Obsolete English Names of North American Birds
and Their Modern Equivalents:
Part 2--
Nene through Yellowthroat


 Richard C. Banks*

 USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, National Museum of Natural History,Washington, D.C. 20560

 *Formerly affiliated with: National Ecology Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Museum of Natural, Washington, D.C. 20560

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Part 2--Nene through Yellowthroat

Old Name Current Name Scientific Name
nene goose, Hawaiian Nesochen sandvicensis
niggergoose cormorant, double-crested Phalacrocorax auritus
Asseri nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
booming nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
Cherrie's nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
eastern nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
Florida nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
Howell's nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
Pacific nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
San Lucas nighthawk, lesser Chordeiles acutipennis
Sennett's nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
sharp-winged nighthawk, lesser Chordeiles acutipennis
Texas nighthawk, lesser Chordeiles acutipennis
trilling nighthawk, lesser Chordeiles acutipennis
western nighthawk, common Chordeiles minor
Kamchatka rubythroat, Siberian Luscinia calliope
Pekin leiothrix, red-billed Leiothrix lutea
common noddy, brown Anous stolidus
lesser noddy, black Anous minutus
white-capped noddy, black Anous minutus
nonpariel bunting, painted Passerina ciris
painted bunting, varied Passerina versicolor
nutcracker, blue jay, pinyon Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus
black-eared nuthatch, pygmy Sitta pygmaea
Californian nuthatch, pygmy Sitta pygmaea
Florida nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
gray-headed nuthatch, brown-headed Sitta pusilla
Inyo nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
Nevada nuthatch, pygmy Sitta pygmaea
Rocky Mountain nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
San Lucas nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
San Pedro nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
slender-billed nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
western nuthatch, white-breasted Sitta carolinensis
white-naped nuthatch, pygmy Sitta pygmaea
oo, Molokai oo, Bishop's Moho bishopi
Abielle's oriole, northern Icterus galbula
Baltimore oriole, northern Icterus galbula
black-backed oriole, northern Icterus galbula
black-headed oriole, Audubon's Icterus graduacauda
black-throated oriole, Altamira Icterus gularis
Bullock's oriole, northern Icterus galbula
Fuertes' oriole, orchard Icterus spurius
Greater Antillean oriole, black-cowled Icterus dominicensis
Lichtenstein's oriole, Altamira Icterus gularis
Nelson's oriole, hooded Icterus cucullatus
Northrop's oriole, black-cowled Icterus dominicensis
ochre oriole, orchard Icterus spurius
Porto Rican oriole, black-cowled Icterus dominicensis
scarlet-headed oriole, streak-backed Icterus pustulatus
Sennett's oriole, hooded Icterus cucullatus
Wagler's oriole, black-vented Icterus wagleri
western oriole, northern Icterus galbula
ortolan sora Porzana carolina
Acadian saw-whet owl, northern Aegolius acadicus
Aiken's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Arizona screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Bancroft's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Brewster's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
California pygmy pygmy-owl, northern Glaucidium gnoma
California screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
common screech screech-owl, eastern Otus asio
day hawk-owl, northern Surnia ulula
dwarf owl, flammulated Otus flammeolus
ferruginous pygmy-owl, ferruginous Glaucidium brasilianum
Florida screech screech-owl, eastern Otus asio
Gilman's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Grinnell's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Hasbrouck's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
horned owl, great horned Bubo virginianus
Hoskins' pygmy pygmy-owl, northern Glaucidium gnoma
Kennicott's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Kirtland's saw-whet owl, northern Aegolius acadicus
MacFarlane's screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
McCall's screech screech-owl, eastern Otus asio
Mexican screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
monkey-faced barn-owl, common Tyto alba
mottled screech-owl, eastern Otus asio
Pasadena screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Richardson's owl, boreal Aegolius funereus
Rocky Mountain screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
sahuaro screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
