FW: OP-SF Net Volume 13 Number 4

-----Original Message-----
From: SIAM Mailer [mailto:mailer@siam.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 6:23 AM
To: lozier@nist.gov
Subject: OP-SF Net Volume 13 Number 4

o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

                                                 July 15, 2006

       O P - S F   N E T                   Volume 13, Number 4
       Diego Dominici                  dominicd@newpaltz.edu
       Martin Muldoon                       muldoon@yorku.ca

       The Electronic News Net of the SIAM Activity Group
       on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions

               Please send contributions to:     poly@siam.org
               Subscribe by mailing to:  poly-request@siam.org
                                 or to:  listproc@nist.gov

o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o

Today's Topics:
      1. Delay in this issue
      2. ICIAM 2007
      3. Madrid Conference on Constructive Approximation Theory
      4. Report on SIAM Annual Meeting 2006 in Boston
      5. Arnold Fedorovich Nikiforov (1930-2005)
      6. Ramanujan, Sastra Prize, etc
      7. Looking Ahead to the DLMF
      8. Book on orthogonal polynomials and special functions
      9. Sum of even terms in E_q(q) related to root system E_8 ?
     10. Preprints in arXiv.org
     11. About the Activity Group
     12. Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET

Calendar of Events:


August 22-30:
International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, Spain

August 30 - September 1
New Trends in Constructive Approximation Theory, Universidad Carlos III
    de Madrid, Spain                              13.1, #4  13.4 #3

September 4-29: Short programme "The Painleve Equations and Monodromy
     Problems", Newton Institute. Cambridge, UK
http://www.newton.cam.ac.uk/programmes/PEM/index.html        12.3 #2

September 8-12: 1st Dolomites Workshop on Constructive Approximation and
     Applications, Dedicated to Walter Gautschi, Alba di Canazei
     (Trento), Italy                                         13.2 #2

September 12-20: AMADE 2006, Minsk, Belarus
http://www.amade-bsu.com/                            12.3 #3, 13.3 #3

September 15-19: International Conference on Numerical
     Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2006 (ICNAAM 2006)
     Hersonnisos, Crete, Greece                               13.3 #1

November 6-11: Harmonic Analysis and Applications, Sousse, Tunisia
http://ichaa.50webs.com/                                      13.3 #2


July 2-6: The 9th Conference on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special
     Functions and Applications, Marseille, France

July 9-13: International Conference on SCIentific Computation and
     Differential Equations, Saint-Malo, France

July 16-20: ICIAM 2007 - 6th International Congress on Industrial
     and Applied Mathematics, Zurich, Switzerland
http://www.iciam07.ch                                      13.4 #2

Topic #1  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Delay in this issue

We regret that this issue is being sent to SIAM on July 24 well past its
nominal date.  The reason is that when we prepared a first draft around
July 8, we had very little news to report and promises of a number of
items to come in the following two weeks.  We hope the delay has been
worthwhile and that readers will find this issue of interest. Readers
are invited to send all items of interest (especially news of meetings,
books, etc) to the editors. Don't assume that we know about them or will
hear about them from others.

Topic #2  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Peter Clarkson <P.A.Clarkson@kent.ac.uk>
Subject: ICIAM 2007

In 2007 there will be no SIAM annual meeting since the Sixth
International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM07)
will take place in Zurich 16-20 July 2007 (further information is
available on www.iciam07.ch). Previous meetings of ICIAM have been held
in Sydney (2003), Edinburgh (1999), Hamburg (1995), Washington DC (1991)
and Paris (1987).

I would like to organize at least one mini-symposium on aspects of
"Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions". Each mini-symposium
consists of either one session (four talks of 30 minutes [including
discussion]) or two sessions (eight talks of 30 minutes [including
discussion]). The closing date for the submission of proposals for
mini-symposiums is 31st August 2006. If anyone is interested in taking
part in a mini-symposium on "Orthogonal Polynomials and Special
Functions" at ICIAM07, then please let me know as soon as possible
(Email: P.A.Clarkson@kent.ac.uk). This is only an expression of interest
at this juncture rather than a commitment.

