Title :PINT.DOC Keywords :EELS - planar interface calculations Computer :VAX 780 Operating System :VAX/VMS version 4.7 Programming Language :FORTRAN 77 Hardware Requirements :Tektronics 4010 series graphic terminal or emulator desirable but not essential. Author(s) :C.A. Walsh - based on a BASIC program written by A. Howie. Correspondence Address :Microstructural Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HE, England. Documentation: The program uses the result obtained by Garcia-Molina, Gras-Marti, Howie and Ritchie (J. Phys. C18 (1985) pp5335) to calculate the energy loss of electrons travelling parallel to a planar interface. They obtained an expression for the differential probability dP/(dzdhf), for an electron travelling in the z direction and losing energy hf. The probability of losing energy between hf-dhf/2 and hf+dhf/2 after travelling a distance dz parallel to the interface is given by dP/(dzdhf) x dzdhf. In practise, for a specimen of thickness T, the calculations are split into x number of steps of length dz=T/x << plasmon mean free path. This allows multiple scattering to be taken into account more effectively. The same result can also be used to calculate the energy loss of electrons incident at an angle to an interface (see Howie, Milne and Walls,(1985) Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No. 78: Chapter 4, EMAG'85). The calculations are made by considering the electron path to consist of a series of steps parallel to the interface. Such calculations are generally made in stages: 1. Start with the electron a long way from the interface and bring it in closer to the interface. Further from the interface the probability of loss is smaller, hence fewer steps and longer step lengths can be used. 2. With the electron initially closer to the interface move the electron to the interface. In this stage a short step length should be used so that the distance between successive steps (in the direction perpendicular to the interface) is small (1 Angstrom? try for yourself!). 3. From the interface into the medium 1. If you wish to compare results with experimental data to find the best penetration depth, then you can keep stopping at different distances inside the medium. Printed and graphical output are produced after each stage. N.B. A factor of 2 is already included in the step length to account for losses incurred during the return path of the electron out of the medium again. (This is NOT true when the electrons travel parallel to the interface (THETA=0).). An example of this is given in the listings at the end of this file showing the questions asked by the program and answers given by the user. The dielectric data for aluminium that was used is also given and the ouput file showing the calculated spectra are also shown. No graphical output was obtained. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM. The program is written in FORTRAN 77. It calls graphics routines from the library of routines NGRAPH supplied by Nestor Zaluzec. N.B. _________________________ N.B. ------------------------- This program is written using output unit 6 to write to the terminal/screen. The graphics routines written by Nestor Zaluzec write to the terminal on unit 7. Hence it will be necessary to change all WRITE statements to the terminal in either this program and/or in the NGRAPH routines to whatever unit is used on your own computer for output to the terminal. ------------------------- END OF N.B. ------------------------- The following is the compilation and linking procedure used on a VAX system for this program: $ FORTRAN PINT $ FORTRAN/EXTEND NGRAPH $ LINK PINT,NGRAPH $ RUN PINT The program then assumes the existance of the file TERMIN.DAT in your filespace. This file is accessed by Nestor Zaluzec's graphics routines and gives details of the graphics terminal type being used and the baud rate. A copy of this file is given here: GRAPHICS TERMINAL TYPE:10 BAUD RATE FOR GRAPHICS: 9600 -------------------------------------------------------- TERMINAL DEFINITIONS: --------------------- 0 = TEKTRONICS 4010-1,4014-1 (WITH HARDWARE CURSOR) 1 = TEKTRONICS 4006 ,4010 (NO HARDWARE CURSOR) 2 = LEAR SIEGLER ADM-3,ADM-5 (WITH RETROGRAPHICS RG-512) 3 = PERITEK VCG-512 BIT MAP COLOR GRAPHICS -------------------------------------------------------- BAUD RATE RANGE FOR GRAPHICS (110 - 19200) -------------------------------------------------------- N.B. The first two lines are read in using a formatted read statement. Hence, do not change the number of characters on these two lines if you need to change the terminal type or baud rate. DIELECTRIC DATA The program requires dielectric data for the media on either side of the interface. A limited amount of data is stored inside the program for some materials. Calculations made using this data are then made at 1eV energy intervals which will correspond, experimentally, to using 1eV wide energy channels for the collectin of the spectra. Users can supply their own dielectric data for use by the program. The data must be supplied with a constant energy interval. The data must be in a file with the following format: First line: Exactly 24 characters as a title. Second line: No. of data items energy interval between succesive items (eV) Third line: Energy (eV) real part of epsilon imaginary part of epsilon Fourth line: etc. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION 1. The calculations are made using 10E6 incident electrons. These are placed either in the zero loss channel, or as a gaussian distribution about the zero loss channel with the specified full width half height = 2xstandard deviation. Spectra written to a file in the format suitable for being read by Nestor Zaluzec's NELS program include 100 channels corresponding to negative energy loss. 2. The angle of incidence requested by the program is the angle between the electron beam direction and the plane of the interface. If this angle is set to zero the electon beam travels parallel to the interface. 3. THE INNER POTENTIAL In the glancing angle configuration, electrons are refracted when they pass from one medium to another. For an incident angle i the refracted angle r is given by r x r = i x i + V/E where V is positive and is equal to the inner potential of medium 2 when the electrons pass from a vacuum (medium 1) into medium 2. If neither media are a vacuum the refraction of the electrons is ignored in this program. V generally lies between 5 and 30 eV. A default value of 18 eV is specified in this program. The inner potential is used to recalculate the angle the electron beam makes to the interface when it passes from medium 2 into medium 1. However, for this to be done one stage of the calculations must finish with the electron at the interface. 4. When specifying the distance of the electrons from the interface it should be noted that positive values lie in medium 2 and negative values lie in medium 1. 