Siberian owl, great gray Strix nebulosa
spotted screech screech-owl, whiskered Otus trichopsis
Tengmalm's owl, boreal Aegolius funereus
Texas screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
vinaceous screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
western barred owl, spotted Strix occidentalis
white owl, snowy Nyetea scandiaca
Xantus' screech screech-owl, western Otus kennicottii
oxeye sandpiper, least or Calidris minutilla
semipalmated Calidris pusillus
oystercatcher, Frazar's oystercatcher, American Haematopus palliatus
paisano roadrunner, greater Geococcyx californianus
Louisiana parakeet, Carolina Conuropsis carolinensis
shell budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus
parrot, green-cheeked parrot, red-crowned Amazona viridigenalis
paraque, Merrill's pauraque, common Nyctidromus albicollis
blue quail, scaled Callipepla squamata
common partridge, gray Perdix perdix
crested quail, California Callipepla californica
European partridge, gray Perdix perdix
Florida bobwhite, northern Colinus virginianus
Gambel's crested quail, Gambel's Callipepla gambelii
Hungarian partridge, gray Perdix perdix
Massena quail, Montezuma Cyrtonyx montezumae
plumed quail, mountain Oreortyx pictus
scaled quail, scaled Callipepla squamata
spruce grouse, spruce Dendragapus canadensis
Texas bobwhite, northern Colinus virginianus
Virginia bobwhite, northern Colinus virginianus
pelican, rough-billed pelican, American white Pelecanus erythrorhynchus
Beal's storm-petrel, Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa
blue-footed petrel, Cook's Pterodroma cookii
Chapman storm-petrel, Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa
dusky-rumped storm-petrel, Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa
Fisher's petrel, mottled Pterodroma inexpectata
frigate storm-petrel, white-faced Pelagodroma marina
fulmar fulmar, northern Fulmarus glacialis
Galapagos storm-petrel, wedge-rumped Oceanodroma tethys
gular petrel, mottled Pterodroma inexpectata
Harcourt's storm-petrel, band-rumped Oceanodroma castro
Hawaiian storm-petrel, band-rumped Oceanodroma castro
Kaeding's storm-petrel, Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa
Peale petrel, mottled Pterodroma inexpectata
pintado petrel, Cape Daption capense
Madeiran storm-petrel, band-rumped Oceanodroma castro
Salvin's petrel, Bonin Pterodroma hypoleuca
scaled petrel, mottled Pterodroma inexpectata
Socorro storm-petrel, Leach's Oceanodroma leucorhoa
South Trinidad petrel, herald Pterodroma arminjoniana
storm[y] storm-petrel, British Hydrobates pelagicus
Townsend storm-petrel, black Oceanodroma melania
Trindade petrel, herald Pterodroma arminjoniana
variable petrel, Kermadec Pterodroma neglecta
Coues' pewee, greater Contopus pertinax
short-legged wood-pewee, western Contopus sordidulus
gray phalarope, red Phalaropus fulicaria
hyperborean phalarope, red-necked Phalaropus lobatus
northern phalarope, red-necked Phalaropus lobatus
Chinese pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus
common pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus
English pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus
green pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus
Japanese pheasant, ring-necked Phasianus colchicus
San Jose phoebe, Say's Sayornis saya
San Lucas phoebe, black Sayornis nigricans
San Pedro Martir phoebe, Say's Sayornis saya
San Quintin phoebe, black Sayornis nigricans
Yukon phoebe, Say's Sayornis saya
Cape petrel, Cape Daption capense
carrier dove, rock Columba livia
common dove, rock Columba livia
feral dove, rock Columba livia
homing dove, rock Columba livia
Key West quail-dove, Key West Geotrygon chrysia
red-necked pigeon, scaly-naped Columba squamosa
rock dove, rock Columba livia
rufous pigeon, pale-vented Columba cayennensis
Viosca's pigeon, band-tailed Columba fasciata
white-fronted dove, white-tipped Leptotila verreauxi
wild pigeon, passenger Ectopistes migratorius
American pintail, northern Anas acuta
Bahama pintail, white-cheeked Anas bahamensis
common pintail, northern Anas acuta
Galapagos pintail, white-cheeked Anas bahamensis
American pipit, water Anthus spinoletta
Japanese pipit, water Anthus spinoletta
olive-backed tree-pipit, olive Anthus hodgsoni
vinaceous-throated pipit, red-throated Anthus cervinus
Belding's plover, Wilson's Charadrius wilsonia
field sandpiper, upland Bartramia longicauda
gray plover, black-bellied Pluvialis squatarola
Kentish plover, snowy Charadrius alexandrinus
thick-billed plover, Wilson's Charadrius wilsonia
ruddy sanderling Calidris alba
upland sandpiper, upland Bartramia longicauda
pochard, American redhead Aythya americana
poke heron, green-backed Butorides striatus
Colorado Desert poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
desert poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
