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Bird Checklist


a - abundant: sure to see
c - common: present in proper habitat
u - uncommon: present but may not be seen
r - rare: only seen a few times each season or year 

Sp - March-May
Su- June-August
F - September-October
W - November-February 

VULTURES                          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING

___ Turkey Vulture                    c              sp     su     f     -

HAWKS & EAGLES                    ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk                r              -      -      f     - ___ Northern Goshawk                  r              sp     -      -     - ___ Cooper's Hawk                     u              sp     su     f     w ___ Red-tailed Hawk                   u              sp     su     f     w ___ Swainson's Hawk                   r              sp     su     -     - ___ Common Black-Hawk                 r              sp     -      f     - ___ Golden Eagle                      u              sp     su     f     w ___ Northern Harrier (Marsh Hawk)     r              sp     -      f     w ___ Harris' Hawk                      r              -      su     f     w
FALCONS                           ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Prairie Falcon                    r              -      su     -     w ___ Merlin                            r              -      su     -     - ___ American Kestrel                  u              sp     su     f     w
QUAIL                             ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Scaled Quail                      r              sp     su     f     w ___ Gambel's Quail                    u              -      -      f     w ___ Montezuma Quail                   u              sp     su     f     w
PIGEONS & DOVES                   ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Common Ground-Dove                r              sp     su     -     - ___ Inca Dove                         r              -      -      f     - ___ Band-tailed Pigeon                u              sp     su     f     - ___ White-winged Dove                 u              sp     su     f     - ___ Mourning Dove                     a              sp     su     f     w
CUCKOOS & ROADRUNNERS             ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Greater Roadrunner                u              sp     su     f     w
OWLS                              ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Barn Owl                          r              sp     -      f     - ___ Western Screech-Owl               u              sp     su     f     - ___ Whiskered Screech-Owl             r              sp     su     f     - ___ Great Horned Owl                  r              sp     su     f     w ___ Northern Pygmy-Owl                r              -      su     -     - ___ Elf Owl                           u              sp     su     f     -
GOATSUCKERS                       ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Whip-poor-will                    r              sp     su     -     - ___ Common Poorwill                   u              sp     su     f     - ___ Common Nighthawk                  r              sp     su     -     -
SWIFTS                            ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ White-throated Swift              u              sp     su     f     -
HUMMINGBIRDS                      ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Lucifer's Hummingbird             r              sp     su     f     - ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird         a              sp     su     f     - ___ Costa's Hummingbird               r              sp     su     -     - ___ Anna's Hummingbird                a              sp     su     f     w ___ Broad-tailed Hummingbird          u              sp     su     f     - ___ Allen's Hummingbird               r              sp     su     -     - ___ Rufous Hummingbird                r              sp     su     f     - ___ Magnificent Hummingbird           c              sp     su     f     w ___ Plain-capped Starthroat           r              sp     su     -     - ___ Blue-throated Hummingbird         r              sp     su     f     - ___ White-eared Hummingbird           r              sp     su     f     - ___ Broad-billed Hummingbird          r              sp     su     f     -
TROGONS                           ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Elegant Trogon                    r              -      su     f     w
WOODPECKERS                       ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Northern Flicker (Common Flicker) c              sp     su     f     w ___ Gila Woodpecker                   r              -      -      f     w ___ Acorn Woodpecker                  a              sp     su     f     w ___ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker          r              sp     -      f     w ___ Williamson's Sapsucker            r              -      -      f     - ___ Red-naped Sapsucker               r              sp     su     f     w ___ Ladder-backed Woodpecker          r              sp     su     f     w ___ Strickland's Woodpecker           u              sp     su     f     w
FLYCATCHERS                       ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Western Kingbird                  r              sp     su     f     w ___ Cassin's Kingbird                 r              sp     su     -     - ___ Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher        r              sp     su     f     - ___ Brown-crested Flycatcher          r              sp     su     -     - ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher           r              sp     su     -     - ___ Dusky-capped Flycatcher           r              sp     su     f     - ___ Black Phoebe                      r              sp     su     f     - ___ Say's Phoebe                      c              sp     su     f     w ___ Hammond's Flycatcher              r              sp     -      -     - ___ Dusky Flycatcher                  r              sp     su     f     - ___ Western Flycatcher                r              sp     su     -     - ___ Western Wood-Pewee                r              sp     su     -     - ___ Vermilion Flycatcher              r              sp     -      -     -
SWALLOWS                          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Violet-green Swallow              u              sp     su     -     w
JAYS & RAVENS                     ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Steller's Jay                     r              sp     su     f     w ___ Western Scrub-Jay                 r              sp     su     f     - ___ Gray-breasted Jay                 a              sp     su     f     w ___ Pinyon Jay                        r              -      -      f     - ___ Common Raven                      a              sp     su     f     w ___ Chihuahuan Raven                  r              sp     su     f     w
TITMICE & BUSHTITS                ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Bridled Titmouse                  c              sp     su     f     w ___ Verdin                            r              sp      -     -     - ___ Bushtit                           c              sp     su     f     w
NUTHATCHES                        ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ White-breasted Nuthatch           a              sp     su     f     w
