Table of contents for Gods and goddesses in the garden : Greco-Roman mythology and the scientific names of plants / Peter Bernhardt.

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Preface: The Face in the Flower
Chapter 1. In the Cyclops's Orchard: The Why and How of Scientific Names
1.	Inside the Herbarium
2.	Enter the Linnaean System
3.	Naming a New Species
4.	Rafinesque, a Cautionary Tale
5.	A Hierarchy Based on Sex
6.	Sex Is Not Enough
7.	Can You Subdivide a Species?
8.	But What Is a Species?
9.	A Curse on Your Synonyms
Chapter 2. Constructing a Centaur: The Informative Art of Scientific Names
2.1 Classical Names
2.2 Descriptive Names
2.3 Geographic Names
2.4 Honorifics
2.5 Mythological and Literary Allusions
2.6 Lindley's Logic
2.7 Scientists Conceal Meanings in Classical Allusions
2.8 But What Were Those Rhizotomi Thinking?
2.9 Taxonomists Continue to Expand the Traditions of the Rhizotomi
2.10 But Is This a Book about Myths or a Book about Plants?
2.11 And What about Synonyms?
Chapter 3. Mother Earth and Her Children
3.1 Earth's Origin and Night's Children
3.2 The Birth of the Titans
3.3 The Reign of Cronus
3.4 The Origin of Nymphs
3.5 Chaste or Constant Nymphs
3.6 Nymphs and Their Children
3.7 The First Centaurs
Chapter 4. The Triumph of Zeus
4.1 The Birth of Zeus
4.2 The Childhood of Zeus
4.3 Zeus and the Titans' Daughters
4.4 The Muses
4.5 Zeus Defeats Atlas
4.6 Zeus and His Brothers Divide the Universe
4.7 The Kingdom of Hades
4.8 The Palace of Olympus
4.9 Battles on Olympus
4.10 Zeus and the First Woman
Chapter 5. The Gods of Olympus
5.1 Divine Messengers
5.2 Zeus and His Sisters
5.3 The Wedding of Zeus and Hera
5.4 Leto's Children
5.5 Apollo and the Gods of Medicine
5.6 Hera and Her Mortal Rivals
5.7 The Deification of Dionysus
5.8 The Many Names of the Love Goddess
5.9 The Household of Aphrodite
5.10 Helios and His Sisters
5.11 The Sun's Sorrows
5.12 Divine Vengeance
Chapter 6. Mortal Monarchs and Monsters
6.1 The First Kings
6.2 Preferred Princes
6.3 Aphrodite and Adonis
6.4 Meleager and the Fates
6.5 Prince Perseus
6.6 The Deeds of Perseus
6.7 The Conception, Birth, and Youth of Heracles
6.8 The Labors of Heracles
6.9 The Cloud Woman
6.10 Jason and the Argonauts
Chapter 7. Troy and Its Aftermath
7.1 The Origin and Growth of Troy
7.2 The Judgment of Paris
7.3 The Trojan War
7.4 Kings Return to Greece
7.5 The Interrupted Voyage of Odysseus
7.6 Odysseus and the Women
7.7 Nestor and His Mother
Epilogue. A Plant for Persephone?
Selected and Annotated Bibliography

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication:

Plants -- Nomenclature.
Plants -- Mythology.
Plants -- Forklore.