During ICIAM 2007, the Euler Lecture will be given by Walter Gautschi,
Purdue University. This lecture is to commemorate the 300th anniversary
of the birth of Leonhard Euler (1707 - 1783). It will be given on
Wednesday, 18 July 2007 from 6-7 pm.

Topic #3  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Madrid Conference on Constructive Approximation Theory

As announced in OP-SF NET 13.1, Topic #4, a conference "New Trends in
Constructive Approximation Theory" will be held at Universidad Carlos
III de Madrid, Spain in the period August 30 - September 1, 2006.
The invited speakers are:

P. Deift, Courant Institute, New York University, USA.
Certain distinguished orthogonal polynomials.

B. Simon, California Institute of Technology, USA.
Spectral Theory for Orthogonal Polynomials with Perturbed
   Periodic Recursion Coefficients.

A. Grunbaum, University of California, Berkeley, USA.
A few versions of the bispectral problem.

S. Khruschev, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey.
The Euler-Lagrange Theory for Schur's Algorithm.

M. E. H. Ismail, University of Central Florida, USA.
Asymptotics of q-Polynomials.

A. B. Kuijlaars, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium.
Critical behavior for orthogonal polynomials with a varying
   quartic potential.

More complete information, including abstracts of invited and
contributed talks, is available at the web site:


Topic #4  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Peter Clarkson <P.A.Clarkson@kent.ac.uk>
Subject: Report on SIAM Annual Meeting 2006 in Boston

The SIAM annual meeting for 2006 was held in Boston 9th-14th July.
Activities related to the OPSF activity group took place on Friday 14th
July with an invited presentation by Vadim Olshevsky on "Efficient
algorithms for quasiseparable matrices and quasiseparable polynomials"
and a mini-symposium organized by Pete McCoy and Dan Lozier on
"Computation and application of special functions in scientific
computing". In this there were four talks given by Annie Cuyt
(University of Antwerp) on "Reliable multiprecision implementation of a
class of special functions", Lothar Reichel (Kent State University) on
"Orthogonal polynomials and Gaussian quadrature applied to the solution
of large-scale ill-posed problems", Lee Van Buren (Cary, North Carolina)
and Jeffrey E. Boisvert (NAVSEA Newport) on "Improved calculation of
Mathieu functions of integer order with application to acoustic
radiation from pistons on an elliptic cylinder", and Diego Dominici
(State University of New York at New Paltz) on "Asymptotic analysis of
the higher derivatives of the inverse of the error function". Thanks to
Pete McCoy and Dan Lozier for organising this mini-symposium.

Topic #5  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Vladimir Novikov, Juri Rappoport <jmrap@landau.ac.ru>
Subject: Arnold Fedorovich Nikiforov (1930-2005)

The distinguished Russian mathematician and physicist Arnold Fedorovich
Nikiforov died on 27th of December 2005, nearly a month and a half after
his 75th birthday. A vivid personality of splendid health, having
planned some new work in summer 2006 in the USA, he suddenly caught a
virus infection and died in hospital less than two months later.

Born in Saint-Petersburg, Arnold F. Nikiforov graduated from Moscow
State University in 1955 and having worked for about a year in
Arzamas-16 (Russian Nuclear Center), he joined the Keldysh Institute of
Applied Mathematics (then a Branch of Applied Mathematics of the Steklov
Mathematical Institute), where he worked for the rest of his life.
Academician A. A. Samarskiy, at that time a candidate of physical and
mathematical sciences, assigned him the problem of calculating Rosseland
free paths accounting for absorption in spectral lines.

The problem arose from modeling a power explosion and the need to
describe energy transport at high temperatures. The large number of
physical effects connected with absorption in spectral lines (in other
words bound-bound transitions) made the task extremely complicated both
from the point of view of the theory and the volume of calculations. The
search for the relative role of various effects was carried out.  The
volume of calculations was reduced by using special quadrature formulas
based on classical orthogonal polynomials. Fast convergence iterative
methods for calculation of eigenvalues of energy (in particular, phase
method) and special approximations for wave functions were developed. It
was shown that, for high temperatures, the absorption in spectral lines
is very important for many-electron atoms.  In some cases, this effect
decreases the free path by almost an order of magnitude. This result
appeared to be much more in conformity with experiment. In 1962,
A.F.Nikiforov was awarded the Lenin Prize, the Soviet Union's highest
scientific award, for this work.

