Ex~..,1ave Stories Page Two (T.xas) 1(li tl My mistress‘ nieo• ha& a big plantation and she hext a place whar she hadd.e slaves whopped. Sh. had a reg‘lar whoppin‘ po3t. My mareter jes‘ h&d a large cowhide whoop. Yea, I got a whopptn‘ more ‚ n onces Sô,‘ ra]. tiaes ~arstsr took hold my sarl and1 buaped my head ‘gainat d~e wall. But g.n*rally dey was goo& to rae, ‘~e waan‘t 1lowed. no whiskey, ‘lees we was sick. D. poor white folks wa$ good to us, better‘n rich folka. 1~y‘d give ua a quarter now‘n den, “I can ‘rasraber how de slaves was fattened like hawgs ~xtd den marched to town and ‘round and auctioned off like cattis, Some of ‚ em had. done somethin‘ mean arid was sold off. Some of ~em brought mors ‘n a thousand dollar. down in New Orleans. nI knows of one slave who liked to run ‘round at night. She was nass to marster‘s girl and. she give lt morphine to put it to sleep. She give de baby girl so much morphine dat her body was fall of it and she died. De culiwi folks got to talkin‘ too much and de ~by was dug up and ~ xamined. De al ave miss was put in j all and ep‘ there a long time and den she was sold. “Heap of de slaves would run away and go up north. Dey woild t 17 to f md ~ em by sendin ‚ nigger houri ‚ s aft er ‚ em . Once d. houri ‚ s caught a slave and. he Icep ~ say in ‚ ‚ ‚ O ‚ Lawd . ~ ~ O, Lawd~ “After de war, when we was free, de slaves would go here and there and a lot of ~sm died. Dey‘d git de black meule., go out in