*4 The Gold-Seekers. W*** -"S*" fc™!v*d»h.ld,,,g5tert Pnsmcetoi*&" the meal. This mayordomo already known to the reader, was no other than Don Isidro Vargas, wbo had accented this situation as a retiring pension. accepted The Mexican haciendas, especially in Sonora are often «Mrf t„ t. t ^" r^ *» "«*• \ KS of country,^ whîch^m nse^bandf " wiM horses and numerous herds of cattle pasture at liberty, a young robust and active man is generally selected, who is called in that country a nombre Je' a caballo. In truth the profession of mavordomo is excessively severe t must constantly be on horseback, galloping day and nighHn heaT or cold work^re^ work, who are the idlest fellows in existence, and the biggest thieves imagin- s-t «lSjdr0-,Wa' "° lo1g" y0un-?" At the Period wh« we bring him again yellow sk^drvâs" "^ T^ ' ^ tWlS '0n*?' thin man- <"* whosebonnesâ yenow skin, dry as parcnment, seemed to be elued was a? ...i-k, a„A ¦ ous as. he were but thirty : age had gained no 'power Ô*4?ïf-bod, Xh LT. iSrfJ-"^.^.0' mUSJC'eS and nerves' Thus by his continual vigilance his indefatigable ardour, and his uncommon energy he was the terrnfnf tlfi -«or fellows whom their evil destiny had piaced^JeV™ ^taTIsT£ fully believed that their mayordomo had made a compact with the demon so .Slestdadctihoe„sWatCh »**•"* ~ »™&J ~ £ "quainted tThTh'eir The mayordomo had retained his botas vaqueras, and his spurs with enormor-s rowels, which compel the wearer to walk tiptoe. His sanpèandhat of V can» sk n were negligently thrown or. a butacca in a corner, and at his left side h' ?" a sheathless machete, passed through an iron ring ? m^ ,SOOn a* he Perceived the young lady he walked up to her wished her when^hlHagrHat-,fr'endLhip.f0r the °ld Soldier' wfth whom she had played rentnhtmtlf waitdh itTes^ace' ttTJST " ^ ^ —» "^ •pS^Mix^L^kft:11"^^0"is -—*-* »«—«- •*- We have already frequently remarked that the Spanish Americans are th» Zlli ," P609'6*'" thC WOrld' The leas* thingPsufficerThem Thu, ». ch'oae whr^rsT0^ T^ °f a S™" CUP of 'hat Ixce'llent tnrr?ni "i i Spaniards alone know how to make, of a few maize ttJÏgZÈg Water" ThiS mea1' if " be °»e* is commonra" theTc^cPoaia?ewaa,i0rdt0^ble'then D°na A"geU »id the -«"-W*- »d -tlft tHe way," Don Sebastian said, " have you recovered any of the cattle those demons of Apaches took from us in their last attack ?• ¦*tnd^h0etemp:dt.¦?enera,• M"*"*"-' -"**• "ight as well pursue th. wind ''Then we have lost-------" " About 2,500 head." ••nDali,i,hard ! and IT h™ y°a repaired the los,*»- Uptothe present 1 have only succeeded in collect^ ,,500 head , ans-J |