Work on quantum statistical models of hot dense matter and calculation
of absorption coefficients was continued in collaboration with V.G.
Novikov and V.B.Uvarov. The results of this hard and long-term work were
systematized and published in a monograph in 2000. After it was
essentially transformed and completed, the book was translated into
English and published in 2005 by Birkhauser Verlag.

In the 70s, A.F. Nikiforov and V.B. Uvarov started their work on the
theory of special functions and their applications. They developed an
absolutely new and rather simple approach, which unified the
construction of the solutions of differential equations of
hypergeometric type. This particular approach permitted a great
simplification of the method of solving a wide class of tasks for
difference equations also. On the basis of this approach the authors
constructed the theory of classical orthogonal polynomials of a discrete
variable as solutions of a difference equation of hypergeometric type on
uniform and nonuniform lattices of certain classes. It has been found
that these solutions include as particular cases the polynomials
introduced earlier from various points of view by Markov, Chebyshev,
Hahn, Meixner, Krawchouk, Charlier, Rogers, Stieltjes-Wigert, Pollaczek,
Karlin-McGregor, Al-Salam-Carlitz and also the Askey-Wilson polynomials.
In addition, it has become clear that the Clebsh-Gordan and Racah
coefficients, which were known to physicists long ago and which have
long been used in the theory of group representations, in atomic and
nuclear spectroscopy, were in fact only variants of the above-mentioned
polynomials. Three monographs were written on the basis of this work.
Later on, these books were rewritten, completed, translated into English
and French and went through several editions. The work on special
functions as well as on quantum statistical models of hot dense matter
was acknowledged by many outstanding mathematicians and physicists.

A.F. Nikiforov, being a professor at Moscow State University for many
years, delivered lectures on special functions, on mathematical physics
and on computational methods of quantum mechanics. He lectured for the
students who, for their part, loved and respected him greatly. Among his
former pupils there are many doctors and professors.

Arnold F. Nikiforov was a proficient slalom skier. As a student he
participated in ski-jumping competitions and ski races. He admired
mountains and took part in alpinist expeditions to the Pamir and
Caucasus in summer and winter. As a slalom skier he conquered the
mountains of Tien-Shan, Kamchatka, Gornaja Shoria, Prielbrusje,
Appatites, Chimbulak and the Alps. His colleagues, friends and all
around him were always touched by his sincerity, kindness and absolute
devotion to his science.

Vigorous, lighthearted, modest and at the same time very enjoyable
person, - this is how Arnold Fedorovich Nikiforov, a great man and a
wonderful scientist, will stay in our memory.

Topic #6  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Krishna Alladi <alladi@math.ufl.edu>
Subject: Ramanujan, Sastra Prize, etc

The June/July 2006 issue of the Notices of the AMS contains a feature
article by Ken Ono about his visit to Kumbakonam, India (Ramanujan's
hometown)  and his participation in the conference at SASTRA University
in December 2005 when the First SASTRA Ramanujan Prizes were awarded to
Manjul Bhargava (Princeton) and Kannan Soundararajan (Michigan).  This
issue can be viewed on line at


The front cover of this issue contains a copy of a letter written by

Also in this issue, in the section on Mathematics Opportunities, is the
announcement (call for nominations) of the 2006 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize.


Finally, there is also an announcement in this issue of the award of the
First Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Prize to Karl
Mahlburg for his paper "Partition congruences and the
Andrews-Garvan-Dyson crank", see


Mahlburg gave an hour lecture on this at the SASTRA Conference in

As some of you may know, I have written two articles

"A pilgrimage to Ramanujan's hometown"


"The First SASTRA Ramanujan Prizes"

which are available at the UF Math Dept web site


Both articles have appeared (the second in abridged form) in the May
2006 issue of FOCUS published by the MAA. The May 2006 issue of FOCUS
which has appeared in print, is available online at


