List of officers



















A. Teams can be any person affiliated in any way with the University to play in the league and to allow any person not-affiliated with the University to play based on the approval of the Rules Committee.

B. Usually the PUGL uses two courses for league play; the A Flight will play the odd numbered matches at course X and the even numbered matches at course Y. The B Flight will do vice versa.

C. Tee-off time is 3:30 to 4:30 PM or earlier through mutual consent of opponents and consent of the golf course starter.

D. There will be League Dues of $25.00 required from each regular player. The League dues will be used for prizes or any other necessary expenses incurred during the year and for the fall League playoff. Substitute players must pay a fee of $25.00 after playing in three matches.

E. A team will consist of two persons who have registered their team with the Treasurer of the League.

F. The League will be divided into two flights based upon total team handicaps. Section A will be the lower handicap flight and Section B will be the higher handicap flight. The maximum number of teams will be 48.


A. USGA rules for Match Play and local ground rules will prevail (except as noted).

B. The league will play winter rules as defined below:
1. Any player may roll the ball over only in his/her own fairway. In no case should the ball be moved closer to the green.

C. A match will consist of a 9-hole round played by two scheduled opposing teams.

D. In the case of a match that is abandoned after five or more holes have been played, the match may be considered to be a valid match. The score at the point of abandonment should be adjusted such that the remaining holes are halved. The competitors are allowed to cancel the match and replay it before the end of the regular season.

E. If a player has played 7 or more holes of a round, the player may submit their card for handicap purposes with the missing holes scored as par plus any applicable handicap strokes. If the player knows in advance that they need to leave, they should, as a courtesy, declare their intention in advance of the match starting.

F. The female members of the League are to use the ladies’ tees (usually red), male members are to use the men’s tees (check with pro shop)

G. Out of bounds penalty (always hit a provisional):

Section A: Stroke and distance only.

Section B: One stroke only. Drop the ball two club lengths in bounds from where it went out, but no closer to the hole.

H. Lost ball penalty (always hit a provisional):

Section A: Stroke and distance only.

Section B: One stroke only. Drop the ball as near as possible to the area it was lost.

I. Misc. penalties that lose the hole in match play (USGA rules):

-Pickup of a ball.

-Striking the wrong ball.

J. A rules committee was formed at the end of the 1994 season. The current members are listed on the front cover and include the league officers. If there are any questions concerning a USGA ruling try to resolve the problem on the same hole (prior to the next tee off). Discuss your concerns with your opponents. If you still have a question, contact a League official or a member of the rules committee, by the end of the next working day for advice. Submit the card of record after the problem has been resolved.

K. Where a ball is lying on bare ground, where it is agreed that grass should be present, a player, with the agreement of their opponents, may treat the bare ground as ground under repair and move the ball under the general rules of ground under repair.


A. A player who has established a handicap in previous Princeton League play shall use his/her established handicap, corrected to be in accordance with USGA rules, for first match play, and shall carry forward previous twenty scores.

B. USGA handicap formula.

A handicap index is the USGA's mark which is used to indicate a measurement of a player's potential scoring ability on a course of standard difficulty. Potential scoring ability is measured by a player's best scores, and is expressed as a number taken to one decimal place. these scores are identified by calculating the handicap differential for each score. The USGA handicap index is calculated by taking 96 percent of the average of the best handicap differentials.

How to determine handicap differentials

A handicap differential is computed from four elements: adjusted gross score, USGA course rating, USGA slope rating and 113 (the slope rating of a course of standard difficulty). to determine the handicap differential, subtract the USGA course rating from the adjusted gross score; multiply the difference by 113; then divide the resulting number by the USGA slope rating. Round the final number to the nearest tenth.

Handicap differential = (Adjusted gross score - USGA course rating) x 113 / USGA slope rating

USGA handicap index formula: The USGA handicap index formula is based on the best handicap differentials in a player's scoring record. If a player's scoring record contains 20 or more scores, then the best 10 handicap differentials of the most recent 20 scores are used to calculate his USGA handicap index. The percentage of scores used in a scoring record decreases from the maximum of the best 50 percent as the number of scores in the scoring record decreases.