5. The units of the scattering vectors Ky: A new variable = Kyv/w is used in the program (where v is the electron velocity and h-cross x w is the energy loss.) The integration in the energy loss calculation is made using this variable. The required units in whuch RKYMAX and RKYMIN, the maximum and minimum collected scattering vectors, must be specified are those for which Kyv/w' where h-cross x w' = e, the electronic charge. In terms of angular scattering this becomes semi-angle = Ky/K = (Kyv/w')/(Kv/w') = (Kyv/w')/2E where E, v and K are the energy, velocity and wavevector of the incident electrons. Hence, RKYMAX = Semi-angle (rads) x 2 x E (eV). For 100keV electrons 200 units = 1mrad. 6. It should be noted that the integration occurs over Ky only. The integration over Kx (where x is the direction perpendicular to the interface) has been implicitly been taken to infinity. Consequently the values of RKYMAX and RKYMIN do not quite correspond to the upper and lower collection angles in an electron microscope. In particular, it should be noted that for the case of an electron travelling through a bulk material the probability of energy loss is proportional to Im(-1/epsilon)x ln(qv/w) (Landau and Lifschitz, 'Electrodynamics of Continuous Media'), where q is the upper cut-off wavenumber, whereas the expression used in this program yields the result that the energy loss probability is proportional to Im(-1/epsilon)ln(2qv/w). 7. The output from this program consists of the calculated spectrum as number of electrons in each energy channel. The zero loss intensity specified is the number if electrons left in the zero loss channel. The probability given is that calculated for the last step. The spectrum gives the final number of electrons in each energy loss channel. A SAMPLE SET OF DIELECTRIC DATA ..Aluminium............. 50 1.0 1.000 -0.1539D+03 0.3021D+02 2.000 -0.5424D+02 0.1950D+02 3.000 -0.2497D+02 0.5258D+01 4.000 -0.1390D+02 0.2203D+01 5.000 -0.8617D+01 0.1120D+01 6.000 -0.5700D+01 0.6208D+00 7.000 -0.3923D+01 0.3753D+00 8.000 -0.2762D+01 0.2381D+00 9.000 -0.1962D+01 0.1560D+00 10.000 -0.1386D+01 0.1042D+00 11.000 -0.9562D+00 0.6971D-01 12.000 -0.6241D+00 0.5190D-01 13.000 -0.3701D+00 0.4588D-01 14.000 -0.1712D+00 0.4011D-01 15.000 -0.7825D-02 0.3834D-01 16.000 0.1195D+00 0.4174D-01 17.000 0.2232D+00 0.4013D-01 18.000 0.3103D+00 0.3885D-01 19.000 0.3835D+00 0.3745D-01 20.000 0.4460D+00 0.3582D-01 21.000 0.4875D+00 0.3438D-01 22.000 0.5290D+00 0.3294D-01 23.000 0.5706D+00 0.3151D-01 24.000 0.6121D+00 0.3007D-01 25.000 0.6536D+00 0.2863D-01 26.000 0.6762D+00 0.2730D-01 27.000 0.6988D+00 0.2597D-01 28.000 0.7213D+00 0.2463D-01 29.000 0.7439D+00 0.2330D-01 30.000 0.7665D+00 0.2197D-01 31.000 0.7806D+00 0.2117D-01 32.000 0.7946D+00 0.2037D-01 33.000 0.8087D+00 0.1957D-01 34.000 0.8227D+00 0.1877D-01 35.000 0.8368D+00 0.1797D-01 36.000 0.8460D+00 0.1744D-01 37.000 0.8552D+00 0.1691D-01 38.000 0.8643D+00 0.1639D-01 39.000 0.8735D+00 0.1586D-01 40.000 0.8827D+00 0.1533D-01 41.000 0.8892D+00 0.1487D-01 42.000 0.8957D+00 0.1441D-01 43.000 0.9023D+00 0.1396D-01 44.000 0.9088D+00 0.1350D-01 45.000 0.9153D+00 0.1304D-01 46.000 0.9200D+00 0.1271D-01 47.000 0.9247D+00 0.1238D-01 48.000 0.9295D+00 0.1204D-01 49.000 0.9342D+00 0.1171D-01 50.000 0.9389D+00 0.1138D-01 A SAMPLE RUN FOR THE REFLECTION CASE: GLANCING ANGLE PROGRAM FOR VACUUM 0 (MEDIUM 2 ONLY) MgO 1 SILICON 2 SILICA 3 CARBON 4 DIAMOND 5 ALUMINIUM 6 ALUMINA 7 GaAs 8 GaP 9 GaP" 10 DIAMOND" 11 SILICA" 12 USER DEFINED DATA -1 INPUT MEDIUM 1 AND MEDIUM 2: -1 0 FILENAME OF DATA FOR MEDIUM 1: ALS.DAT MEDIUM 2 IS A VACUUM DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE DIELECTRIC DATA (Y/N)? N DO YOU WANT TO SEE THE PROBABILITY INFO? (Y/N) (Reply no unless you know what you are doing.) N PARAMETER CHECK. PRESS Y IF O.K., OR N IF YOU WANT TO ENTER