Topic #7  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Dan Lozier <lozier@nist.gov>
Subject: Looking Ahead to the DLMF

The Digital Library of Mathematical Functions has been a much bigger job
than any of the project participants expected. I am pleased to report
that all of the chapters are in the final stages of editing and
validating. The process of selecting a publisher for the print edition
has been mapped out according to NIST and US Government procurement
rules. The procurement will be competitive among qualified mathematics

In addition to the print edition, the DLMF will be distributed free from
a public Web site at NIST. The Web address is http://dlmf.nist.gov. A
sample chapter on Airy functions has existed on this Web site since the
beginning of the project. A tremendous amount of work has been done on
the Web site since then to improve its "look and feel." A new sample
chapter on the gamma function is being prepared. It will be on the Web
site by the end of the summer.

The DLMF project is modeled after the Handbook of Mathematical
Functions, edited by Abramowitz and Stegun, and published in 1964. It is
being constructed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology
with substantial funding contributions by the National Science
Foundation. More than 50 individuals are contributing to the project as
paid authors and validators. The staff at NIST consists of another dozen
or so people.

Topic #8  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Tom Koornwinder <thk@science.uva.nl>
Subject: Book on orthogonal polynomials and special functions

[From: http://www.springer.com/alert/urltracking.do?id=4997746]

Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
Computation and Applications
Series: Lecture Notes in Mathematics , Vol. 1883
Marcellán, F.; Van Assche, W. (Eds.)
2006, XIV, 422 p., 33 illus., Softcover.
ISBN: 3-540-31062-2

The present set of lecture notes contains seven chapters about the
current state of orthogonal polynomials and special functions and gives
a view on open problems and future directions. The topics are:
computational methods and software for quadrature and approximation,
equilibrium problems in logarithmic potential theory, discrete
orthogonal polynomials and convergence of Krylov subspace methods in
numerical linear algebra, orthogonal rational functions and matrix
orthogonal rational functions, orthogonal polynomials in several
variables (Jack polynomials) and separation of variables, a
classification of finite families of orthogonal polynomials in Askey's
scheme using Leonard pairs, and non-linear special functions associated
with the Painlevé equations.

Written for:
Researchers and graduate students interested in classification,
computation and applications

- Orthogonal Polynomials, Quadrature and Approximation: Computational
Methods and Software (Walter Gautschi)
- Equilibrium Problems of Potential Theory in the Complex Plane (Andrei
Martinez Finkelshtein)
- Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials and Superlinear Convergence of Krylov
Subspace Methods in Numerical Linear Algebra (Bernhard Beckermann)
- Orthogonal Rational Functions on the Unit Circle: from the Scalar to
the Matrix Case (Adhemar Bultheel, Pablo Gonzalez-Vera, Erik Hendriksen,
Olav Njastad)
- Orthogonal Polynomials and Separation of Variables (Vadim B.
- An Algebraic Approach to the Askey Scheme of Orthogonal Polynomials
(Paul Terwilliger)
- Painleve Equations -- Nonlinear Special Functions (Peter A. Clarkson)

Topic #9  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: Tom Koornwinder <thk@science.uva.nl>
Subject: Sum of even terms in E_q(q) related to root system E_8 ?

In the preprint

Werner Nahm,
Conformal field theory and torsion elements of the Bloch group,
Contribution to Les Houches Lecture Notes, March 2003

the Introduction mentions the conjectured identity

\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{q^{2n^2}}{(q;q)_{2n} =

where C is the inverse of the Cartan matrix of the exceptional Lie
algebra E_8.
The formula has been checked to high order by computer algebra.
Note that the left-hand side is the sum of the even degree terms in the
power series of  E_q(z)=(-z;q)_\infty  for z=q.

