This is a (cleaned up) history of adding a repository for "ipm" to cdcvs, for user nagy.

We log onto cdcvs...

<bel-kwinth> rsh cdcvs -l root

This rlogin session is using DES encryption for all data transmissions.
       Fermilab  policy  and  rules for computing, including appropriate
       use, may be found at
Add entries for an "ipmcvs" account in passwd and shadow. I copied another one and pasted; I'm ommitting the vi session here. (the convention is to have an "xyzcvs" account for repository "xyz".)
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# vi /etc/passwd
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# tail -1 /etc/passwd
ipmcvs:x:110:6409:E907 CVS User:/cvs/home/ipmcvs:/local/ups/prd/cvsh/v1_9/bin/cvsh
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# ed /etc/shadow
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# tail -1 /etc/shadow
Added a repository diretory under /cvs, and home under /cvs/home/ I started by copying one of the other cvs user homes. Then cleaned out cvshlog files, and put myself and the requesting user in the .admin and .k5login files.
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# cd /cvs
[root@cdcvs0 /cvs]# mkdir ipm
[root@cdcvs0 /cvs]# chown ipmcvs ipm
[root@cdcvs0 /cvs]# cd home
[root@cdcvs0 home]# ls
cvsuser  dcdcvs  e907cvs  flcvs  nutevcvs  osscvs  w2kmigcvs  wrscvs
[root@cdcvs0 home]# cp -r dcdcvs ipmcvs
[root@cdcvs0 home]# chown -R ipmcvs ipmcvs
[root@cdcvs0 home]# ls -l
total 36
drwxr-xr-x   5 cvsuser  cvsuser      4096 Mar 11 15:35 cvsuser
drwxr-xr-x   2 dcdcvs   root         4096 Jan 27 15:13 dcdcvs
drwxr-xr-x   3 e907cvs  e907         4096 Feb 26 12:19 e907cvs
drwxr-xr-x   2 flcvs    root         4096 Jan 27 15:13 flcvs
drwxr-xr-x   2 ipmcvs   root         4096 Mar 11 16:44 ipmcvs
drwxr-xr-x   3 nutevcvs root         4096 Jan 28 13:41 nutevcvs
drwxr-xr-x   3 osscvs   root         4096 Feb 28 12:10 osscvs
drwxr-xr-x   2 w2kmigcv root         4096 Jan 27 15:13 w2kmigcvs
drwxr-xr-x   2 wrscvs   root         4096 Jan 27 15:13 wrscvs
[root@cdcvs0 home]# cd ipmcvs
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# ls
cvshlog  cvshlog.20011024.gz
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# rm cvshlog*
rm: remove `cvshlog'? y
rm: remove `cvshlog.20011024.gz'? y
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# ls
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# ls -a
.  ..  .admin  .bash_history  .cvshrc  .cvshrc.bak  .k5login
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# vi .admin
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# cat .admin
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# rm -f .bash_history
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# vi .k5login
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# cat .k5login
Next I updated the .cvshrc to list their new repository
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# vi .cvshrc
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# cat .cvshrc
ipmcvs /cvs/ipm
This next bit is specific to allowing ssh access to the repository. Not everyone needs this, so in those cases you can skip this bit. We add a .ssh directory with an authorized_keys file. I have a key in the cvsuser account, so I copied my key in so I can test later.
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# mkdir .ssh
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# chown ipmcvs .ssh
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# chmod 700 .ssh
[root@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]# cd .ssh
[root@cdcvs0 .ssh]# ls
[root@cdcvs0 .ssh]# grep mengel /cvs/home/cvsuser/.ssh/authorized_keys > authorized_keys
[root@cdcvs0 .ssh]# cat authorized_keys
1024 35 1254285696944858972260304343500667763230624031273213190387560526619853097837645974226
65517043648997331545458149241182080811 mengel@ossbud
More ssh stuff, which you may not need for some repositories; to let them in, you also need to edit the sshd_config.cdvs0 file, and add the new account name to the list of allowed users.
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# vi /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# diff /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0 /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0.bak
< AllowUsers cvsuser nutevcvs e907cvs ipmcvs
> AllowUsers cvsuser nutevcvs e907cvs
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# ps -ef | grep ssh
root     469     1  0  2002 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd
root   26487     1  0  2002 ?        00:06:14 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd
root    7315     1  0 Feb25 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd
root   24771 24744  1 16:53 ttyp0    00:00:00 grep ssh
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# ps -efw | grep ssh
root     469     1  0  2002 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs1
root   26487     1  0  2002 ?        00:06:14 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0
root    7315     1  0 Feb25 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs2
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# kill 26487; /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# ps -efw | grep ssh
root     469     1  0  2002 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs1
root    7315     1  0 Feb25 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs2
root   24778     1  5 16:53 ?        00:00:00 /usr/krb5/sbin/sshd -f /etc/sshd_config.cdcvs0
[root@cdcvs0 /root]# exit
Connection closed.