dusky poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
frosted poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
Nuttall's poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
San Ignacio poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
Attwater's prairie-chicken, greater Tympanuchus cupido
pseudonestor parrotbill, Maui Pseudonestor xanthophrys
Adak ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Alaska ptarmigan, willow Lagopus lagopus
Alexander's ptarmigan, willow Lagopus lagopus
Allen's ptarmigan, willow Lagopus lagopus
Chamberlain's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Dixon's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Evermann's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Kellogg's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Nelson's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Reinhardt's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Sanford's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Townsend's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Turner's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
Ungava ptarmigan, willow Lagopus lagopus
Welch's ptarmigan, rock Lagopus mutus
white-shafted ptarmigan, willow Lagopus lagopus
black phainopepla Phainopepla nitens
Mexican silky-flycatcher, gray Ptilogonys cinereus
Townsend's solitaire, Townsend's Myadestes townsendi
pueo owl, short-eared Asio flammeus
common puffin, Atlantic Fratercula arctica
horn-billed auklet, rhinoceros Cerorhinca monocerata
large-billed puffin, Atlantic Fratercula arctica
purre dunlin Calidris alpina
American bobwhite, northern Colinus virginianus
Arizona quail, scaled or Callipepla squamata
Gambel's Callipepla gambelii
bobwhite bobwhite, northern Colinus virginianus
Canfield's quail, California Callipepla californica
Catalina (Island) quail, California Callipepla californica
chestnut-bellied quail, scaled Callipepla squamata
harlequin quail, Montezuma Cyrtonyx montezumae
Mearns' quail, Montezuma Cyrtonyx montezumae
Olathe quail, Gambel's Callipepla gambelii
plumed quail, mountain Oreortyx pictus
San Lucas quail, California Callipepla californica
San Pedro quail, mountain Oreortyx pictus
San Quintin quail, California Callipepla californica
valley quail, California Callipepla californica
Belding rail, clapper Rallus longirostris
Carolina sora Porzana carolina
Farallon rail, black Laterallus jamaicensis
light-footed rail, clapper Rallus longirostris
red-breasted rail, king Rallus elegans
rain crow cuckoo, yellow-billed Coccyzus americanus
American raven, common Corvus corax
holarctic raven, common Corvus corax
Mexican raven, common Corvus corax
northern raven, common Corvus corax
southwestern raven, common Corvus corax
white-necked raven, Chihuahuan Corvus cryptoleucus
cardinal cardinal, northern Cardinalis cardinalis
summer tanager, summer Piranga rubra
Arctic redpoll, hoary Carduelis hornemanni
Coue's redpoll, hoary Carduelis hornemanni
greater redpoll, common Carduelis flammea
Greenland redpoll, hoary Carduelis hornemanni
Holboell's redpoll, common Carduelis flammea
Hornemann's redpoll, hoary Carduelis hornemanni
Labrador redpoll, common Carduelis flammea
lesser redpoll, common Carduelis flammea
mealy redpoll, hoary Carduelis hornemanni
redwing11 blackbird, red-winged Agelaius phoeniceus
redstart, blue-throated bluethroat Luscinia svecica
red-bellied redstart, slate-throated Myioborus miniatus
reedbird bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus
reeve ruff Philomachus pugnax
rice-bird bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus
roadrunner, California roadrunner, greater Geococcyx californicus
black-backed robin, American Turdus migratorius
Cape robin, American Turdus migratorius
Carolinian robin, American Turdus migratorius
Grayson's robin, rufous-backed Turdus rufopalliatus
Mazatlan robin, rufous-backed Turdus rufopalliatus
northwestern robin, American Turdus migratorius
Pekin leiothrix, red-billed Leiothrix lutea
Rocky Mountain robin, American Turdus migratorius
San Lucas robin, American Turdus migratorius
western robin, American or Turdus migratorius
thrush, varied Ixoreus naevius
wood thrush, wood Hylocichla mustelina
Alaskan sandpiper, rock Calidris ptilocnemis
Aleutian sandpiper, rock Calidris ptilocnemis
Bartram's sandpiper, upland Bartramia longicauda
Bonaparte's sandpiper, white-rumped Calidris fuscicollis
Commander sandpiper, rock Calidris ptilocnemis
Pribilof sandpiper, rock Calidris ptilocnemis
red-backed dunlin Calidris alpina
red-breasted knot, red Calidris canutus
rufous-necked stint, rufous-necked Calidris ruficollis
western semipalmated sandpiper, western Calidris mauri
Natalie's sapsucker, Williamson's Sphyrapicus thyroideus
scaup, American scaup, greater Aythya marila
American scoter, black Melanitta nigra
common scoter, black Melanitta nigra
