SEEXTRCT (Aug98) ftools.xte SEEXTRCT (Aug98) NAME seextrct -- creates a light curve and/or spectrum from XTE Science Event (SE) data from the PCA and HEXTE instruments. USAGE seextrct infile lcbinarray gtiarray maxmiss gtiorfile gtiandfile outroot extenpha extenlc phasefile bitfile timecol columns multiple binsz mfracexp tnull timezero printmode lcmode spmode mlcinten mspinten timemin timemax timeint gticols chmin chmax chint chbin ephem period phaseint obsdate obstime sensecase chkit clobber negative bailout mode DESCRIPTION This task creates a single light curve and/or spectrum from one or more Science Event files, allowing options for filtering by time using FITS and/or ASCII Good Time Interval (GTI) information, by detector and layer (where available), by channel, and by phase. It takes as its input a standard Level 0 XTE/SE FITS file, or list of such files, and creates as output standard Level 2 spectral and/or light curve files in OGIP standard formats. Internally, the task bins a requested portion of a vector column. Selection is based on (optional) GTI files or other applied filters. The binning can be specified for the entire file, or for a subset of rows that fulfill the filtering criteria.. The binning has five modes. If the bin mode ('lcmode' or 'spmode') = 'SUM' or 'EVENT_SUM', the output is the total counts -- this is the appropriate default for energy spectra. If the bin mode = 'RATE' or 'EVENT_RATE', the output is the total of the value of the counts divided by the time binsize -- this is the appropriate default for light curves. If the bin mode = 'MEAN' then the output is the mean value of the binned quantity during each time interval -- for housekeeping information or other telemetry values, this would be an appropriate default. PARAMETERS infile [string - file name or @filename] Supply either the name of the input FITS file(s) (and optional extension number in square brackets) to be binned, or an ASCII file containing several input FITS filenames to be acted upon, with one filename per line. If the latter, the ASCII filename should be preceded with an "@" symbol, e.g. '@file_of_infiles'. A maximum of 100 separate files or extensions may be supplied. (lcbinarray = INDEF) [integer] This value defines the working array size that is used to accumulate light bin information in the extractor. This value must be greater than 10000 (ten thousand), and defaults to 100000 (one hundred thousand). It must also be evenly divisible by 40, for technical reasons. A larger value for LCBINARRAY will lead to a larger memory requirement to run the extractor, thus it is possible to run out of system resources if this value is set too high. In general this parameter should be left at its default value. However, it is supplied to allow the expert user to tune the extractor based upon their individual requirements. The larger the size of the light bin array, the fewer cycles are necessary to process large files. However, there may be a runtime cost if your system lacks the RAM for the size of array you have defined. Leave this value alone unless you have the requisite computing knowledge. (gtiarray = INDEF) [integer] This value defines the array size that is used to process and sort your GTI list. The INDEF default of 12800 is sufficient for almost all purposes. A user processing a very large number of GTIs may need to increase this value, with a resulting commensurate increase in the program size. (maxmiss = INDEF) [integer] In cases where the user is processing a number of lightcurve bins in excess of 100,000 (or lcbinarray), the data are processed in several cycles. If MAXMISS=INDEF (the default), all data in all files are read for each cycle. If MAXMISS is set to a discrete value, then the code will only read MAXMISS number of timestamps that fall later than the cycling time-range before skipping the rest of the data and going on to the next cycle. Thus MAXMISS is the "maximum number of misses" to tolerate before skipping to the next cycle, and the code will pick processing the data at the point where the data first fell beyond the specified cycle time-range. If used correctly this parameter can speed up processing considerably; e.g. for XTE PCA data, MAXMISS=200 is an effective choice. However, use of this parameter assumes that (i) your data is time-ordered in ascending order and (ii) no input files have overlapping time ranges. XTE data generally fulfill these requirements. gtiorfile = "-" [string - file name, @filename, APPLY or APPLYnnn] The name and extension (specified with a +extnum appended to the filename, i.e., FITSFILE+2) of the input Good Time Interval (GTI) information for each file. Typically this will be the information about what time intervals within each file are acceptable as being "good" data for that particular file. A blank or "-" input indicates that no GTI checking for each individual file is required. The GTI are assumed to be in ascending time order. If this parameter is set to APPLY - the default - then the GTI information accompanying the Level 0 files in their 2nd extension will be used. If more than one file is supplied, the files will be OR'ed together but are specific for each input file. If this parameter is set to APPLY - the default - then the GTI information found in the 2nd extension is used, however, if the input files contain more than 1 GTI, and the GTI information is contained in e.g. the 3rd extension (the 2nd GTI in the file), then the user can use the APPLYnnn option. If this parameter is set to e.g. APPLY003, the code will automatically attempt to apply any GTI information found in the 3rd extension of the input files. Note that in general only the GTI's included with each file being input should be used; hence the default value of "APPLY". gtiandfile = "-" [string - file name or @filename] The name and extension (specified with a +extnum appended to the filename, i.e., FITSFILE+2) of the input GTI information to be applied to ALL of the files. These files will be AND'ed with the "GTIORFILES" supplied in the previous parameter to filter out sections of data. This file applies to ALL of the input files that are processed. A blank or "-" indicates that no such additional GTI information should be applied. Multiple GTI files can be specified at the GTIANDFILE parameter by entering their names in an ASCII file, and specifying this ASCII file in response to the prompt ("@gtiandfiles"). Multiple files will be sorted and ANDed together. Up to 100 GTIANDFILEs can be accepted. The good time intervals within each file are assumed to be in ascending time order. If time intervals are supplied using the GTIANDFILE and also the TIMEINT parameter, they will be ANDed to arrive at a global set of time intervals to be applied to all input files, although users who mix the two approaches are warned to take care to take into account the TIMEZERO keyword. The TIMEZERO keyword in the GTIANDFILES are added to the specified START and STOP times (as well as to the TSTART and TSTOP keyword) to calculate the absolute times. Also, the time-ranges in the GTIANDFILES are expected to lie between the specified TSTART and TSTOP values. If the above seems confusing, it may be safer to use either the GTIANDFILE approach _or_ the TIMEINT approach, but avoid combining them. outroot = "sec" [string - output file root-name] The root for the output file name. For the token default OUTROOT of 'sec', the output spectral file will be 'sec.pha' and the output light curve file '', unless these default extensions are over-ruled by use of the EXTENPHA and EXTENLC parameters. (extenpha = ".pha") [string] The suffix to be appended to OUTROOT to construct the name of the output FITS files containing the spectrum. (extenlc = ".lc") [string] The suffix to be appended to OUTROOT to construct the name of the output FITS files containing the light curve. (phasefile = "-") [file name] The name and extension of the input phase information file. A blank or "-" indicates that no phase checking is to be performed. This must be an ASCII file and be in the same format as that written by XSELECT or Xronos. Existence of this parameter is largely a historical relic; we advise the use of the specific time intervals for cases where the cycle time is similar to the observation length (e.g. binary orbital periods), and the use of the FASEBIN suite of tools for cases where the cycle time is much shorter than the observation length (e.g. pulsars). (bitfile = "-") [file name] The bitfile is an ASCII file that can be created by SEFILTER or downloaded from the GOF webpages, containing a bitmask expression that SEEXTRCT can use in filtering the input files. Data from any XTE PCA event-mode configuration beginning with "E_" contains time markers, which must be filtered out using a bitmask. (GoodXenon data do not contain time markers.) Selections based on detector and layer/anode may be performed using bitmasks. SEEXTRCT can only process bitmask files of the general form: Event == b1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx && Event == bxxxxxxxx1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx && Event <= bxx001xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx && Event >= bxxxxxx11xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SEEXTRCT does not support NOT (!) signs, OR (|) signs, or parentheses, since those are used to denote a hierarchy for the comparisons. Also, SEEXTRCT does not understand FORTRAN comparitors, so you MUST use C-like constructions. All input files must have the same data descriptors. Note that the bit-mask is not only instrument dependent but also file dependent, and the extractor cannot check to ensure that the input is meaningful. User caution is recommended. For further information about the use of bitmasks, please study the relevant 'recipes' on the XTE GOF webpages, particularly those under the title "Screening and Selection". timecol = "TIME" [string] The name of the column in the input file containing timing information. This value is case sensitive unless the SENSECASE parameter is set to "no". The value for time is assumed to be a double precision scalar. Note that this column MUST be the one that all TIME related keywords refer to as well as TIMEZERO and the TSTART, TSTOP, and GTI's. Thus, you cannot specify an 'arbitrary' new column as the TIMECOL, since all of the above above keywords must accurately describe the time-stamps in this column. columns = "Event" [string] The name of the column in the input file(s) containing the vector to be binned -- which is always "Event", for XTE PCA event mode data. Support extends for 256 input channels and an unlimited number of time elements, i.e. (N,256). (multiple = no) [boolean] If MULTIPLE=yes, the BINSZ parameter will be interpreted as an integer multiplier of the intrinsic timing resolution of the data (e.g. to bin Event Mode data up at precisely 40 times the intrinsic resolution of the data, users should supply "MULTIPLE=yes" and "BINSZ=40"). If MULTIPLE=no (the default behavior), BINSZ is interpreted as the desired binning of the output lightcurve, in seconds. Use of this parameter is recommended for those cases where the required binsize is small, and to specify it precisely in seconds would require digits beyond the sixth decimal place, which the extractors' timing routines cannot support due to the intrinsic limitations of computer arithmetic. (Keep in mind that XTE timing resolutions are really an inverse power of 2; eg., Good Xenon data has a timing resolution of 2^-20 seconds.) See the BINSZ parameter discussion for further details on binning resolution. binsz = INDEF [real] The binsize, in SECONDS, to use in producing the light curve. Use decimal expressions for sub-second increments, e.g. 0.004 for 4 milliseconds. If the supplied BINSZ is less than the minimum time resolution of the first file then the binsize will be reset to that time resolution. If subsequent files have larger minimum time resolutions, they will be skipped and not processed. Bin-sizes have a minimum resolution of 0.000001 seconds; anything smaller can cause problems both in accuracy and resolution due to the intrinsic limitations of computer arithmetic. If BINSZ=INDEF (not recommended!), 100 evenly sized bins will be produced with a binsize of (TIMEMAX - TIMEMIN)/100.0. Users needing fine timing resolution in their binning can set MULTIPLE=yes. If MULTIPLE=yes, the BINSZ parameter will be interpreted as an integer multiplier of the intrinsic timing resolution of the data (e.g. to rebin Binned Mode data up at precisely 4 times the intrinsic resolution of the data, users should supply "MULTIPLE=yes" and "BINSZ=4"). (mfracexp = INDEF) [real] This option, active only when LCMODE=RATE, sets the minimum fractional part of a time bin that must be filled before it will be recorded in the Light Curve (all events meeting the filtering criteria will be included in the Spectrum). If MFRACEXP is set to 0.0 or INDEF then this option is disabled. The total number of bins removed from the Light Curve is printed out but not the total number of events removed from by thresholding. Example: if BINSZ = 10.0 seconds and MFRACEXP=0.25, any bin containing less than 2.5 seconds will be removed. (tnull = real) [real] This is the value that a bin or spectral value is set to when values are removed by filtering, such as is done via MLCINTEN and MSPINTEN, the maximum value for the light curve and spectrum respectively. The default is to set the value to 0.0. Another possibility would be to choose a negative number and filter these out in downstream