Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center

Bird Checklists of the United States

Santa Catalina Ranger District

Coronado National Forest

small state map showing location

Tucson, Arizona

The Santa Catalina Ranger District of the Coronado National Forest includes much of the Santa Catalina and Rincon Mountains near Tucson, Arizona. Known as "sky islands," these mountains rise from an elevation of 2,500 feet to over 9,000 feet, creating a remarkable diversity of vegetation communities--from saquaro cactus forest and desert grasslands in the lower portions, upward into oak woodlands, Ponderosa pine and mixed-conifer forests. Located at the convergence of the Rocky Mountains and the Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts, the Santa Catalina Ranger District provides one of the most diverse bird habitats in North America. Mexican birds, such as the Sulfured-belly flycatcher, reach their northernmost limits here.

Habitat Key

SD = Sonoran desert and grassland
F = Forests (oak, Ponderosa pine, mixed conifer)
RI = Riparian (lowland and upper)

Residency Key

P = Permanent Resident
S = Summer Resident
W = Winter Resident
T = Fall or Spring Transient

Abundance Key

A = Abundant
C = Common
U = Uncommon
R = Rare
X = Accidental (seen fewer than 5 times in the last 20 years)

GREBES, CORMORANTS, HERONS & EGRETS SD F RI ___ Pied-billed Grebe - - RW ___ Double-crested Cormorant - - XT ___ Great Blue Heron - - RP ___ Green Heron - - RW ___ Snowy Egret - - XW
WATERFOWL SD F RI ___ Wood Duck - - XW ___ Green-winged Teal - - UT ___ Mallard - - CW ___ Blue-winged Teal - - XW ___ American Wigeon - - XW ___ Lesser Scaup - - RW ___ Bufflehead - - XW ___ Ruddy Duck - - XW ___ Ring-necked Duck - - XW ___ Redhead - - XW ___ Northern Shoveler - - XW
VULTURES, HAWKS & FALCONS SD F RI ___ Black Vulture RW - - ___ Turkey Vulture CS CS CS ___ Osprey XT - XT ___ Northern Harrier T - T ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk UW US UW ___ Cooper's Hawk UW UP UP ___ Northern Goshawk - UP UW ___ Common Black Hawk RT RT RS ___ Harris' Hawk UP - - ___ Swainson's Hawk RT - - ___ Zone-tailed Hawk UT CS UT ___ Red-tailed Hawk CP CP CP ___ Ferruginous Hawk RW - - ___ Golden Eagle UP UP UP ___ Bald Eagle RT - - ___ American Kestrel UP RT UP ___ Merlin RT - - ___ Peregrine Falcon RW US - ___ Prairie Falcon UP UP -
TURKEY & QUAIL SD F RI ___ Merriam's Turkey - RP RP ___ Montezuma Quail RP RP - ___ Gambel's Quail AP - AP
RAILS, GALLINULES & COOTS SD F RI ___ Virginia Rail - - XT ___ Sora - - XT ___ Purple Gallinule - - X ___ Common Moorhen - - XW ___ American Coot - - UT
PLOVERS & SANDPIPERS SD F RI ___ Killdeer - - UW ___ Solitary Sandpiper - - RT ___ Greater/Lesser Yellowlegs - - RT ___ Spotted Sandpiper - - RT ___ Least Sandpiper - - RT ___ Western Sandpiper - - RT ___ Long-billed Dowitcher - - RT ___ Common Snipe - - UW
PIGEONS & DOVES SD F RI ___ Rock Dove RT - UT ___ Band-tailed Pigeon RT CS CS ___ White-winged Dove AS RT AS ___ Mourning Dove AP CS AP ___ Inca Dove UP - - ___ Common Ground-Dove RP - -
CUCKOOS, ROADRUNNERS & OWLS SD F RI ___ Yellow-billed Cuckoo - - RT ___ Greater Roadrunner CP - CP ___ Groove-billed Ani - - XT ___ Barn Owl RP - RP ___ Western Screech Owl CP - CP ___ Whiskered Screech Owl - UP - ___ Great Horned Owl UP UP CP ___ Northern Pygmy Owl - UP - ___ Ferruginous Pygmy Owl XP - XP ___ Elf Owl CS - CS ___ Spotted Owl XT RP RP ___ Northern Saw-whet Owl RW RS -
NIGHTJARS SD F RI ___ Lesser Nighthawk US - US ___ Common Nighthawk RT RT RT ___ Common Poorwill CS CS CS ___ Buff-colored Nightjar XS - XS ___ Whip-poor-will - CS CS
SWIFTS SD F RI ___ Vaux's Swift RT RT RT ___ White-throated Swift CS CS CS