Topic #10  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Preprints in arXiv.org

The following preprints related to the fields of orthogonal polynomials
and special functions were posted or cross-listed to one of the
subcategories of arXiv.org during May and June 2006. See

Title: Contributions to the hypergeometric function theory of Heckman
   and Opdam: sharp estimates, Schwartz space, heat kernel
Authors: Bruno Schapira (MAPMO, PMA)
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33D67, 33E30, 42B10, 58J35. 35K05, 42A90, 43A32, 47D07, 58J65

Title: Non-Holonomicity of Sequences Defined via Elementary Functions
Authors: Jason P. Bell, Stefan Gerhold, Martin Klazar, Florian Luca
Subj-class: Combinatorics
MSC-class: 11B37; 11B83

Title: Studies on concave Young-functions
Authors: N. K. Agbeko
Subj-class: Analysis of PDEs
MSC-class: Primary 47H10, 47H11,26A18; Secondary 26A06, 26A09,33B30,

Title: Bijections and metric spaces induced by some collective
   properties of concave Young-functions
Authors: N. K. Agbeko
Comments: We note that in [3], Lemma 7 is wrong. Fortunately, nothing is
   lost. We should like to refer the reader to the referee's note for
   the Mathematical Reviews: MR2148839(2006e:26005)
Subj-class: General Mathematics; Metric Geometry
MSC-class: Primary 26A06, 54E35, 26A42; Secondary 11J83, 28A25, 47H10

Title: Painleve I asymptotics for orthogonal polynomials with respect to
   a varying quartic weight
Authors: Maurice Duits, Arno Kuijlaars
Comments: 52 pages, 10 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Mathematical Physics

Title: The Inequalities for Some Types of $q$-Integrals
Authors: Predrag M. Rajkovic, Sladjana D. Marinkovic, Miomir S.
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33D60, 26D15

Title: Integrals and Series Related to the Surface Area of Arbitrary
Authors: R. A. Krajcik, K. D. McLenithan
Comments: 53 pages, 3 figures
Subj-class: General Mathematics
MSC-class: 33E05; 26B15; 51M25

Title: Painlev\'e equations and the middle convolution
Authors: Michael Dettweiler, Stefan Reiter
Subj-class: Algebraic Geometry; Mathematical Physics

Title: Analytical and differential - algebraic properties of Gamma
Authors: Zarko Mijajlovic, Branko Malesevic
Comments: Keywords: principal part at a point, Gamma function, Kurepa's
   function, Zeta function, Casimir energy, model-theoretic algebra,
   differential algebra, differential transcendency
Subj-class: General Mathematics; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 03C60, 11R42, 11J91, 12H05, 30E20, 34M15

Title: An Elliptic $BC_n$ Bailey Lemma and Rogers--Ramanujan Identities
   Associated To Root Systems
Authors: Hasan Coskun
Comments: 32 pages; submitted
Subj-class: Combinatorics; Number Theory
MSC-class: 05A19; 11B65; 05E20; 33D67

Title: A Quantum problem equivalent to Riemann Hypothesis and a possible
   solution: Hilbert Polya Hamiltonian Operator
Authors: Jose Javier Garcia MOreta
Comments: 6 pages no figures, research paper
Subj-class: General Mathematics
MSC-class: 11.-xx,45.-xx

Title: Asymptotics of orthogonal polynomials with respect to an analytic
   weight with algebraic singularities on the circle
Authors: A. Martinez-Finkelshtein, K. T.-R. McLaughlin, E. B. Saff
Comments: 36 pages, 9 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 42C05; 41A60

Title: Sextic anharmonic oscillators and orthogonal polynomials
Authors: Nasser Saad, Richard L. Hall, Hakan Ciftci
Comments: 11 pages
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 34B40; 81Q05; 81Q15
Journal-ref: J. Phys. A 39, 8477 - 8486 (2006)

Title: Zeros of sections of exponential sums
Authors: Pavel Bleher, Robert Mallison, jr
Comments: 35 pages, 5 figures
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 30D20; 30E10

Title: Rank one perturbations and the zeros of paraorthogonal
   polynomials on the unit circle
Authors: Barry Simon
Comments: 8 pages
Subj-class: Spectral Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 05E35, 30C15, 47B36

Title: Fine Structure of the Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials, IV. A
   Priori Bounds and Clock Behavior
Authors: Yoram Last, Barry Simon
Comments: 54 pages
Subj-class: Spectral Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 05E35, 30C15, 47B36