processing. (timezero = INDEF, numerical value, or FLOAT) [string] This parameter was added in version 3.5.2, and was necessitated by the different usage of the TIMEZERO keyword in XTE data files and those processed by Xronos. For XTE, TIMEZERO (or TIMEZERI and TIMEZERF) is added not only to the TIME column but also to the TSTART and TSTOP keywords in the header, in accordance with the OGIP standards. Thus the only time that XTE and Xronos will agree is if the TIMEZERO parameter is set to 0.0d0 (or INDEF), since this will result in a TIMEZERO of 0.0d0 in the output files created. However, if high accuracy is the goal of the user this can give rise to a serious problem, since 7 or 8 significant digits will be lost to the integer part of the time-stamp, significantly reducing the overall accuracy. To address the situation when the user wants high-accuracy and does not plan on processing any produced data files with Xronos, the user can specify a TIMEZERO value of his liking, with TSTART and TSTOP shifted by the same TIMEZERO amount. The numerical value specified in TIMEZERO is globally subtracted from all time-stamps, TSTART, and TSTOP keywords. Alternatively TIMEZERO may be set to FLOAT, which will cause the first time-stamp in the output light-curve to be 0.0d0 and TIMEZERI and TIMEZERF to contain the value of the 0.0 timestamp. Note that negative values for timestamps and keywords can occur if care is not taken when choosing an appropriate value for TIMEZERO. printmode = LIGHTCURVE, SPECTRUM, or BOTH [string] Specifies the type(s) of file to be accumulated and written out after processing the input files. If PRINTMODE=BOTH (the default), both a spectrum and a light curve will be created. If PRINTMODE=LIGHTCURVE, a light curve will be created, but no spectrum. If PRINTMODE=SPECTRUM, a spectrum will be created, but no light curve. lcmode = SUM, RATE, MEAN, EVENT_SUM, or EVENT_RATE [string] Specifies the type of binning to do for the light-curve. SUM outputs the summed total counts per bin. RATE outputs the total counts per bin divided by the binsize. MEAN outputs the mean value of the binned quantity during each time bin. SUM and EVENT_SUM produce the same output, as do RATE and EVENT_RATE. RATE is the accepted default for light curve generation. spmode = SUM, RATE, MEAN, EVENT_SUM, or EVENT_RATE [string] Specifies the type of binning to do for the spectrum. SUM outputs the total counts per channel. RATE outputs the total counts per channel, divided by the total time. MEAN outputs the mean value of the counts in each channel. SUM and EVENT_SUM produce the same output, as do RATE and EVENT_RATE. SUM is the accepted default for spectrum generation. (mlcinten = INDEF) [double precision value]] This quantity acts as a maximum value that the light-curve quantities may not exceed. Any derived count rate exceeding this value is removed from the light curve, or set to TNULL if only one column exceeds this value. (mspinten = INDEF) [double precision value] This quantity acts as a maximum value that the spectral counts may not exceed. Any derived count rate exceeding this value is removed from the spectrum, or set to TNULL if only one column exceeds this value. timemin = INDEF [double precision real] The minimum (or start) time to use in an accumulation. This value is given in seconds and must be in ABSOLUTE TIME (MJD is not included). Thus if the first observation has a TIMEZERO = 4.150000 seconds and the TSTART = 64360000.000 and TSTOP = 64365000.000 and you want to start one second after the data begins, you would set TIMEMIN to be equal to TIMEZERO + TSTART + 1.0 = 64360005.15000. (The FTOOLS script TIMETRANS may be used to take a range of times and convert them into ABSOLUTE TIME.) If TIMEMIN is set to INDEF, all time intervals are included in creating the selected output. timemax = INDEF [double precision real] The maximum (or ending) time to use in an accumulation. See the usage notes supplied for the TIMEMIN parameter for further information. If TIMEMAX is set to INDEF, all time intervals are included in creating the selected output. timeint = [string] [b1-b2,b3-b4,b5-b6 or @filename] To be used to specify a set of time intervals, given in ABSOLUTE TIME, to be used in creating the light-curve. Only times which fall within these intervals will be utilized in creating the final light-curve and spectrum. The times used must be in the form XXX.nnnnnn with the decimal point explicitly given, or unexpected errors may occur. Use of TIMEINT supercedes values input for TIMEMIN and