Now we come back in as the new ipmcvs account (this is why we added ourselves to the .admin file so we can get an interactive login)
<bel-kwinth> rsh cdcvs -l ipmcvs
This rlogin session is using DES encryption for all data transmissions.
       Fermilab  policy  and  rules for computing, including appropriate
       use, may be found at
[e907cvs@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]$ cd /cvs/ipm
[e907cvs@cdcvs0 ipm]$ ls
[e907cvs@cdcvs0 ipm]$ cvs -d /cvs/ipm init
[e907cvs@cdcvs0 ipm]$ ls
[e907cvs@cdcvs0 ipm]$ exit
Connection closed.
Next we do some test cvs things with the new repository.
<bel-kwinth> cd /tmp
<bel-kwinth> mkdir stuff
<bel-kwinth> cd stuff
<bel-kwinth> echo hello > file
<bel-kwinth> cvs -d import -m log stuff fermi init
<bel-kwinth> cd ..
<bel-kwinth> rm -rf stuff
<bel-kwinth> cvs -d co stuff
This rsh session is using DES encryption for all data transmissions.
cvs server: Updating stuff
U stuff/file
<bel-kwinth> cd stuff
<bel-kwinth> ls
CVS  file
<bel-kwinth> cvs log file
This rsh session is using DES encryption for all data transmissions.
RCS file: /cvs/ipm/stuff/file,v
Working file: file
head: 1.1
branch: 1.1.1
locks: strict
access list:
symbolic names:
	fermi: 1.1.1
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 2;	selected revisions: 2
revision 1.1
date: 2003/03/11 22:55:33;  author: mengel;  state: Exp;
branches:  1.1.1;
Initial revision
date: 2003/03/11 22:55:33;  author: mengel;  state: Exp;  lines: +0 -0

Now some more testing, for the ssh stuff. Of course, if you didn't add ssh stuff above, don't bother testing it here...
<bel-kwinth> ssh-add
Enter passphrase for 
Identity added: /afs/fnal/files/home/room1/mengel/.ssh/identity (
<bel-kwinth> KRB5CCNAME=/tmp/junk
<bel-kwinth> export KRB5CCNAME
<bel-kwinth> klist
klist: No credentials cache file found (ticket cache /tmp/junk)
<bel-kwinth> CVS_RSH=/usr/krb5/bin/ssh
<bel-kwinth> export CVS_RSH
<bel-kwinth> cvs log file
21193: Warning: Remote host denied X11 forwarding.

RCS file: /cvs/ipm/stuff/file,v
Working file: file
head: 1.1
branch: 1.1.1
locks: strict
access list:
symbolic names:
	fermi: 1.1.1
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 2;	selected revisions: 2
revision 1.1
date: 2003/03/11 22:55:33;  author: mengel;  state: Exp;
branches:  1.1.1;
Initial revision
date: 2003/03/11 22:55:33;  author: mengel;  state: Exp;  lines: +0 -0

<bel-kwinth> unset KRB5CCNAME
And finally, we clean up from our testing. The user probably doesn't want our "stuff" directory laying around.
<bel-kwinth> rsh cdcvs -l ipmcvs
This rlogin session is using DES encryption for all data transmissions.
       Fermilab  policy  and  rules for computing, including appropriate
       use, may be found at
[ipmcvs@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]$ cat cvshlog
Tue Mar 11 17:00:43 2003 ( : -cvsh [kK]
Tue Mar 11 17:00:50 2003 ( : cvs server [sS]
[ipmcvs@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]$ cd /cvs/ipm
[ipmcvs@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]$ rm -rf stuff
[ipmcvs@cdcvs0 ipmcvs]$ exit
Connection closed.