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NCJRS Abstract

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NCJ Number: NCJ 122089  
Title: Law and Glasnost: Some Thoughts About the Future of Judicial Review Under Socialism
Journal: Law and Society Review  Volume:23  Issue:3  Dated:(1989)  Pages:399-447
Author(s): I Markovits
Publication Date: 1989
Pages: 49
Type: Legislation/policy analysis
Origin: United States
Language: English
Annotation: As part of the dramatic reforms now sweeping through Eastern Europe, a number of socialist States have enacted new legislation enabling courts to review the legality of administrative decisionmaking. I will speculate about the likely development of a socialist rule of law.
Abstract: Using examples from capitalist and socialist law, I will argue that judicial review is at odds both with the long-range ideological goals of socialist societies and with the daily constraints operating on socialist officials and citizens. However, even if judicial review itself is unlikely to gain significant impact in socialist societies as we know them, other changes brought about by socialist law reforms will increasingly help to shelter a socialist citizen against the arbitrary use of State power. 57 footnotes. (Author abstract)
Main Term(s): Judicial review ; Foreign judicial systems
Index Term(s): Political influences ; Administrative hearings ; Socialism ; Administrative rulemaking
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