TIMEMAX when the former are more restrictive than the latter. (The FTOOLS script TIMETRANS may be used to take ranges of times and convert them into absolute time, and create an ASCII file which can then be input into the extractor at the TIMEINT prompt using "@ascii_filename_containing_times".) The TIMEINT file is an ASCII file containing pairs of start and stop times, one pair per line, with no dashes or other non-numerical characters. (gticols = "START STOP") [string] The names of the start and stop columns in the GTI file(s). chmin = INDEF [integer] Minimum energy channel to include in the accumulation. If set to INDEF the minimum energy channel used is defined by the input files. Channel information supplied must be in "original" or absolute channels, prior to any on-board channel binning that may have been performed by the EDS. If, to take a simplified example, the data files contain data grouped into 10 bins, the code will search CPIX to determine in which channel bin CHMIN exists, and that ENTIRE channel bin will be included in the accumulation, along with all other bins up to and including the bin containing CHMAX. If the first two channel bins contain energy channels 0-10 and 11-50 and CHMIN is set to 40, then ALL of the second channel bin will be included. If no CPIX information is found, a one-to-one correspondence is assumed between the bin channel and the energy detector channel, with the first channel in the file assumed to correspond to energy channel 0, and the Nth channel in the file is set to correspond to the energy channel (N-1). chmax = INDEF [integer] Maximum energy channel to include in analysis. If set to INDEF the maximum energy channel used is defined by the input files. See the usage notes for CHMIN for further details. chint = "INDEF,(1-25, 45-50, 76-255), (CPIX info), or @file" [string] Pairs of minimum-maximum channel bins to include in the accumulation. If set to INDEF, all channels are included. Channel information supplied must be in "original" channels, prior to any on-board channel binning that may have been performed. Use the @filename option if you have an ASCII file containing Start_Chan Stop_Chan pairs. Such files may be created by the FTOOLS script CHANTRANS. When analyzing data from binned modes, it is recommended that the boundaries supplied using CHINT line up with the energy channel boundaries specified in the input files processed. Otherwise, unexpected results may occur due to the intrinsic channel resolution of the data processed. For example, if CHINT specifies that original energy channels 150-200 be included but the energy binning of the file (specified by CPIX) is 0-155, 156-180, 180-255 then data from _all_ channels will be included in the PHA file -- presumably not the user's intent. chbin = "INDEF, string, or @filename" [string] Since many columns can be acted upon as well as many files and each may have the energy channels binned differently, CHBIN allows the user to specify the channels that are to be placed into each channel bin. So if file1 contains 15 channels (0-14), and file2 contains 10 channels (29-38), the use of CHBIN allows SAEXTRCT to know how to process the 15 channels and 10 channels together. If CHBIN is set to INDEF it assumes that all data in all columns and files are be to processed "as is". If a discrepancy is noted between columns attempting to be processed together, SAEXTRCT will write out an error message and abort. The form of the input can be in several forms, 0-10, 11-29, 30-200, 201-255, or use the CPIX shorthand. Note that THE BOUNDARIES OF EACH BIN MUST AGREE WITH BOUNDARIES WITHIN THE DATA BEING PROCESSED. So if one file contain channels with 0-5 and 6-10 the data in those channels would fit into the channel containing 0-10, but if the channels were 0-5 and 6-15 this would be an error since we cannot place ALL of the counts within a specifically defined super-bin. The mCPIXnnn KEYWORD is searched to determine which file bin channel correspondes to which energy detector channel. If CPIX cannot be found then the default is to see a 1-1 correspondence to the bin channel with the energy detector channel, therefore the first channel in the file is set to correspond to energy channel 0, and the Nth channel in the file is set to correspond to the energy channel (n-1). The CHBIN parameter can also read files (if their name is specified via the @filename option) as well as understand the CPIX shorthand for specifying column boundaries as specified in the XFF document. Use the @filename