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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 141341  
Title: Guardia Civil
Foreign Title: Guardia Civil
Journal: Cahiers de la Securite Interieure  Issue:11  Dated:(November 1992- January 1993)  Pages:159-166
Author(s): M Ballbe
Publication Date: 1992
Pages: 8
Type: Issue overviews
Origin: France
Language: French
Annotation: The Guardia Civil (Civil Guard) in Spain, established in 1844, has adapted to new ideals in modern, democratic Spain, yet its centralized character and military structure could slow down its own modernization.
Abstract: The Guardia Civil was established to replace the army for the maintenance of public order. This role was especially challenged during the changeover to democracy after the death of Franco in 1975. External and internal structural transitions and the advantages and disadvantages of maintaining a military police organization in Spain are reviewed. 4 notes
Main Term(s): Foreign police
Index Term(s): Armed services police ; History of policing ; Spain
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