Title: Limits of BC-type orthogonal polynomials as the number of
   variables goes to infinity
Authors: Andrei Okounkov, Grigori Olshanski
Comments: 39 pages, to appear in: "Jack, Hall-Littlewood and Macdonald
polynomials", Contemporary Mathematics, AMS
Subj-class: Representation Theory; Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C52; 43A90

Title: Projection formulas for orthogonal polynomials
Authors: W. Bryc, W. Matysiak, R. Szwarc, J. Wesolowski
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Probability
MSC-class: 33C47

Title: Parameter-based Fisher's information of orthogonal polynomials
Authors: J.S. Dehesa, B. Olmos, R.J. Yanez
Comments: 20 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Probability
MSC-class: 33C45; 94A17

Title: Evaluation of series with Hurwitz and Lerch zeta function
   coefficients by using Hankel contour integrals
Authors: Khristo N. Boyadzhiev
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 33B15, 40C10, 11M06

Title: Quadratic transformations of Macdonald and Koornwinder
Authors: Eric M. Rains, Monica J. Vazirani
Comments: 32 pages LaTeX, 10 xfig figures
Subj-class: Representation Theory; Combinatorics

Title: Asymptotic analysis of generalized Hermite polynomials
Authors: Diego Dominici
Comments: 28 pages, 6 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 33C45 (Primary) 34E05, 34E20 (Secondary)

Title: Rakhmanov's theorem for orthogonal matrix polynomials on the unit
Authors: Walter Van Assche
Comments: 17 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs
MSC-class: 42C05

Title: On the combinatorics of hypergeometric functions
Authors: Héctor Blandín, Rafael Díaz
Comments: 6 pages
Subj-class: Combinatorics

Title: Analysis of orthogonality and of orbits in affine iterated
   function systems
Authors: Dorin Ervin Dutkay, Palle E.T. Jorgensen
Comments: 22 pages, 6 figures incorporating 32 EPS graphics, "amsart"
   document class, further graphics available at this ftp URL
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Metric Geometry
MSC-class: 28A80, 42B05, 60G42, 46C99, 37B25, 47A10

Title: The asymptotics for the number of real roots of the Bernoulli
Authors: A. Efimov
Comments: 5 pages, 4 figures, rearranged figures
Subj-class: Number Theory
MSC-class: 11B68; 11B83

Title: Pfaffians, determinants, and multivariable Christoffel-Darboux
Authors: Hjalmar Rosengren
Comments: 11 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Combinatorics
MSC-class: 15A15, 42C05

Title: Asymptotic zero distribution for a class of multiple orthogonal
Authors: E. Coussement, J. Coussement, W. Van Assche
Comments: 18 pages, 2 figures
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Spectral Theory
MSC-class: 33C45; 42C05; 15A18

Title: Some characterizations of the spherical harmonics coefficients
   for isotropic random fields
Authors: P. Baldi, D. Marinucci
Comments: 9 pages. Submitted June 2005
Subj-class: Probability; Statistics
MSC-class: Primary 60B15; secondary 62M15,62M40

Title: Exact solution of a differential problem in analytical fluid
   dynamics: use of Airy's functions
Authors: Gianluca Argentini
Comments: 7 pages
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 34A05; 35Q30; 76D05

Title: One Parameter Generalizations of the Fibonacci and Lucas Numbers
Authors: Mourad E H Ismail
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Combinatorics
MSC-class: 11D25, 33C45

Title: On A Relation Between $q$-Exponential And $\theta$-Function
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 33D45; 33E05

Title: On A Limiting Relation Between Ramanujan's Entire Function
$A_{q}(z)$ And $\theta$-Function
Authors: Ruiming Zhang
Subj-class: Classical Analysis and ODEs; Complex Variables
MSC-class: 33D45; 33E05

Title: Block Orthogonal Polynomials: I. Definition and Properties
Authors: Jean-Marie Normand
Comments: 34 pages, 0 figure
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 11C08; 15A03; 15A63; 33C45; 33D45; 42C05

Title: Block Orthogonal Polynomials: II. Hermite and Laguerre Standard
Block Orthogonal Polynomials
Authors: Jean-Marie Normand
Comments: 45 pages, 0 figure
Subj-class: Mathematical Physics
MSC-class: 11C08; 15A03; 15A63; 33C45; 33D45;42C05