The procedure for calculating handicap indexes is as follows:

(i) Use the following table to determine the number of handicap differentials to use;

Number of Acceptable Scores Differentials To Be Used
5 or 6 Lowest 1
7 or 8 Lowest 2
9 or 10 Lowest 3
11 or 12 Lowest 4
13 or 14 Lowest 5
15 or 16 Lowest 6
17 Lowest 7
18 Lowest 8
19 Lowest 9
20 Lowest 10

(ii) Determine handicap differentials;
(iii) Average the handicap differentials being used;
(iv) Multiply the average by .96;
(v) Delete all numbers after the tenths digit. Do not round off to the nearest tenth.

Course handicap

A player's course handicap is determined by multiplying his USGA handicap index by the USGA slope rating of the course played and then dividing by 113. The resulting figure is rounded off to the nearest whole number (.5 or more is rounded upward). Optionally, course handicaps may be printed on handicap records and cards.

C. New players without an established handicap will use the following formula for course handicap calculation (rounded to nearest whole number):

First match : 0.80 X Lowest handicap differential
Second match : 0.80 X Lowest handicap differential
Third match : 0.84 X Lowest handicap differential
Fourth match : 0.88 X Lowest handicap differential
Fifth match : 0.92 X Lowest handicap differential
Sixth match on will be calculated as in 3B

The USGA does not have a method for calculating the handicap index for less than 5 acceptable scores. Therefore the handicap index caluclated in this fashion is not USGA approved.

D. All players must adjust their gross scores on each hole based on the following formulas. Actual strokes taken on any hole are compared with the following limits (based on your handicap). The adjusted scores on each hole are then totaled for your Adjusted Score which must be submitted with the card of record. Adjusted scores are required for handicap calculation. The PUGL uses the Equitable Stroke Control procedure that was adopted by the USGA as of January 1, 1999. This method uses a maximum number of strokes that a player can take on any hole regardless of the par, based on the players handicap. See the table below:

Player’s nine hole course handicap

Maximum number on any hole

4 or less

Double bogey

5 through 9


10 through 14


15 through 19


20 through 24


25 and above


E. Handicap strokes are to be taken on the holes in the order in which they appear on the golf score card. NOTE: There are no stroke limits in either Flight.(effective in May 2000).

F. The Secretary will circulate weekly score and handicap updates electronically. Playing partners of members who do not have access to electronic mail should keep track of their partners handicaps.

G. It is expected that members will play their best possible games throughout the season. If any member is found to be carelessly taking strokes when it will affect handicap, that conduct will be considered unsportsmanlike, for which the penalty is expulsion from the League.

H. Nine-hole handicaps - handicap index (N)

1. Nine-hole handicap use and identification

A nine-hole handicap is an official USGA handicap index provided the club follows the USGA handicap system. A nine-hole handicap may be used in inter-club play against other players with nine-hole handicaps. A player with a handicap index and a handicap index (N) should use his handicap index (N) in inter-club nine-hole competition. If an 18-hole competition requires handicap indexes, handicap index (N) may be doubled. If a player with a handicap index plays in a nine-hole competition, he halves his handicap index and rounds the hundredth decimal to the nearest tenth and then enters the course handicap table.

2. Method of computation

Golf clubs compute handicap indexes (N) by applying nine-hole adjusted gross scores to the course and slope ratings of the nine holes played to determine handicap differentials.

I. Maximum nine-hole handicap

The maximum USGA handicap index (N) is 18.2 for men and 20.2 for women. Note: A maximum USGA handicap index (N) will convert to a course handicap that exceeds these numbers on golf courses with slope ratings greater than 113. A player may have a local handicap above these limits, but it shall be identified as a local handicap by the letter J following the number on a handicap card or report. (e.g. 24.5J) When such local handicaps are used for inter-club play, the USGA recommends that they be reduced to the maximum USGA handicap indexes (N) specified above.


A. A match will be forfeited to a team who has a member for that match ready to play on the first tee by 5:15 PM unless prior notification has been given and agreement obtained.

B. If at least one member of each team is ready at an agreed upon tee-off time, either member can require start of the match. Late member(s) should join the match in progress upon arrival. (This does not mean that a match must be started if all want to wait for latecomers.) With an agreed upon starting time, forfeit shall occur one-half hour after that agreed upon time, if there has been no notification. If you expect a last minute schedule conflict, please keep the pro shop phone numbers available.

