62 ACCOUNT OF AN EXPEDITION At the commencement of the month of February, the weather during the day began to be more moderate, On the 4th, we fent a foldier to Seredni, or the Middle Kovima, to bake bread for the enfuing fummer ; and a cooper to Neizftini, to make cafks : we alfo fent Lobafhkoff, a Coflac Sotnik well acquainted with thefe parts, to purchafe the meat of rein-deer of the inhabitants or wandering tribes about the Omolon; he was furnifhed with fait to preferve it, and with money, tobacco, and trinkets, for the purpofe of barter* Not having any agent at Irkutfk for the purpofe of difpatching the articles that ftill remained to be forwarded to Ochotfk for the expedition, it was thought neceffary to fend Captain-Lieutenant Bering to fuperintend this bufinefs. He left this miferable place on the 12th February, and took commiffions from every officer for private fupplies of neceffaries, both of food and raiment. The fcurvy gained ground upon our people, affe&ing their joints, and contracting them, particularly the legs. A decodion of the Pinus Cembra was ufed, and alfo fweetwart and quafs, and with fuccefs. In the month of March we had our veflels in a great ftate of forwardnefs, and were warping planks for fheathing. The days -were pleafant, but the night-frofts continued from 200 to 320. On the 12th day of the month the fnow-larks made their appearance, to my great joy, for they afforded me many a good dinner. On the 1 ft of April, Captain Billings pitched his aftronomicai ftnt. On the 8th, a Yakut arrived, with 14 fmall calks of but- ter, which had wintered on the road; but brought no news of any