 

We find that during the course of a single league, we play with our league decks a lot. Too much. We want different cards, more variation, and the potential for different deck strategies. Sealed-deck league is fun, but tends to result in a situation where one optimizes 40 cards into a 2-color creature-based deck, and there are definitely other ways to play this game.  So... lunch league has slightly different rules.

  • We play from a limited pool of cards that is ever-growing.  The list of cards we're using is below. 
  • Approximately whenever we feel like it, we decide as a group to get more cards for the pool.  People can band together to save money or go buy their own packs at the store.  
  • Card opening happens simultaneously as a group at lunch.
  • As we open each of the card packs, we write LL in the lower left corner of every card.
  • Except for basic land, no non-lunch-league cards can be in these decks (just to keep things sane).
  • Current minimum deck size is 60 cards.
  • Trading is allowed within the lunch league set.  Write your initials on a card before you trade it away.
  • No ante.
  • No scoring, just playing.
  • Occasionally we'll do something wacky with the new influx of cards, like drafting them or something.
  • Lunch league happens whenever two or more people have spare time at lunch.  One hard and fast rule - games must be over by 1pm, and shouldn't start before noon.
  • Check the Lunch League Availability page - a handy cgi script I wrote one night to help us coordinate lunch games.


  • March 30th:  1 5th edition starter.  3 5th edition boosters, which we opened by drafting.
  • April 15th: 3 Weatherlite boosters.
  • May 6th, 3 5th edition boosters, which we rochestered and drafted.

If someone new wants to join lunch league, they are more than welcome to do so.   You can go out and buy as many card sets as have been opened by the group..


This page was last updated on May 08, 1998.

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