C.A team that has four no-shows for scheduled matches will be disqualified for league play for the remainder of the year. Holes won for the opponents of matches PLAYED or SCHEDULED will be adjusted to five points.

D. In the case of a postponed match, the postponed match will have to be made up as soon as possible. At any rate, it must be made up before the end of the week of the last scheduled day of regular League play or the team causing the original postponements will lose by forfeit. Postponed matches may be played at any time and on any course having a USGA course rating as mutually agreed upon by the two opponents.

E. League announced postponement or course closure will result in the entire schedule of matches (for that flight) for that day being cancelled. If in doubt, call the golf course for confirmation.


A. A roster of substitutes will be kept by the League Secretary and posted weekly along with the regular League scores. Their handicaps will be used in any match they play.

B. Any person affiliated in any way with the university may play as a substitute upon approval by the rules committee. In the event a handicap has not been established, each handicap will be calculated as with any new player. In order for a substitute to play in the playoffs, they must have played in at least 5 matches during the regular season.

C. Any regular team member may play as a substitute when a regular match is not scheduled. The score as a substitute will be used in determining handicaps and eligibility for low gross and low net in the awarding of prizes at the end of the season.

D. A match may be played by one member of a team if no substitute is available, but at least one member from a team must compete in any given match.

E. Substitutes are required to submit League dues of $25.00 to the League Treasurer upon completion of their 3rd match. Substitutes should submit payment with the Official Card of Record or the substitute's score will be not be accepted regular players should likewise verify the eligibility of a needed substitute prior to the match.


A. Scoring for each hole is based on the sum of net strokes for both players on a team (net = actual strokes minus the handicap strokes). The team with the lowest net total score wins the hole.

B. A total of nine points will be awarded for each match. One point will be awarded for each hole won and 1/2 point for each hole tied. In the event that a match is abandoned after five or more holes are played the score of the abandoned match should be adjusted so that the remaining holes are halved and the score for the match totals nine points (see rule 2D).

C. The team that wins the most holes is the winner of the match. The team with the most holes won at the end of the season will be the regular season winners.

D. If only one member of a team plays in the match, the handicap of the single player team will be that player's handicap plus the higher handicap of the two players on the opposing team. There are no stroke limits in either A Flight or the B Flight(effective in May 2000). The score of the single player team on each hole is the sum of the single player's score and the higher of the two scores of either player on the opposing team. (See the sample score-cards in Appendix C).

E. If a player needs to leave the course, the remainder of that match will be considered as that of a single player playing a team. If a player leaves the match while playing a hole, that particular hole is forfeit by his team.

F. In the event of a forfeit, the forfeitee will be awarded five points and the forfeitor will receive no points for the forfeited match.

G. Players must submit an official card of record to the league secretary for every match played or forfeited. (See Appendix A).

H. It is the responsibility of each team to check the score card for accuracy. Player Names, Team Numbers, gross scores, adjusted scores, and holes won should be recorded on the League Record Card. When the League Record Card is completed, signed, and turned in, the scores stand.

I. The official card of record containing all of the information should be sent to the Secretary, Cards should be submitted by the end of the work day on Thursday so that the adjusted scores can be used for handicapping for the next match.

J. If a team drops out of the league, all matches (played or not yet played) with that team will be handled as forfeits.

K. Disputes will be arbitrated by the Rules Committee.

L. Flights for playoffs will be based upon the number of holes won.

M. Low net for the year shall apply only to a player whose handicap at the time is based on at least ten games.

N. All scores must be received by the league secretary by 4 p.m. on the Friday following the last match of the regular season.

O. Teams cannot agree to split a match without playing the match. Matches not played must be handled as forfeits.


A. General

1. Slow players, and especially those looking for lost balls, should allow the next foursome to play through.

2. Practice strokes on the tee and elsewhere should be limited when addressing the ball for the next shot.

3. Minimize time between shots.

4. Rules 1 and 2 apply only if the next hole is open.

5. The team of the player with the lowest score on a hole has honors on the next hole even if his team did not win the hole.

