#ifndef AliBgInfoForJet_H #define AliBgInfoForJet_H #include #include "TAliasPAI.h" //#include //#include //class AliRun; class TList; class TH1F; class TH2F; class TCanvas ; class TPad; class AliEMCALJetMicroDst; class AliBgInfoForJet : public TNamed { public: AliBgInfoForJet(const Int_t mode=1, const bool putToBrowser=kFALSE); virtual ~AliBgInfoForJet(); void Init(); void Book1(); void Book2(); void Fill1(AliEMCALJetMicroDst *miDst=0); // *MENU* void Fill2(AliEMCALJetMicroDst *miDst=0); // *MENU* void Fill3(AliEMCALJetMicroDst *miDst=0); // *MENU* void Draw1(Int_t mode=0); // *MENU* void Draw2(Int_t mode=0); // *MENU* void Draw3(Int_t iv=0, Int_t mode=0); // *MENU* void Draw4(); // *MENU* void DrawRelResolution() {Draw4();} void Print1(Int_t mode=0); // *MENU* virtual void Browse(TBrowser* b); virtual Bool_t IsFolder() const; protected: void DefineArrays(Int_t pri=1); public: Int_t fMode; // type of background TH1F* fHNcellEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHSumEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHEtCellEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHNcellCHTR; //! TH1F* fHSumCHTR; //! TH1F* fHEtCellCHTR; //! TH1F* fHNcellGRID; //! TH1F* fHSumGRID; //! TH1F* fHEtCellGRID; //! Int_t fNp; // number point for cell threshold Double_t fMaxThreshold; // TH1F* fHOccupancyEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHEtMeanEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHEtRMSEMCAL; //! TH1F* fHncellmore0EMCAL; //! // TH1F* fHNcellTmp; //! TH1F* fHSumTmp; //! // TH1F* fhOccu[3]; //! TH1F* fhEtMean[3]; //! TH1F* fhEtRMS[3]; //! TH1F* fhNcellmore0[3]; //! // For PYTHIA TH1F* fHSumTmpJet; //! working TH2F* fHSumTmp2Jet; //! working TH2F* fHSumJet[3]; //! index - EMCAL, ch and grid case TH2F* fHRelResJet[3]; //! relative resolutuin in % TList* fListHist1; //! TList* fListHist2; //! TCanvas* fC1; //! TPad* fP1; //! TCanvas* fC2; //! TPad* fP2; //! TCanvas* fC3; //! TPad* fP3; //! TCanvas* fC4; //! TPad* fP4; //! protected: AliEMCALJetMicroDst* fMdst; //! ClassDef(AliBgInfoForJet, 1) // get file(s) from particular production }; #endif