option if you have a file: Start_Chan Stop_Chan like that created by "CHANTRANS", or you can use this option if you have a CPIX keyword copied from a FITS file (minus the CONTINUE's) stored in this file. (ephem = INDEF) [real] For phase filtering: the Ephemeris of the zero phase given in ABSOLUTE TIME. (See TIMEMIN for more information about ABSOLUTE TIME.) Starting time to begin periodic summation of results in a given period of time. INDEF sets EPHEM to TIMEMIN. NB: The EPHEM, PERIOD and PHASEINT parameters are largely historical relics; we advise the use of the specific time intervals for cases where the cycle time is similar to the observation length (e.g. binary orbital periods), and the use of the FASEBIN suite of tools for cases where the cycle time is much shorter than the observation length (e.g. pulsars). (period = INDEF) [real] For phase filtering: the period to use when when performing an accumulation (in seconds). INDEF or a blank negates its usage. See notes for EPHEM. (phaseint = "INDEF") [string] For phase filtering: phase intervals to process as a function of the period. Given as some decimal value of the total, i.e. 0.0-0.1,0.2-5.0,0.7-1.0 will process the times that fall within these intervals multiplied by the period. See notes for EPHEM. (obsdate = "MJDREF") or "numerical value" [string] The keyword name containing the zero start date of the time column of the input file. The value of the keyword indate is assumed to be in terms of Modified Julian Days. A blank or '-' will defeat zero time checking for ALL of the input files. The date of the earliest observation in all of the files processed will be used as the default. The output file zero time is set equal to the input file zero time, and is written in the same keyword as the input file. Same as GTIOBS in its effect. (The default is MJDREF.) (obstime = "TSTART TSTOP") [string] The keywords containing the start time and stop time of the input files. A blank will defeat zero time checking for ALL of the input files. The date of the earliest observation in all of the files processed will be used as the default. The output file zero time is set equal to the input file zero time, and is written in the same keyword as the input file. (The defaults are TSTART and TSTOP.) (sensecase = no) [boolean] Whether the strings input to SAEXTRCT should be interpreted as case sensitive. (chkit = yes) [boolean] Whether to perform checks on all of the files. At the moment the keywords checked in all files to ensure compatibility of the data are TELESCOP (the observatory or mission), APPID (the application ID), and OBJECT (the source), EXTNAM (the type of data in the file - XTE/SE) and INSTRUME (PCA or HEXTE). EXTNAM and INSTRUME are compulsory, and the application will abort if these are not provided. If a match on any of the other items fails, a warning message is printed and processing continues. (clobber = yes) [boolean] Whether existing output files are to be overwritten. (negative = "IGNORE") [string] It is generally assumed that count rates will be positive or zero, and that negative count rates that are not TNULLs indicate an overflow or a file corruption. Therefore the default behavior is to ignore negative quantities in the data stream. To override this, set negative to SUM. (bailout = no) [boolean] The default behavior of the extractors is to deal with any conflicting or ambiguous inputs as best they can and run to completion. For example, if a GTI file is specified which contains no data, or data that doesn't apply to the file being input, it is ignored and the code will continue. Some users prefer the code to abort rather than ignore non-applicable input, and this can be achieved by setting BAILOUT to YES, which forces an abort if _any_ input is non-standard, ambiguous or nonsensical. (mode = "ql") [string] This option allows the PAR file to be updated with each successful completed run so that the defaults are changed (ql = Query + Learn). If tools are run with mode=h, the code will take all existing parameter values from the parameter file unless some or all are overridden on the calling line or command line. This mode is useful for scripting, but should be used with care. NOTES: The code has been structured such that 1 billion light curve bins can presently be accumulated. If more than that are required, changing the parameter "itcycles" from 10,000 to something higher and recompiling will increase the size. However, no current FTOOLS can cope with such a large number of light curve bins. Dates used