velvet scoter, white-winged Melanitta fusca
sea dove dovekie Alle alle
gray eagle, white-tailed Haliaeetus albicilla
Washington eagle, bald Haliaeetus leucocephalus
sea parrot puffin, Atlantic Fratercula arctica
sea-swallow tern, common Sterna hirundo
Morelett's seedeater, white-collared Sporophila torqueola
Sharpe's seedeater, white-collared Sporophila torqueola
shag cormorant
allied shearwater, little Puffinus assimilis
Cape Verde shearwater, Cory's Calonectris diomedea
cinereous shearwater, Cory's Calonectris diomedea
common shearwater, Manx Puffinus puffinus
dark-bodied shearwater, sooty Puffinus griseus
dusky shearwater, Audubon's Puffinus lherminieri
gray-backed shearwater, Buller's Puffinus bulleri
Mediterranean shearwater, Cory's Calonectris diomedea
Newell's shearwater, Townsend's Puffinus auricularis
New Zealand shearwater, Buller's Puffinus bulleri
North Atlantic shearwater, Cory's Calonectris diomedea
northern shearwater, Cory's Calonectris diomedea
pale-footed shearwater, flesh-footed Puffinus carneipes
pink-footed12 shearwater, flesh-footed Puffinus carneipes
slender-billed shearwater, short-tailed Puffinus tenuirostris
spectral shearwater, sooty Puffinus griseus
American merganser, common Mergus merganser
hooded merganser, hooded Lophodytes cucullatus
red-breasted merganser, red-breasted Mergus serrator
shite-poke heron, green-backed Butorides striatus
California shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
Gambel shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
great gray shrike, northern Lanius excubitor
Grinnell's shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
Island shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
migrant shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
Nelson's shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
northwestern shrike, northern Lanius excubitor
San Clemente shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
Sonora shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
white-rumped shrike, loggerhead Lanius ludovicianus
siskin, American siskin, pine Spinus pinus
Arctic jaeger, parasitic Stercorarius parasiticus
brown skua, great Catharacta skua
long-tailed jaeger, long-tailed Stercorarius longicaudus
northern skua, great Catharacta skua
pomarine jaeger, pomarine Stercorarius pomarinus
pomatorhine jaeger, pomarine Stercorarius pomarinus
skylark, Missouri pipit, Sprague's Anthus spragueii
snakebird anhinga Anhinga anhinga
American snipe, common Gallinago gallinago
European snipe, common Gallinago gallinago
grass sandpiper, pectoral Calidris melanotos
gray dowitcher, short-billed Limnodromus griseus
gray-back dowitcher, short-billed Limnodromus griseus
red-bellied dowitcher sp. Limnodromus sp.
red-breasted dowitcher, short-billed Limnodromus griseus
robin knot, red Calidris canutus
stone yellowlegs, greater Tringa melanoleuca
western red-breasted dowitcher, long-billed Limnodromus scolopaceus
Wilson's snipe, common Gallinago gallinago
snowbird junco, dark-eyed Junco hyemalis
snowflake bunting, snow Plectrophenax nivalis
McKay's bunting, McKay's Plectrophenax hyperboreus
solitaire, green amakihi, greater Hemignathus saggitirostris
south- southerly old squaw Clangula hyemalis
Abreojos sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Acadian sparrow, sharp-tailed Ammodramus caudacutus
Aonalaska sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
ashy sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
Bangs' sparrow, black-throated Amphispiza bilineata
Belding's sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Bell's sparrow, sage Amphispiza belli
Bendire's sparrow, rufous-winged Aimophila carpalis
black-chinned chipping sparrow, black-chinned Spizella atrogularis
Brewer's chipping sparrow, Brewer's Spizella breweri
Bryant's sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Cape Colnett sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
clay-colored chipping sparrow, clay-colored Spizella pallida
desert sparrow, black-throated Amphispiza bilineata
English sparrow, house Passer domesticus
field chipping sparrow, field Spizella pusilla
Forbush's sparrow, Lincoln's Melospiza lincolnii
fox-colored sparrow, fox Passerella iliaca
Gambel's sparrow, white-crowned Zonotrichia leucophrys
intermediate crown sparrow, white-crowned Zonotrichia leucophrys
Ipswich sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Laguna sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
large-beaked sparrow, fox Passerella iliaca
large-billed sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
marsh sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
montane sparrow, Lincoln's Melospiza lincolnii
mountain sparrow, American tree Spizella arborea
Nelson's sparrow, sharp-tailed Ammodramus caudacutus
Nuttall's sparrow, white-crowned Zonotrichia leucophrys