HUMMINGBIRDS SD F RI ___ Broad-billed Hummingbird UP - UP ___ Blue-throated Hummingbird RT US US ___ Magnificent Hummingbird RT CS CS ___ Plain-capped Starthroat XS - XS ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird CS - CS ___ Anna's Hummingbird UP - UP ___ Costa's Hummingbird CP - CP ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird UT AS UT ___ Rufous Hummingbird CT CT CT
KINGFISHERS SD F RI ___ Elegant Trogon - - XS ___ Belted Kingfisher - - RT
WOODPECKERS SD F RI ___ Lewis' Woodpecker RW - RW ___ Acorn Woodpecker - AP CP ___ Gila Woodpecker AP - AP ___ Red-naped Sapsucker UT UT UT ___ Williamson's Sapsucker - RT RT ___ Ladder-backed Woodpecker CP - CP ___ Hairy Woodpecker - CP CP ___ Strickland's Woodpecker - UP UP ___ Northern Flicker CP CP CP
TYRANT FLYCATCHERS SD F RI ___ Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet - - US ___ Olive-sided Flycatcher RT UT RT ___ Greater Pewee - CS CS ___ Western Wood-Pewee UT CS CS ___ Willow Flycatcher - - UT ___ Hammond's Flycatcher UT UT UT ___ Dusky Flycatcher UT UT UT ___ Gray Flycatcher UT UT UT ___ Pacific Slope Flycatcher UT - UT ___ Cordilleran Flycatcher - US US ___ Buff-breasted Flycatcher - RS - ___ Black Phoebe - CP - ___ Say's Phoebe UP CP - ___ Vermilion Flycatcher - UP - ___ Dusky-capped Flycatcher RS - - ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher US CS - ___ Brown-crested Flycatcher - CS - ___ Sulfur-bellied Flycatcher - RS - ___ Cassin's Kingbird US CS - ___ Western Kingbird - US -
LARKS SD F RI ___ Horned Lark RP - -
SWALLOWS SD F RI ___ Purple Martin US US - ___ Tree Swallow RT - - ___ Violet-green Swallow CS UT - ___ Northern Rough-winged Swallow - US - ___ Cliff Swallow - US - ___ Barn Swallow - RT -
JAYS, RAVENS, & CHICKADEES SD F RI ___ Stellar's Jay CP CP - ___ Scrub Jay UP UP - ___ Gray-breasted Jay AP CP - ___ Chihuahuan Raven UP - - ___ Common Raven CP - - ___ Mountain Chickadee CP UP -
TITMICE SD F RI ___ Bridled Titmouse CP CP - ___ Plain Titmouse UP - -
VERDINS SD CP - ___ Verdin AP - -
BUSHTITS, NUTHATCHES, & CREEPERS SD F RI ___ Bushtit UP UP - ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch UP UP - ___ White-breasted Nuthatch CP CP - ___ Pygmy Nuthatch CP UP - ___ Brown Creeper UP UP -
WRENS SD F RI ___ Cactus Wren - CP - ___ Rock Wren CP CP - ___ Canyon Wren CP CP - ___ Bewick's Wren CP CP - ___ House Wren UP CP UP ___ Winter Wren - RW RW ___ Marsh Wren - - RW
KINGLETS & GNATCATCHERS SD F RI ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet - UP UP ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet CW CP CP ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher CW CP CP ___ Black-capped Gnatcatcher - XS - ___ Black-tailed Gnatcatcher CP - CP
THRUSHES SD F RI ___ Eastern Bluebird UW - - ___ Western Bluebird CW CP - ___ Mountain Bluebird UW - - ___ Townsend's Solitaire RT UW - ___ Hermit Thrush UW AP CP ___ Varied Thrush - XT - ___ American Robin UT CP CP ___ Gray Catbird - - XW
SHRIKES SD F RI ___ Loggerhead Shrike UP - -
MIMICS & THRASHERS SD F RI ___ Northern Mockingbird CP - - ___ Sage Thrasher RW - - ___ Curve-billed Thrasher AP - - ___ Bendire's Thrasher UP - - ___ Crissal Thrasher UP UP -
PIPITS SD F RI ___ American Pipit - - RS ___ American Dipper - - RT
WAXWINGS & SILKY-FLYCATCHERS SD F RI ___ Cedar Waxwing RT UW UW ___ Phainopepla AP CP CP
STARLINGS SD F RI ___ European Starling RP - -
VIREOS SD F RI ___ Bell's Vireo - - AS ___ Gray Vireo RT RS - ___ Solitary Vireo CT CS - ___ Hutton's Vireo - CP CP ___ Warbling Vireo UT US US
WOOD-WARBLERS SD F RI ___ Tennessee Warbler - XT - ___ Orange-crowned Warbler CT US CT ___ Nashville Warbler CT UT - ___ Virginia's Warbler UT CS - ___ Lucy's Warbler CS - CS ___ Yellow Warbler CT - CS ___ Chesnut-sided Warbler - - XT ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler CW CS CW ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler UT CS - ___ Townsend's Warbler UT UT UT ___ Hermit Warbler RT CT UT ___ Black-throated Green Warbler RT - RT ___ Grace's Warbler - CS - ___ MacGillivray's Warbler UT UT UT ___ Wilson's Warbler CT CT CT ___ Common Yellowthroat - - UT ___ Yellow-breasted Chat - - UT ___ American Redstart - - RT ___ Painted Redstart - CS CS ___ Red-faced Warbler - US - ___ Olive Warbler - CS -