Title: The Yablonskii - Vorob'ev polynomials for the second Painlev'e
Authors: Maria V. Demina, Nikolai A. Kudryashov
Comments: 23 pages, 2 figures
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

Title: Special polynomials associated with the fourth order analogue to
   the Painlev'e equations
Authors: Nikolai A. Kudryashov, Maria V. Demina
Comments: 13 pages
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

Title: A q-analogue of gl_3 hierarchy and q-Painleve VI
Authors: Saburo Kakei, Tetsuya Kikuchi
Comments: 14 pages, IOP style, to appear in J. Phys. A Special issue
   "One hundred years of Painleve VI"
Subj-class: Exactly Solvable and Integrable Systems

Topic #11  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: About the Activity Group

The SIAM Activity Group on Orthogonal Polynomials and Special Functions
consists of a broad set of mathematicians, both pure and applied.  The
Group also includes engineers and scientists, students as well as
experts. We have around 140 members scattered about in more than 20
countries. Whatever your specialty might be, we welcome your
participation in this classical, and yet modern, topic.  Our WWW home
page is:


This is a convenient point of entry to all the services provided by the
Group.  Our Webmaster is Bonita Saunders (bonita.saunders@nist.gov).

The Activity Group sponsors OP-SF NET, which is transmitted periodically
by SIAM.  It is provided as a free public service;  membership in SIAM
is not required.  The OP-SF Net Editors are Diego Dominici
(dominicd@newpaltz.edu) and Martin Muldoon (muldoon@yorku.ca).

To receive the OP-SF NET, send your name and email address to

Back issues can be obtained at the WWW addresses:

For several years the Activity Group sponsored a printed Newsletter,
most recently edited by Rafael Yanez. Back issues are accessible at:


Given the widespread availability of email and the Internet, the need
the printed Newsletter has decreased. Discussions are underway
whether an annual printed Newsletter or Annual Report should be

SIAM has several categories of membership, including low-cost categories
for students and residents of developing countries.  For current
information on SIAM and Activity Group membership, contact:

  Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  3600 University City Science Center
  Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 USA
  phone: +1-215-382-9800
  email: service@siam.org
  WWW : http://www.siam.org

Finally, the Activity Group operates an email discussion group, called
OP-SF Talk.  To subscribe, send the email message

  subscribe opsftalk Your Name

to listproc@nist.gov.  To contribute an item to the discussion, send
email to opsftalk@nist.gov.  The archive of all messages is accessible


Topic #12  -----------   OP-SF NET 13.4  -------------  July 15, 2006
From: OP-SF NET Editors
Subject: Submitting contributions to OP-SF NET

To contribute a news item to OP-SF NET, send email to poly@siam.org
with a copy to one of the OP-SF Editors <dominicd@newpaltz.edu> or

Contributions to OP-SF NET 13.5 should be sent by September 1, 2006.

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   OP-SF NET is a forum of the SIAM Activity Group on
   Special Functions and Orthogonal Polynomials.
   We disseminate your contributions on anything of interest to the
   special functions and orthogonal polynomials community.  This
   includes announcements of conferences, forthcoming books, new
   software, electronic archives, research questions, job openings.
o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
   Send submissions to:              poly@siam.org
   Subscribe by mailing to:  poly-request@siam.org
                     or to:  listproc@nist.gov
   Back issues can be obtained at the WWW addresses:
   WWW home page of this Activity Group:
   Information on joining SIAM
      and this activity group:  service@siam.org
o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
       The elected Officers of the Activity Group (2005-2007) are:
               Peter A. Clarkson, Chair
               Daniel W. Lozier, Vice Chair
               Javier Segura, Secretary
               Peter A. McCoy, Program Director
       The appointed officers are:
               Diego Dominici, OP-SF NET co-editor
               Martin Muldoon, OP-SF NET co-editor
               Bonita Saunders, Webmaster
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#  to tell us the e-mail address that is to be excluded from further
#  mailings. Thank you.
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#  Telephone: 215-382-9800
#  Fax: 215-386-7999

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