bB3dim3l Resea~?ch Council Unit Cavendish Laboratory, Free School Lane, Cmnbri dge, 12th October, 1gs5, Dr. o'Sctrl?y Donahue, University of Southern California, Deparrtment of Chemi s t ry , 3515 Uniwers?lty Avenue, Los Angeles 7, Calffornfa. Dca.r Jerry, 1% sarry not to have written before, but wo have only $mt got round to polgglycinc II qpfn. X enclose the results of our old calculat%ons. They rxr~: essentially the same as yours (you accidentally omitted the spacing 2&O in your letter). On the same aheet X: have put the very rou&:h mexxarements that Alex and X made from the IJature picture, together with those ~?EKI~ by Gllfott from the orfginal. Unfortunately he only sent us these after the paper had been pabUshed. You wfll see that our ~aau3Pements, whfeh are presui'~~bly inaccurate, a~grce well with o;,r calculations, if the reflections are ascumod to be dfLPf`use, whereas your measurements agree very well with Ellfott's, Very tiP6somer \Ye iare now doing further calculations and T will let you know when we arrSve at z30m~ conclusion. Gunther was here last week and 1 prom2sed that 1 would wrr%to to you about your *joint paper. Our criticisms are much as bcfox~ except that WQ can now make them proclss, 1. ?/e do not like the tautommic shift in guanine. You nowhere point out that ff guanine does undergo a tautomerfc shift it can $.~st as well pair with adenine 8s with an&her WanMe. 2, It is not true that there are two different possible structuras baGed on your pairing. In theory ,there are three* They c8n be syruibolised as . 2 The last two Etre not the same. It ia just this @art of armMbp.dty uMd3. rmkes us question the acceptability of your model huildin~~. Have you, or have you not got acceptable ~~~~imates fop one of these structures; c;lnd if sop which ik3 it3 Findly f shouLd pofnt out that while wa bslieve that poly A form8 something like the type of sb?ueture you doscribs,, *here ia good evidenoe that poly U ia amoq>hous. . All the family are well, tiisax?pt that G3&rielle broks hop arm recently, but it is mending weZ1. There is %t Fa~x~3ay +53xiety Nucleic3 acid conferoncs in Loru3on at the ad of this rnee~ # am3 we we expecting Paul 3)aty to visit UES after thze con- ference * 31th boat wishsa to both you and Pat. . Folyglycfne ICL: mwn CaleuU3tEsd film intenaitiss; pxht atoma plue a apacing l!&*J5 3.78 _f intensits 30 2.l.@ 2.32 2.s3 4 -m broad 2.07 2.02 0 4i!! 1.89 m bmnd .' 1.895 6