Pacific sparrow, black-throated Amphispiza bilineata
Phillip sparrow, house Passer domesticus
sparrow, Bachman's Aimophila aestivalis
Puget Sound sparrow, white-crowned Zonotrichia leucophrys
rock sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
San Benito sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
San Clemente sparrow, sage Amphispiza belli
Sandwich sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
San Lucas sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Santa Catarina sparrow, sage Amphispiza belli
Santa Cruz sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
Scott's sparrow, rufous-crowned Aimophila ruficeps
sea-shore sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
skylark sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
slate-colored sparrow, fox Passerella iliaca
Stephens's sparrow, fox Passerella iliaca
Texas sparrow, olive Arremonops rufivirgatus
titlark sparrow, savannah Passerculus sandwichensis
Townsend's sparrow, fox Passerella iliaca
yellow-winged sparrow, grasshopper Ammodramus savannarum
timberline sparrow, Brewer's Spizella breweri
specklebelly goose, greater white-fronted Anser albifrons
spindalis, Porto Rican tanager, stripe-headed Spindalis zena
spine-tail swift, chimney Chaetura pelagica
sprigtail pintail, northern Anas acuta
stake-driver bittern, American Botaurus lentiginosus
meadow meadowlark, eastern Sturnella magna
Mexican meadowlark, eastern Sturnella magna
western meadowlark, western Sturnella neglecta
starthroat, Constant's starthroat, plain-capped Heliomaster constantii
pine starthroat, plain-capped Heliomaster constantii
stilt, Hawaiian stilt, black-necked Himentopus mexicanus
stint sandpiper
red-necked stint, rufous-necked Calidris ruficollis
eave swallow, cliff Hirundo pyrrhonota
European swallow, barn Hirundo rustica
European chimney swallow, barn Hirundo rustica
Republican swallow, cliff Hirundo pyrrhonota
San Lucas swallow, violet-green Tachycineta thalassina
white-bellied swallow, tree Tachycineta bicolor
American swan, tundra Cygnus columbianus
Bewick's swan, tundra Cygnus columbianus
bugler swan, trumpeter Cygnus buccinator
whistling swan, tundra Cygnus columbianus
Antillean cloud swift, white-collared Streptoprocne zonaris
Antillean collared swift, white-collared Streptoprocne zonaris
Cuban palm swift, Antillean palm Tachornis phoenicobia
northern swift, black Cypseloides niger
Oregon swift, Vaux's Chaetura vauxi
white-rumped swift, fork-tailed Apus pacificus
white-throated needle-tailed needletail, white-throated Hirundapus caudacutus
Cooper's tanager, summer Piranga rubra
liver-colored tanager, hepatic Piranga flava
Louisiana tanager, western Piranga ludoviciana
Swainson's tanager, flame-colored Piranga bidentata
Bartramian sandpiper, upland Bartramia longicauda
greater yellowlegs, greater Tringa melanoleuca
lesser yellowlegs, lesser Tringa flavipes
Polynesian tattler, gray-tailed Heteroscelus brevipes
semipalmated willet Catoptrophorus semipalmatus
solitary sandpiper, solitary Tringa solitaria
spotted sandpiper, spotted Actitis macularia
common teal, green-winged Anas crecca
English teal, green-winged Anas crecca
European teal, green-winged Anas crecca
Laysan duck, Laysan Anas laysanensis
spectacled teal, Baikal Anas formosus
tell-tale yellowlegs, greater Tringa melanoleuca
Brown's tern, least Sterna antillarum
brown-winged tern, bridled Sterna anaethetus
Cabot's tern, Sandwich Sterna sandvicensis
Caribbean tern, Sandwich Sterna sandvicensis
Cayenne tern, Sandwich or Sterna sandvicensis
royal Sterna maxima
fairy tern, white Gygis alba
marsh tern, gull-billed Sterna nilotica
ternlet, gray noddy, blue-gray Procelsterna cerulea
thistle-bird goldfinch, American Carduelis tristis
Arizona thrasher, Bendire's Toxostoma bendirei
bow-billed thrasher, curve-billed Toxostoma curvirostre
Brownsville thrasher, curve-billed Toxostoma curvirostre
desert thrasher, Le Conte's Toxostoma lecontei
Mearns' thrasher, gray Toxostoma cinereum
Palmer's thrasher, curve-billed Toxostoma curvirostre
Rosalia thrasher, Le Conte's Toxostoma lecontei
Sennett's thrasher, long-billed Toxostoma longirostre
Sonoma thrasher, California Toxostoma redivivum
St. Lucas thrasher, gray Toxostoma cinereum
Texas thrasher, brown Toxostoma rufum
Trinidad thrasher, crissal Toxostoma crissale
Yuma thrasher, Le Conte's Toxostoma lecontei
Alma's thrush, Swainson's Catharus ustulatus
ashy thrasher, gray Toxostoma cinereum
Bicknell's thrush, gray-cheeked Catharus minimus
brown thrasher, brown Toxostoma rufum
Chinese laughing-thrush, melodious Garrulax canorus
dwarf thrush, hermit Catharus guttatus
golden-crowned ovenbird Seiurus aurocapillus
Gray's robin, clay-colored Turdus grayi
Hawaiian13 omao Myadestes obscurus
Henry's thrasher, crissal Toxostoma crissalis
Le Conte's thrasher, Le Conte's Toxostoma lecontei
