FDA Comment Number : EC18
Submitter : Mr. Kim McKee Date & Time: 05/09/2006 10:05:47
Organization : Mr. Kim McKee
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
On 3/20/06 I took my dog to the vet as a result of an undigested Greenie in her disgestive system. Numerous X-rays revealed a piece of Greenie that was logged in the dog's stomach. Fortunately as result several IVs and dietary modifications as well as constant veterinary monitoring the animal was able to pass the piece of Greenie through its system. This episode cost $750 and fortunately my dog survived. My vet also told me she had just removed an even larger piece of undigested Greenie from another client's dog the week before. In this instance the "Toothbrush simulation marks" on the on the Greenie were still apparent - thus indicating that the treat was basically undigested when removed from the dogs rectum.

These products , although great at controlling bad breath, cleaning teeth as well as reducing tartar, are NOT as safe as the manufacturer respresents on their package.

I would like to suggest that these product(s) should be withdrawn from the marketplace. Unfotunately many pet owners have lost their dogs as a result of digestive blockages from Greenies. I consider myself fortunate that my dog managed to survive her encounter with Greenies. I have informed all of my friends and asociates of the dangers associated with Greenies and hope that your organization will do everything within its power to remedy this serious threat to dogs from Greenies. Thank you for your attention to this matter.