must all be of a consistent system. MJD is used for all dates, TIMESYS is used to determine the time system in use and is automatically converted into seconds before processing begins. MODIFICATIONS: Many small bug fixes have been made, such that one should acquire the absolute latest version before beginning processing of any large files. It is possible that a "bug" identified below does not exist in the latest version. V: 3.4f: This is an EXTENSIVE REWRITE and contains many enhancements, most of which should be transparent to the user, but were necessary to increase the flexibility of the tool. A major structural improvement was to allow the user to analyze an extensive dataset with a very small time resolution. olution. This caused the logic to breakdown and many fixes needed to be incorporated. The ability to filter on a supplied bitmask file was also incorporated. V3.5b: Many warnings have now been changed into aborting commands since a cascade effect would happen and since the extractors can now be applied to missions other than XTE some warnings were errors for other missions. MAXMISS added, to improve processing speed when in a "cycling" mode - i.e., the user has specified a bin-size which results in more than 100K light-bins in the light curve. See information above. The codes have been made truly case-insensitive but they will preserve the case of the columns as they are stored within the original files. Previous warning messages that could cause the code to fail down stream have been made into termination errors. This will make it so that after the message about the offending behavior, the code will abort without attempting to "fix" the problem. The code now will automatically attempt to APPLY the gti information that is contained in the second extension of XTE data files. This is called by setting GTIORFILE to APPLY. The user can override this by setting GTIORFILE to "-". Known problems in this version: A phase-interval problem. At the moment GTI's are detected by blank regions in the output, so that when the codes generate the GTI to append to the light curve or spectrum it does so by looking for blanks in the time-line. The maximum number allowed is 12800 at the moment, but if a user uses a small bin-size and a large period and filters on multiple phase intervals it is easy to over-flow this 12800 maximum. At the moment the only thing to do is for the user to divide the (TIMEMAX - TIMEMIN / PERIOD ) * number of phase intervals and ensure that this does not exceed 12000 or so. The code will abort if it does since that will cause a boundary violation. This is being worked on so that if the user specify phase filtering a "PHASE FILE" will be output in the form that Xronos expects and the GTI will no longer include such phase filtering information. A minimum bin-size problem. Unfortunately, since double precision values only contain 16 digits of accurate information (see the IEEE standard on accuracy) and at the moment 8 digits are used to specify the number of seconds for MET, we are only left with 8 digits for the decimal values - thus the extractors are only accurate to 1.0D-8. Unfortunately, some of the files specify the timing resolution of the satellite beyond 8 digits (although the time-stamps can only show that level of accuracy, e.g., 6.554523228973598E+07 or 65545232.28973598 so anything after the ...98 is inaccurate) can cause problem when processing the data. Thus, rounding errors can occur. To avoid this, we recommend the user does not specify a bin-size to an accuracy greater than 1.0D-8. Version SEEXTRCT_V3.5.2 1) The total number of time-ranges that can be filtered upon has been raised from 512 to 12800. GROSSTIMEFILT may be used to divide up data into more manageable pieces - note that filtering on 12800 time-ranges for EACH data point will slow your processing considerably, so it is in your best interest to filter your data in an optimum way. 2) The output light curve has been "shifted" so that the timestamps give the leading edge of the light-bin, rather than the center of the light bin as it did in the past. This change is reflected in the change in the TIMEPIXR keyword from 0.5 to 0.0. This change was made since Xronos no longer needs to have the light-bin's timestamp given at the center of the bin. Note that Xronos cannot accurately processed raw XTE data since it does not incorporate the TIMEZERO keyword in the same way as the XTE files. (See below for more information.) 