6. Please contact your partner and one of your opponents to find out who intends to play and, if so, at what time.

B. First Tee Etiquette

1. At the first tee, a coin or tee should be flipped to determine who has choice of whether to tee first or last.

2. When your complete foursome is on the first tee, you should then get in line behind the groups who have already done so. If a starter is available, please use him or her.


A. The official committee of the PUGL shall consist of a President, Secretary and Treasurer. The selection of League officers, when needed, is usually made at a general league meeting held in the fall. At this general meeting other League business (season awards, rules changes, etc.) will also be conducted.

B. The League officer's duties are:

President - Fearless leader, meeting conductor, award selector and spring & fall tournament organizer.

Secretary - Season scheduler, rules writer, score keeper, and calculator of handicaps.

Treasurer - Dues keeper, tournament financier, profit/loss calculator and accounts overseer.

C. The League officers are empowered to act on behalf of the PUGL in League related business. The officers also will make all final decisions concerning League matters of scoring, handicapping and rules interpretation.

D. The League officers will be awarded tournament play in appreciation of their service.


A. The playoffs are elimination type and will contain a maximum of eight(8) teams in each playoff flight. Playoffs will start on the Tuesday immediately following the last week of League play. If teams do not wish to take part in the playoffs the team members should inform the secretary, by 4 p.m. on the Friday following the last match of the regular season, in which case the team immediately below them in the season ending rankings will replace them for selection in the elimination round. A maximum of 16 teams will advance to the playoffs from each flight.

B. A team may have a substitute play one (1) match only and still have the regular player return for remainder of playoff matches.

C. Any player (regular OR substitute) can only lose one match in the playoffs. i.e. if a regular player or substitute loses ANY match, that person cannot play for another team.

D. Substitutes for playoff matches must have an official league handicap(i.e.. have completed at least 5 rounds of League play).


A. Although the league president has the option to modify the awards format for appropriate reasons (financial constraints, tournament format etc..), the following awards will be presented:

A. At the end of regular season.

1. Most points (A-Section).

2. Most points (B-Section).

3. Low handicap (League).

4. Low gross (A-Section).

5. Low gross (B-Section).

6. Low net (A-Section).

7. Low net (B-Section).

8. Most improved Golfer (League)

B. Playoffs (Prizes for both A & B Sections).

1. Championship Flight winner.

2. Championship Flight runner-up.

3. 1st Flight winner.

4. 2nd Flight winner.

C. Spring and Fall Tournaments.

1. Low gross.

2. Low net.

3. Longest drive(0-9 Hdcp)

4. Longest drive(10-20 Hdcp).

5. Closest to the pin(s).


Appendix A


Appendix B


Appendix C



As taken from Section 10 of the USGA website.

Example 1: 11 scores available.

Total of lowest 4 handicap differentials:


Average (103.5 divided by 4):


Multiply average by .96:


Delete digits after tenths:


USGA Handicap Index:


Example 2: The following is a sample scoring record of a player with 20 scores that shows how his USGA handicap index is calculated by a golf club or authorized golf association prior to applying section 10-3.

Date USGA adjusted score USGA course rating Slope rating Handicap differential
3/21/97 90 70.1 116 19.4
3/12/97 91 70.1 116 20.4
2/24/97 94 72.3 123 19.9
2/20/97 *88 70.1 116 17.4
1/18/97 89 70.1 116 18.4
1/17/97 *90 72.3 123 16.3
1/16/97 *91 72.3 123 17.2
12/12/96 91 70.1 116 20.4
12/10/96 91 70.1 116 20.4
11/8/96 86 68.7 105 18.6
11/4/96 90 70.1 116 19.4
11/1/96 *92 72.3 123 18.1
10/24/96 *85 68.0 107 18.0
10/16/96 *78 68.7 105 10.0
10/12/96 *82 70.1 116 11.6
10/2/96 *84 70.1 116 13.5
9/14/96 94 72.3 123 19.9
9/5/96 93 72.3 123 19.0
9/4/96 *89 72.3 123 15.3
9/1/96 *88 70.1 116 17.4

Total of 10 lowest differentials:


Average (154.8 divided by 10):


Multiply average by .96:


Delete all digits after tenths:


USGA Handicap Index:


Note that it is the lowest handicap differentials that are used, not the lowest adjusted scores.