CREEPERS                          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Brown Creeper                     r              -      -      -     w
WRENS                             ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ House Wren                        r              -      -      f     w ___ Bewick's Wren                     c              sp     su     f     w ___ Cactus Wren                       r              sp     su     f     w ___ Canyon Wren                       u              sp     su     f     w ___ Rock Wren                         r              sp     su     f     w
MOCKINGBIRDS & THRASHERS          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Northern Mockingbird              u              sp     su     f     w ___ Curve-billed Thrasher             c              sp     su     f     w ___ Crissal Thrasher                  r              sp     su     -     w ___ Gray Catbird                      r              sp     -      f     w
THRUSHES, BLUEBIRDS & SOLITAIRES  ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ American Robin                    u              sp     su     f     w ___ Hermit Thrush                     c              sp     -      f     w ___ Swainson's Thrush                 r              sp     -      -     - ___ Eastern Bluebird                  u              sp     su     f     w ___ Mountain Bluebird                 r              sp     su     f     w ___ Townsend's Solitaire              r              sp     -      f     -
GNATCATCHERS & KINGLETS           ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher             u              sp     su     -     - ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet              u              sp     -      f     w
WAXWINGS                          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Cedar Waxwing                     r              sp     -      f     w
SILKY-FLYCATCHERS                 ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Phainopepla                       u              sp     su     f     w
SHRIKES                           ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Loggerhead Shrike                 r              sp     su     -     w
VIREOS                            ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Bell's Vireo                      r              sp     -      f     w ___ Hutton's Vireo                    r              sp     su     f     w ___ Solitary Vireo                    r              sp     su     f     - ___ Warbling Vireo                    r              sp     su     f     -
WOOD WARBLERS                     ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Orange-crowned Warbler            r              sp     -      f     - ___ Nashville Warbler                 r              sp     su     f     - ___ Virginia's Warbler                r              sp     su     -     - ___ Lucy's Warbler                    r              sp     su     -     - ___ Yellow Warbler                    r              sp     su     f     w ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler             u              sp     su     f     w ___ Black-throated Gray Warbler       u              sp     su     f     w ___ Townsend's Warbler                r              sp     -      f     - ___ Hermit Warbler                    r              sp     -      f     w ___ MacGillivray's Warbler            r              sp     su     f     w ___ Wilson's Warbler                  r              sp     su     f     - ___ Painted Redstart                  r              sp     su     f     w ___ Yellow-breasted Chat              r              sp     su     f     -
WEAVER FINCHES                    ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ House Sparrow                     r              sp     su     -     w
MEADOWLARKS, BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Eastern Meadowlark                r              sp     su     f     w ___ Western Meadowlark                r              sp     su     f     w ___ Hooded Oriole                     r              sp     -      -     - ___ Bullock's Oriole                  r              sp     su     -     - ___ Scott's Oriole                    c              sp     su     f     - ___ Brown-headed Cowbird              c              sp     su     -     - ___ Bronzed Cowbird                   r              sp     su     -     -
TANAGERS                          ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Western Tanager                   w              sp     su     f     - ___ Hepatic Tanager                   r              sp     su     f     - ___ Summer Tanager                    r              sp     su     f     -
GROSBEAKS, FINCHES, & SPARROWS    ABUNDANCE               SEEN DURING ___ Pyrrhuloxia                       u              sp     -      f     w ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak            r              -      -      f     - ___ Black-headed Grosbeak             u              sp     su     f     w ___ Blue Grosbeak                     r              sp     su     f     - ___ Lazuli Bunting                    r              sp     su     -     - ___ Purple Finch                      r              -      -      f     w ___ Cassin's Finch                    r              sp     -      -     w ___ House Finch                       a              sp     su     f     w ___ Pine Siskin                       r              sp     -      -     - ___ American Goldfinch                r              -      su     f     w ___ Lesser Goldfinch                  w              sp     su     f     w ___ Green-tailed Towhee               r              sp     -      f     - ___ Rufous-sided Towhee               a              sp     su     f     w ___ Canyon Towhee                     c              sp     su     f     w ___ Lark Bunting                      r              sp     -      -     w ___ Vesper Sparrow                    r              sp     -      f     w ___ Lark Sparrow                      r              sp     su     -     - ___ Rufous-winged Sparrow             r              sp     -      f     w ___ Rufous-crowned Sparrow            c              sp     su     f     w ___ Cassin's Sparrow                  r              sp     -      -     - ___ Black-throated Sparrow            r              sp     -      -     - ___ Dark-eyed Junco                   a              sp     -      f     w ___ Yellow-eyed Junco                 r              sp     -      f     w ___ Chipping Sparrow                  a              sp     su     f     w ___ Black-chinned Sparrow             r              sp     su     f     - ___ White-crowned Sparrow             r              sp     su     f     w  ___ White-throated Sparrow            r              sp     su     -     w ___ Fox Sparrow                       r              sp     -      f     w ___ Song Sparrow                      r              sp     su     f     - ___ Lincoln's Sparrow                 r              sp     -      f     w ___ Swamp Sparrow                     r              sp     -      -     -


This resource should be cited as:
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association. 1993.
A checklist of the birds of Coronado National Memorial, Arizona.
Southwest Parks and Monuments Association

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Last Updated 03/10/2000
by David Stuart
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