3) In version 3.5.1 the usage of TIMEZERO was made to obey the standard XTE convention, i.e., that TIMEZERO must be applied not only to the TIME column but also to TSTART and TSTOP values, as recommended by the FITS working group. This causes an incompatibility with Xronos, which adds TIMEZERO to the TIME column, but NOT to the TSTART and TSTOP keywords. Thus, a "timezero" parameter was added to SA(SE)EXTRCT which can have any value (INDEF is the default and will set TIMEZERO = 0.0d0) and will be subtracted from the actual timestamps. If "timezero" is set equal to "FLOAT" then the value of TIMEZERO will "float" to the earliest value such that the first timestamp in the light-curve will be 0.0d0, and TSTART will also be 0.0d0 (since TIMEZERO must be added to TSTART as well as the timestamp). 4) SEEXTRCT had its timing algorithm completely rewritten, such that it should be faster and more robust than previous versions of the science event extractor. 5) ALL GTIANDFILEs and TIMEINT values are "merged" together to form one large GTI filter. 6) All GTI files input as GTIANDFILES and GTIORFILES are now pre-filtered and compared against the TSTART and TSTOP values given in the file. It was discovered that some users were inputting GTI ranges well outside of the TSTART and TSTOP (+ TIMEZERO) time-ranges, causing unexpected problems in calculating the valid ONTIME for science event data. This was solved by pre-filtering the GTI file based upon the TSTART and TSTOP keywords given in that extension. Basically, the codes attempt to make allowance for common user errors. 7) CHINT and CHBIN can now understand channels specified in the same format as the CPIX keyword, allowing the user to "copy" the pertinent parts of the CPIX keyword and input that into the extractors. This will rebin or channel filter the original data based upon these specifications. See the appropriate parameters for more information. Version SEEXTRCT_3.6: 1) A problem that occurred for GTIANDFILES that contained only 1 row has been corrected, as well as now checking for the case where the user supplies a GTIANDFILE or TIMEINT file which contains NO DATA. Both of these cases would cause all of the data points in the files being processed to be filtered out. 2) Additional information is now written to the screen describing the GTI information that the code is supplied with from the user. This was necessary as some GTI's were correct such that the code was using non-applicable time-ranges when filtering data. This can give rise to serious problems for SEEXTRCT. Also, the TSTART+TIMEZERO and TSTOP+TIMEZERO specified in the GTI's are now rigidly enforced - these keywords should accurately describe the information in the extension, in the past users this was not the case and caused serious problems for the extractors under certain conditions. 3) If "no data" is selected the code will exit properly now. 4) The timing algorithm has been reworked such that on-time is now calculated by calculating the amount of valid time that is between the TSTART+TIMEZERO and TSTOP+TIMEZERO minus all of the filtered out time-regions. As a result of this the code is MUCH more sensitive to errors in the GTI's that are input. To compensate for this sensitivity the code performs many more checks on the GTI's to attempt to ensure that they were created in a valid manner. It is still possible to confuse the code if the user modifies such parameters as TSTART and TSTOP in the GTI file, removes them, or creates them in an unsanctioned manner, i.e., a way not listed in the ABC guide for data analysis. The code assumes that all input GTI's are valid, so it is up to the user to ensure that any forced modifications performed to the GTI's result in valid XTE GTI files. As long as the information input is valid and conforms to the XTE specifications, no problems should be encounted. Version SEEXTRCT_V4.0: 1) Certain parameters which were vestigial have been removed and are no longer described in the help, others have been made hidden. 2) A problem with using TIMEMIN and TIMEMAX with GTI files which fell way outside of the TIMEMIN and TIMEMAX has been fixed. 3) Several redundant keywords, or incorrectly described ones have been removed, or fixed. 4) The timing algorithm has been re-worked to correctly allow multiple GTI's per light-bin, as well as a few other things. Originally, this was believed to be an occurance that users would not see with valid data, but the new HEXTE tools make this occur with regularity. Please report problems to SEE ALSO SAEXTRCT, CHANTRANS, TIMETRANS, SEPLOT, SESELECT, SEFILTER