Naumann's thrush, dusky Turdus naumanni
olive-backed thrush, Swainson's Catharus ustulatus
Oregon thrush, Swainson's Catharus ustulatus
Porto Rican thrush, red-legged Turdus plumbeus
red-winged redwing Turdus iliacus
russett-backed thrush, Swainson's Catharus ustulatus
shama shama, white-rumped Copsychus malabaricus
sickle-bill thrasher, California Toxostoma redivivum
small Kauai puaiohi Myadestes palmeri
Townsend's flycatching solitaire, Townsend's Myadestes townsendii
willow veery Catharus fuscescens
Wilson's veery Catharus fuscescens
tit chickadee Parus sp.
titlark pipit, water Anthus spinoletta
ashy titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
black-crested titmouse, tufted Parus bicolor
chestnut-backed chickadee, chestnut-backed Parus rufescens
gray titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
least bushtit Psaltriparus minimus
mountain chickadee, mountain Parus gambeli
Oregon titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
plumbeous bushtit Psaltriparus minimus
San Diego titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
San Francisco titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
San Pedro titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
Sennett's titmouse, tufted Parus bicolor
Warren Valley titmouse, plain Parus inornatus
western chickadee, black-capped Parus atricapillus
yellow-headed verdin Auriparus flaviceps
Alabama towhee, rufous- sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Anthony's towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
Arctic towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Argus Mountainstowhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
California towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
canon towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
Cape Colnett towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
crissal towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
eastern towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Florida towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Guadalupe towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
large-billed towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
mountain towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Nevada towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Oregon towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
red-eyed towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Sacramento towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
San Clemente towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
San Diego towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
San Francisco towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
San Lucas towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
San Pablo towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
spotted towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
spurred towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
Texan towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
Texas towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
white-eyed towhee, rufous-sided Pipilo erythrophthalmus
white-throated14 towhee, brown Pipilo fuscus
red-billed whistling-duck, black-bellied Dendrocygna autumnalis
autumnal whistling-duck, black-bellied Dendrocygna autumnalis
tree-pipit, Indian tree-pipit, olive Anthus hodgsoni
trogon, coppery-tailed trogon, elegant Trogon elegans
tropicbird, yellow-billed tropicbird, white-tailed Phaethon lepturus
eastern turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
Florida turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
Merriam's turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
Mexican turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
plain turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
Rio Grande turkey, wild Meleagris gallopavo
twixt-hell-and-the-white-oak chuck-will's-widow Caprimulgus carolinensis
violet-ear, Mexican violet-ear, green Colibri thalassinus
Anthony's vireo, Hutton's Vireo huttoni
Arizona vireo, Bell's Vireo bellii
Bermuda vireo, white-eyed Vireo griseus
blue-headed vireo, solitary Vireo solitarius
Cassin's vireo, solitary Vireo solitarius
Frazar's vireo, Hutton's Vireo huttoni
Jamaican vireo, black-whiskered Vireo altiloquus
Key West vireo, white-eyed Vireo griseus
least vireo, Bell's Vireo bellii
mountain vireo, solitary Vireo solitarius
plumbeous vireo, solitary Vireo solitarius
Rio Grande vireo, white-eyed Vireo griseus
San Lucas vireo, solitary Vireo solitarius
Stephens' vireo, Hutton's Vireo huttoni
Texas vireo, Bell's Vireo bellii
vulture, California condor, California Gymnogyps californianus
pied wagtail, white Motacilla alba
Swinhoe's wagtail, white Motacilla alba
water waterthrush, northern Seiurus noveboracensis
