1. Setting: The “typical” fire station kitchen. Firefighter/narrator is wearing NFPA 1975 Station/Work Uniform compliant the classic station uniform, but with long sleeves. The scene opens on narrator as he puts on a chef’s-style apron. O/C: I love to cook! Don’t you? 2. Narrator is organizing the food he is going to be cooking with (large package of hamburger, onions, garlic, bottle of olive oil, cans of tomato sauce, pasta, etc.) O/C: I have a great meal planned for the squad tonight, and I sure don’t want to ruin it by ending up with a burn. In my job, I see burn injuries every day. And some of them cause a lifetime of pain and scarring. 3. Narrator starts rolling up his sleeves. (C/U on sleeve up over elbow) O/C: The good news is that burn injuries are easily prevented. I keep oven mitts and potholders ready to protect against burns. I always wear short sleeves or roll up my sleeves to keep my shirt away from the hot burner. 4. Demonstrates on cool stove top how a sleeve could slide near/over a gas burner. O/C: This stove isn’t on yet. But you can see how a long, loose sleeve could catch fire. 5. Opens drawer and takes out oven mitts, puts on. 6. Walks over to the microwave. Removes something from the microwave. O/C: And I’m especially careful with steam. It’s ready! Look at this popcorn. You can see that a lot of steam has built up. 7. Opens the cover away from himself. (C/U on steam rising out.) Pops some popcorn into his mouth. O/C: Always uncover heated food so the steam goes away from you. 8. (switch to family in home kitchen setting) 9. Grandparent moves coffee pot to back of counter; moves cups from edge and dumps steaming coffee in sink. V/O: Hot liquids can scald a child in only seconds, so families with young children need to take a few extra steps. 10. Picks up child. V/O: It’s just too dangerous to hold a child and try to drink a cup of coffee at the same time. 11. (Grandparent is wearing short sleeves, or rolled up sleeves) Grandparent takes something out of the microwave (wears mitts); opens with the lid facing away; stirs, then spoons it into a child’s bowl. Takes a small taste. Grandparent sets the food in front of child and returns to stove. V/O: Always check hot food before you give it to the kids, because you can’t count on them to check it for themselves. 12. Grandparent turns on cold water tap and places a finger under the running water. Grandparent glances at clock on the wall. V/O: If you are burned, put a minor burn under cool water, not cold, for 3-5 minutes. Get medical treatment right away for a serious burn. 13. (Switch to fire station kitchen setting) 14. Narrator is at stove, cooking. O/C: See? It’s easy to prevent burns!