TANAGERS SD F RI ___ Hepatic Tanager - US US ___ Summer Tanager RS - RS ___ Western Tanager CT CS CS
CARDINALS & GROSBEAKS SD F RI ___ Northern Cardinal CP - CP ___ Pyrrhuloxia CP - CP ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak - RT RT ___ Black-headed Grosbeak CT CS CS ___ Lazuli Bunting CT CT CT ___ Varied Bunting RS - RS ___ Painted Bunting - - RS ___ Yellow Grosbeak - - XS ___ Blue Grosbeak - - US ___ Indigo Bunting - - RT
FINCHES SD F RI ___ Purple Finch - - RT ___ Cassin's Finch - - RT ___ House Finch AP - AP ___ Red Crossbill - U - ___ Pine Siskin UW US US ___ American Goldfinch RT - - ___ Lesser Goldfinch CP RT CP ___ Lawrence's Goldfinch - - RW
SPARROWS SD F RI ___ Green-tailed Towhee UW - - ___ Rufous-sided Towhee RW CP - ___ Canyon Towhee AP CP AP ___ Abert's Towhee RP - RP ___ Grasshopper Sparrow RW - - ___ Rufous-winged Sparrow UP - - ___ Rufous-crowned Sparrow UP UP - ___ Chipping Sparrow CW - CW ___ Clay-colored Sparrow - - RW ___ Brewer's Sparrow CW - CW ___ Black-chinned Sparrow UP UW UW ___ Vesper Sparrow CW - UW ___ Lark Sparrow UT - UT ___ Black-throated Sparrow AP - - ___ Lark Bunting UW - - ___ Savannah Sparrow UW - - ___ Fox Sparrow RW - - ___ Song Sparrow UW - - ___ Lincoln's Sparrow UW - - ___ Swamp Sparrow - - RW ___ White-throated Sparrow RW - - ___ Golden-crowned Sparrow RW - - ___ White-crowned Sparrow RW - - ___ Dark-eyed Junco CW CW - ___ Yellow-eyed Junco - AP - ___ Evening Grosbeak RT US US
BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES SD F RI ___ Red-winged Blackbird - - RW ___ Eastern Meadowlark RT - - ___ Western Meadowlark RW - - ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird - - RW ___ Brewer's Blackbird CW - - ___ Great-tailed Grackle CP U CP ___ Bronzed Cowbird US - US ___ Brown-headed Cowbird CS - CS ___ Hooded Oriole CS - CS ___ Northern Oriole CT CS CS ___ Scott's Oriole UT CS -
OLD WORLD SPARROWS SD F RI ___ House Sparrow CP - -
This checklist was prepared by the Forest Service and Produced in cooperation with the Tucson Audubon Society.

Notes... _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

For additional information contact:
               Wildlife Biologist
               Santa Catalina Ranger District
               5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road
               Tucson, AZ 85750
               (520) 749-8700

The United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) prohibits discrimination in its programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, and marital or familial status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact the USDA Office of Communications at (202) 720-2791.

To file a complaint, write the Secretary of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 20250 or call 1-800-245-6340(voice) or (202) 720-1127(TTY). USDA is an equal employment opportunity employer.

This resource is based on the following source:

Forest Service.  1997.  Bird checklist for the Santa Catalina Ranger District, 
     Coronado National Forest, Southeast Arizona.  Forest Service.  Unpaginated.
This resource should be cited as:
Forest Service.  1997.  Bird checklist for the Santa Catalina Ranger District, 
     Coronado National Forest, Southeast Arizona.  Forest Service.  Unpaginated.
     Jamestown, ND: Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center Online.
     (Version 22MAY98).

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