Arctic willow warbler, Arctic Phylloscopus borealis
Audubon's warbler, yellow-rumped Dendroica coronata
black-and-yellow warbler, magnolia Dendroica magnolia
black-capped warbler, Wilson's Wilsonia pusilla
black-fronted warbler, yellow-rumped Dendroica coronata
blue-winged yellow warbler, blue-winged Vermivora pinus
blue yellow-backed parula, northern Parula americana
Brasher's warbler, golden-crowned Basileuterus culicivorus
Brewster's hybrid Vermivora pinus x
Cairns' warbler, black-throated blue Dendroica caerulescens
Calaveras warbler, Nashville Vermivora ruficapilla
Canadian flycatching warbler, Canada Wilsonia canadensis
dusky warbler, orange-crowned Vermivora celata
golden warbler, yellow Dendroica petechia
gray, yellow-throated warbler, yellow-throated Dendroica dominica
green, black-cap warbler, Wilson's Wilsonia pusilla
Hartlaub's warbler, crescent-chested Parula superciliosa
Jack pine warbler, Kirtland's Dendroica kirtlandii
Kennicott's willow warbler, Arctic Phylloscopus borealis
Lawrence's hybrid Vermivora pinus x
lutescent warbler, orange-crowned Vermivora celata
mangrove warbler, yellow Dendroica petechia
Mexican warbler, crescent-chested Parula superciliosa
myrtle warbler, yellow-rumped Dendroica coronata
olive-backed parula, tropical Parula pitiayumi
painted flycatching redstart, painted Myioborus pictus
parula parula, northern Parula americana
pileolated warbler, Wilson's Wilsonia pusilla
pine-creeping warbler, pine Dendroica pinus
red-fronted flycatching warbler, red-faced Cardellina rubrifrons
red-poll warbler, palm Dendroica palmarum
Sennett's olive-backed parula, tropical Parula pitiayumi
Socorro parula, tropical Parula pitiayumi
spot-breasted warbler, crescent-chested Parula superciliosa
stripe-crowned warbler, golden-crowned Basileuterus culicivorus
summer warbler, yellow Dendroica petechia
sycamore warbler, yellow-throated Dendroica dominica
Tolmie warbler, MacGillivray's Oporornis tolmiei
Wayne's warbler, black-throated green Dendroica virens
western warbler, hermit Dendroica occidentalis
yellow-crowned warbler , yellow-rumped Dendroica coronata
yellow red-poll warbler, palm Dendroica palmarum
warrior, black hawk, red-tailed (Harlan) Buteo jamaicensis
Alaska waterthrush, northern Seiurus noveboracensis
Grinnell's waterthrush, northern Seiurus noveboracensis
large-billed waterthrush, Louisiana Seiurus motacilla
small-billed waterthrush, northern Seiurus noveboracensis
Wyoming waterthrush, northern Seiurus noveboracensis
water-ouzel dipper, American Cinclus mexicanus
water-turkey anhinga Anhinga anhinga
wax-chatterer, Bohemian waxwing, Bohemian Bombycilla garrulus
greater waxwing, Bohemian Bombycilla garrulus
northern waxwing, Bohemian Bombycilla garrulus
weaver finch
hooded mannikin, bronze Lonchura cucullata
scarlet-cheeked waxbill, orange-cheeked Estrilda melpoda
whalebird shearwater, short-tailed Puffinus tenuirostris
European wheatear, northern Oenanthe oenanthe
Greenland wheatear, northern Oenanthe oenanthe
Arizona whip-poor-will Caprimulgus vociferus
Nuttall's poor-will, common Phalaenoptilus nuttallii
Puerto Rican nightjar, Puerto Rican Caprimulgus noctitherus
Ridgway's nightjar, buff-collared Caprimulgus ridgwayi
Stephens' whip-poor-will Caprimulgus vociferus
whistler goldeneye, common Bucephala clangula
white-eye, Chinese white-eye, Japanese Zosterops japonicus
woodcock, black woodpecker, pileated Dryocopus lineatus
acorn-storing woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
Alaska three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
alpine three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
American three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
ant-eating woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
Arctic three-toed woodpecker, black-backed Picoides arcticus
Arizona woodpecker, Strickland's or Picoides stricklandi
ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
banded-backed three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
Batchelder's woodpecker, downy Picoides pubescens
black-backed three-toed woodpecker, black-backed Picoides arcticus
Brewster's woodpecker, Gila Melanerpes uropygialis
brown-backed woodpecker, Strickland's Picoides stricklandi
brown-barred woodpecker, Strickland's Picoides stricklandi
brown-headed sapsucker, Williamson's Sphyrapicus thyroideus
Cabanis' woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
cactus woodpecker, ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
California woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
Cape woodpecker, ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
cardon woodpecker, Gila Melanerpes uropygialis
Chihuahua woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
Gairdner's woodpecker, downy Picoides pubescens
gilded flicker, northern Colaptes auratus
golden-winged flicker, northern Colaptes auratus
