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Title :

Pathway Kinetics

Description :

The pathway kinetics model depicts the mechanisms of the "decision circuit" that commits a bacterial virus [lambda] to one of two alternate pathways in its life cycle. The lytic path sets the stage for immediate replication of the virus and destruction of its Escherichia coli host cell, while the lysogenic path selects for the incorporation of viral DNA into the host genome, allowing the virus to remain in a dormant state. In the diagram, bold horizontal lines indicate stretches of double-stranded DNA, arrows over genes show the transcription direction, and dashed boxes enclose operator sites that comprise a promoter control complex. The core of the decision circuit is the four-promoter, five-gene regulatory network; initiation of pathway actions involve other coupled genes not shown. Many pathogenic organisms use a similar mechanism of concentration-independent probabilistic pathway selection to switch surface features and evade host responses. In the model above, pathway selection at different virus concentrations, predicted using a kinetic model of the genetic regulatory circuit, is consistent with experimental observations. Developing this model required nearly 40 empirical rate constants and the use of a supercomputer.

Citation :

Genomes to Life Program Roadmap, April 2001, DOE/SC-0036, U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science,

Credit or Source :

Adapted from A. Arkin, J. Ross, and H. H. McAdams, Genetics 149, 1633-48 (1998). ,Source: Genome Management Information System, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Almost all the images on these pages are original graphics created by the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Program's Genome Management Information System (GMIS). You will recognize GMIS images by their credit line. Permission to use these graphics is not needed, but please credit the U.S. Department of Energy Genome Programs and provide the website All other images were provided by third parties and not created by the U.S. Department of Energy. You must contact the person listed in the credit line before using those images.

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