/* zzhlp028.f -- translated by f2c (version 19980913). You must link the resulting object file with the libraries: -lf2c -lm (in that order) */ #include "f2c.h" /* $Procedure ZZHLP028 ( private help text ) */ /* Subroutine */ int zzhlp028_(integer *begin, integer *finish, char *text, ftnlen text_len) { /* Builtin functions */ /* Subroutine */ int s_copy(char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* Local variables */ integer i__, j; extern /* Subroutine */ int repmc_(char *, char *, char *, char *, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen, ftnlen); /* $ Abstract */ /* Fill out a portion of the help text needed by percy. */ /* Private routine intended solely for the support of Inspekt */ /* $ Copyright */ /* Copyright (1997), California Institute of Technology. */ /* U.S. Government sponsorship acknowledged. */ /* $ Required_Reading */ /* None. */ /* $ Keywords */ /* PRIVATE */ /* $ Declarations */ /* $ Brief_I/O */ /* VARIABLE I/O DESCRIPTION */ /* -------- --- -------------------------------------------------- */ /* BEGIN O Indexes of begins of text help */ /* FINISH O Indexes of ends of text help */ /* TEXT O A block of text help. */ /* $ Exceptions */ /* Error free. */ /* $ Particulars */ /* This routine simply fills begin and end markers as well */ /* as actual text for a block of help text for percy. */ /* $ Examples */ /* None. */ /* $ Restrictions */ /* None. */ /* $ Author_and_Institution */ /* W.L. Taber (JPL) */ /* $ Literature_References */ /* None. */ /* $ Version */ /* - Inspekt Version 1.0.0, 1-AUG-1997 (WLT) */ /* -& */ j = finish[0]; i__ = begin[0]; finish[0] = j; begin[0] = i__; repmc_(text, "*", "*", text, text_len, (ftnlen)1, (ftnlen)1, text_len); s_copy(text + text_len * 2602, "Quit Help", text_len, (ftnlen)9); s_copy(text + text_len * 2603, "Help", text_len, (ftnlen)4); finish[65] = 2604; begin[66] = 2605; s_copy(text + text_len * 2604, "Listed here is the formal syntax for eve" "ry", text_len, (ftnlen)42); s_copy(text + text_len * 2605, "command recognized by Inspekt.", text_len, (ftnlen)30); s_copy(text + text_len * 2606, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2607, "@exliteral", text_len, (ftnlen)10); s_copy(text + text_len * 2608, "DEFINE @name", text_len, (ftnlen)14); s_copy(text + text_len * 2609, "DEFINE @name (1:)@word", text_len, ( ftnlen)24); s_copy(text + text_len * 2610, "UNDEFINE @name", text_len, (ftnlen)14); s_copy(text + text_len * 2611, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2612, "DISCARD", text_len, (ftnlen)7); s_copy(text + text_len * 2613, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2614, "DO @word", text_len, (ftnlen)8); s_copy(text + text_len * 2615, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2616, "ECHO", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 2617, "NO ECHO", text_len, (ftnlen)7); s_copy(text + text_len * 2618, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2619, "EDIT @word", text_len, (ftnlen)10); s_copy(text + text_len * 2620, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2621, "EXIT", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 2622, "HELP", text_len, (ftnlen)4); s_copy(text + text_len * 2623, "LOAD EK @word", text_len, (ftnlen)13); s_copy(text + text_len * 2624, "LOAD LEAPSECONDS @word", text_len, ( ftnlen)22); s_copy(text + text_len * 2625, "LOAD SCLK KERNEL @word", text_len, ( ftnlen)22); s_copy(text + text_len * 2626, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2627, "RECALL", text_len, (ftnlen)6); s_copy(text + text_len * 2628, "RECALL @word", text_len, (ftnlen)12); s_copy(text + text_len * 2629, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2630, "SAVE TO @word", text_len, (ftnlen)13); s_copy(text + text_len * 2631, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2632, "SAMPLE @int(1:) SELECT (1:100)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)36); s_copy(text + text_len * 2633, " FROM (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)33); s_copy(text + text_len * 2634, " (0:1){ WHERE (1:)@wor" "d }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2635, " (0:1){ ORDER BY (1:100)@" "word }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2636, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2637, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2638, "SAMPLE (1:1){ FIRST @int(1:)", text_len, (ftnlen)37); s_copy(text + text_len * 2639, " | LAST @int(1:)", text_len, (ftnlen)37); s_copy(text + text_len * 2640, " }", text_len, ( ftnlen)22); s_copy(text + text_len * 2641, " SELECT (1:100)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)36); s_copy(text + text_len * 2642, " FROM (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)33); s_copy(text + text_len * 2643, " (0:1){ WHERE (1:)@wor" "d }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2644, " (0:1){ ORDER BY (1:100)@" "word }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2645, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2646, "SAMPLE @int(1:) (1:1){ UP TO @int(" "0:100) EVERY @int(1:)", text_len, (ftnlen)61); s_copy(text + text_len * 2647, " | UP TO @int(" "0:100)", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2648, " | STARTING AT @int(" "0:100) EVERY @int(1:)", text_len, (ftnlen)61); s_copy(text + text_len * 2649, " | STARTING AT @int(" "0:100)", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2650, " | CENTER AT @int(" "0:100) EVERY @int(1:)", text_len, (ftnlen)61); s_copy(text + text_len * 2651, " | CENTER AT @int(" "0:100)", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2652, " | FROM @int(0:100) " "TO @int(0:100)", text_len, (ftnlen)56); s_copy(text + text_len * 2653, " }", text_len, ( ftnlen)22); s_copy(text + text_len * 2654, " SELECT (1:100)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)36); s_copy(text + text_len * 2655, " FROM (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)33); s_copy(text + text_len * 2656, " (0:1){ WHERE (1:)@wor" "d }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2657, " (0:1){ ORDER BY (1:100)@" "word }", text_len, (ftnlen)46); s_copy(text + text_len * 2658, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2659, "SELECT (1:100)@word FROM (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)34); s_copy(text + text_len * 2660, " (0:1){ WHERE (1:)" "@word }", text_len, (ftnlen)50); s_copy(text + text_len * 2661, " (0:1){ ORDER BY (1:1" "00)@word }", text_len, (ftnlen)50); s_copy(text + text_len * 2662, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2663, "SET AUTOADJUST (1:1){ OFF | ASK | ON }", text_len, (ftnlen)38); s_copy(text + text_len * 2664, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2665, "SET COLUMN @word FORMAT (1:)@word }", text_len, (ftnlen)35); s_copy(text + text_len * 2666, "SET COLUMN @word HEADING (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)34); s_copy(text + text_len * 2667, "SET COLUMN @word JUSTIFICATION (1:1){ LE" "FT | JUSTIFICATION }", text_len, (ftnlen)61); s_copy(text + text_len * 2668, "SET COLUMN @word WIDTH @int", text_len, ( ftnlen)27); s_copy(text + text_len * 2669, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2670, "SET DEFAULT TIME FORMAT (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen)37); s_copy(text + text_len * 2671, "SET DEFAULT INTEGER FORMAT @word", text_len, (ftnlen)33); s_copy(text + text_len * 2672, "SET DEFAULT FLOATING FORMAT @word", text_len, (ftnlen)33); s_copy(text + text_len * 2673, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2674, "SET DELUGE WARNING @int(1:)", text_len, ( ftnlen)27); s_copy(text + text_len * 2675, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2676, "SET EDITOR (1:)@word", text_len, (ftnlen) 20); s_copy(text + text_len * 2677, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2678, "SET FORMAT (0:1){ SPACED | MARKED } TABU" "LAR (0:1){ PRESERVED }", text_len, (ftnlen)62); s_copy(text + text_len * 2679, "SET FORMAT FLAGGED (0:1){ PRESERVED }", text_len, (ftnlen)37); s_copy(text + text_len * 2680, "SET FORMAT MARK @word(%)", text_len, ( ftnlen)24); s_copy(text + text_len * 2681, "SET FORMAT VERBATIM", text_len, (ftnlen) 19); s_copy(text + text_len * 2682, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2683, "SET FORMAT DELIMITED (0:1){ PRESERVED }", text_len, (ftnlen)39); s_copy(text + text_len * 2684, " (0:2){ DELIMITER @w" "ord(SPACE|%)", text_len, (ftnlen)52); s_copy(text + text_len * 2685, " | QUOTE @word(" "%) }", text_len, (ftnlen)44); s_copy(text + text_len * 2686, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2687, "SET HEADER FREQUENCY (1:1){ 0", text_len, (ftnlen)29); s_copy(text + text_len * 2688, " | FIRST | 1ST", text_len, (ftnlen)39); s_copy(text + text_len * 2689, " | ALL", text_len, (ftnlen)31); s_copy(text + text_len * 2690, " | EVERY @int(2" ":) }", text_len, (ftnlen)44); s_copy(text + text_len * 2691, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2692, "SET HELP WAIT", text_len, (ftnlen)13); s_copy(text + text_len * 2693, "SET HELP NO WAIT", text_len, (ftnlen)16); s_copy(text + text_len * 2694, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); s_copy(text + text_len * 2695, "SET PAGE HEIGHT @int", text_len, (ftnlen) 20); s_copy(text + text_len * 2696, "SET PAGE TITLE (1:)@word", text_len, ( ftnlen)24); s_copy(text + text_len * 2697, "SET PAGE WIDTH @int", text_len, (ftnlen) 19); s_copy(text + text_len * 2698, " ", text_len, (ftnlen)1); return 0; } /* zzhlp028_ */