function ascii % ascii -- Display Ascii Character Table. % ascii (no argument) displays the Ascii Character Table % in the current font. % Copyright (C) 1997 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO. % All Rights Reserved. % Disclosure without explicit written consent from the % copyright owner does not constitute publication. % Version of 17-Sep-1997 16:21:23. a = zeros(256, 4) + abs(' '); a(:, 4) = (0:255).'; a = setstr(a); % Control characters. a( 0+1, 2:4) = 'NUL'; a( 1+1, 2:4) = 'SOH'; a( 2+1, 2:4) = 'STX'; a( 3+1, 2:4) = 'ETX'; a( 4+1, 2:4) = 'EOT'; a( 5+1, 2:4) = 'ENQ'; a( 6+1, 2:4) = 'ACK'; a( 7+1, 2:4) = 'BEL'; a( 8+1, 2:4) = ' BS'; a( 9+1, 2:4) = ' HT'; a( 10+1, 2:4) = ' LF'; a( 11+1, 2:4) = ' VT'; a( 12+1, 2:4) = ' FF'; a( 13+1, 2:4) = ' CR'; a( 14+1, 2:4) = ' SO'; a( 15+1, 2:4) = ' SI'; a( 16+1, 2:4) = 'DLE'; a( 17+1, 2:4) = 'DC1'; a( 18+1, 2:4) = 'DC2'; a( 19+1, 2:4) = 'DC3'; a( 20+1, 2:4) = 'DC4'; a( 21+1, 2:4) = 'NAK'; a( 22+1, 2:4) = 'SYN'; a( 23+1, 2:4) = 'ETB'; a( 24+1, 2:4) = 'CAN'; a( 25+1, 2:4) = ' EM'; a( 26+1, 2:4) = 'SUB'; a( 27+1, 2:4) = 'ESC'; a( 28+1, 2:4) = ' FS'; a( 29+1, 2:4) = ' GS'; a( 30+1, 2:4) = ' RS'; a( 31+1, 2:4) = ' US'; % Other named characters. a( 32+1, 2:4) = ' SP'; a(127+1, 2:4) = 'DEL'; % Reshape. a = reshape(a.', prod(size(a))/16, 16).'; % Display. disp(' ') disp(' ## Ascii Character Table') disp(' ') disp(a) disp(' ')