Harris' woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
Mearns' woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
Modoc woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
narrow-fronted woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
Newfoundland woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
northern three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
nuchal sapsucker, red-naped Sphyrapicus nuchalis
Queen Charlotte woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
red-breasted sapsucker, red-breasted Sphyrapicus ruber
red-necked sapsucker, red-naped Sphyrapicus nuchalis
red-shafted flicker, northern Colaptes auratus
round-headed sapsucker, Williamson's Sphyrapicus thyroideus
San Fernando woodpecker, ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
San Lucas woodpecker, ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
San Pedro woodpecker, acorn Melanerpes formicivorus
striped three-toed woodpecker, three-toed Picoides tridactylus
Texas woodpecker, ladder-backed Picoides scalaris
white-breasted woodpecker, hairy Picoides villosus
Williamson's sapsucker, Williamson's Sphyrapicus thyroideus
willow woodpecker, downy Picoides pubescens
yellow-bellied sapsucker, yellow-bellied or Sphyrapicus varius
woodpecker, golden-fronted Melanerpes aurifrons
yellow-fronted woodpecker, golden-fronted Melanerpes aurifrons
zebra woodpecker, red-bellied Melanerpes carolinus
wood pewee, large-billed wood-pewee, western Contopus sordidulus
Porto Rico pewee, Lesser Antillean Contopus latirostris
Alaska wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Aleutian wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Apache wren, house Troglodytes aedon
Attu wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Baird's wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
brown-throated wren, house Troglodytes aedon
Catalina wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Cedros Island wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Cozumel wren, house Troglodytes aedon
desert wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
dotted wren, canyon Catherpes mexicanus
Florida wren, Carolina Thryothorus ludovicianus
golden-crested kinglet, golden-crowned Regulus satrapa
ground wrentit Chamaea fasciata
Guadalupe wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Jenny wren, house Troglodytes aedon
Kiska wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Kodiak wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Lomita wren, Carolina Thryothorus ludovicianus
Nicasio wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
ruby-crowned kinglet, ruby-crowned Regulus calendula
Sacramento wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
San Clemente wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
San Diego wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
San Joaquin wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Santa Cruz wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Seattle wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Semidi wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
short-billed marsh wren, sedge Cistothorus platensis
sooty wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
speckled-tailed wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Stevenson's wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
anaga wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Texan wren, Carolina Thryothorus ludovicianus
Texas wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
tule wren, marsh Cistothorus palustris
Unalaska wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
Vigors' wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
Warner Valley wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
white-bellied wren, Bewick's Thryomanes bewickii
white-throated wren, canyon Catherpes mexicanus
willow wren, winter Troglodytes troglodytes
yellow-bird goldfinch, American Carduelis tristis
yellowhammer15 flicker, northern Colaptes auratus
gray yellowlegs, greater Tringa melanoleuca
summer yellowlegs, lesser Tringa flavipes
yellowshanks yellowlegs, lesser Tringa flavipes
Belding's yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
Florida yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
Goldman's yellowthroat , common Geothlypis trichas
Maryland yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
northern yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
Pacific yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
Rio Grande yellowthroat, gray-crowned Geothlypis poliocephala
salt marsh yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
southern yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
tule yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas
western yellowthroat, common Geothlypis trichas