A NEW VALUE. ENERGY OF INCIDENT ELECTRONS (KeV) = E = 100.000 Y ENERGY OF INCIDENT ELECTRONS (KeV) = E = 100.000 KYMIN AND KYMAX ARE THE MINIMUM AND MAXIMUM COLLECTION SEMIANGLES WITH A SCALE OF 1 unit = 0.5/E(eV) mrad. For 100keV electrons 200 = 1mrad. KYMIN = 0.000 Y KYMIN = 0.000 KYMAX = 1600.000 Y KYMAX = 1600.000 DKY0 is the first step length used in the integration over Ky. ALPHA is used to increase the step length with Ky during the integration. FIRST STEP DKY0 = 0.100 Y FIRST STEP DKY0 = 0.100 ALPHA = STEP/Ky = 0.500 Y ALPHA = STEP/Ky = 0.500 If you wish to make the calculation non-relativistically, set BETA=0. BETA = 0.548 Y BETA = 0.548 INITIAL DISTANCE OF THE ELECTRON FROM THE INTERFACE (Angstroms) = 100.000 Y INITIAL DISTANCE OF THE ELECTRON FROM THE INTERFACE (Angstroms) = 100.000 INPUT THETA = ANGLE OF INCIDENCE OF THE ELECTRONS TO THE INTERFACE (radians) (CAN BE 0): 0.003 THETA = 0.003 INNER POTENTIAL OF MEDIUM 1 = 18.00 eV. Y INNER POTENTIAL OF MEDIUM 1 = 18.00 DO YOU WANT A GRAPH (Y/N)? N ARE THE PARAMETERS O.K.? (Y/N): Y DO YOU WISH TO SPECIFY THE ENERGY WIDTH OF THE INCIDENT BEAM (Y/N)? Y INPUT FULL WIDTH AT HALF HEIGHT OF THE INCIDENT BEAM (eV): 1 INPUT OUTPUT FILENAME FOR CALCULATED SPECTRA: ALOUT.DAT THE ELECTRON IS NOW AT A DISTANCE OF 100.000 ANGSTROMS FROM THE INTERFACE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? Y FINAL DISTANCE OF THE ELECTRONS FROM THE INTERFACE (ANGSTROMS)= 20 KYMAX= 1600.000 O.K.? (Y/N) Y KYMAX= 1600.000 ANGLE OF ELECTRON PATH TO THE INTERFACE= 0.003 radians. INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS INTO WHICH THE ELECTRON PATH IS TO BE DIVIDED: 10 please wait.......calculation in progress. THE ELECTRON IS NOW AT A DISTANCE OF 20.000 ANGSTROMS FROM THE INTERFACE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? Y FINAL DISTANCE OF THE ELECTRONS FROM THE INTERFACE (ANGSTROMS)= 0 KYMAX= 1600.000 O.K.? (Y/N) Y KYMAX= 1600.000 ANGLE OF ELECTRON PATH TO THE INTERFACE= 0.003 radians. INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS INTO WHICH THE ELECTRON PATH IS TO BE DIVIDED: 10 please wait.......calculation in progress. THE ELECTRON IS NOW AT A DISTANCE OF 0.000 ANGSTROMS FROM THE INTERFACE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? Y FINAL DISTANCE OF THE ELECTRONS FROM THE INTERFACE (ANGSTROMS)= -5 KYMAX= 1600.000 O.K.? (Y/N) Y KYMAX= 1600.000 ANGLE OF ELECTRON PATH TO THE INTERFACE= 0.014 radians. INPUT NUMBER OF STEPS INTO WHICH THE ELECTRON PATH IS TO BE DIVIDED: 10 please wait.......calculation in progress. THE ELECTRON IS NOW AT A DISTANCE OF -5.000 ANGSTROMS FROM THE INTERFACE. DO YOU WISH TO CONTINUE (Y/N)? N THE OUTPUT FILE PRODUCED BY THE ABOVE PROGRAM RUN: ZERO LOSS PEAK INTENSITY= 10109.134 ENERGY PROBABILITY FINAL LOSS OF LAST STEP SPECTRUM 1.000 0.1292D-02 1500.0079 2.000 0.2862D-02 255.9052 3.000 0.2516D-02 231.6028 4.000 0.2825D-02 242.4906 5.000 0.3512D-02 285.5603 6.000 0.4632D-02 364.5952 7.000 0.6912D-02 534.0717 8.000 0.1243D-01 1021.0975 9.000 0.3464D-01 5561.1537 10.000 0.4600D+00 27391.1123 11.000 0.2045D+00 10718.6308 12.000 0.1514D-01 2349.7541 13.000 0.5692D-02 1175.3002 14.000 0.2989D-02 1044.3196 15.000 0.1986D-02 1123.4728 16.000 0.1655D-02 1365.2915 17.000 0.1286D-02 1885.3434 18.000 0.1041D-02 3292.3165 19.000 0.8610D-03 11145.1720 20.000 0.7197D-03 42450.2752 21.000 0.6207D-03 24062.5074 22.000 0.5357D-03 8148.4303 23.000 0.4626D-03 3287.8088 24.000 0.3994D-03 2409.4517 25.000 0.3448D-03 2375.5717 26.000 0.3043D-03 2735.6897 27.000 0.2682D-03 3590.6723 28.000 0.2360D-03 5819.8024 29.000 0.2073D-03 15463.6870 30.000 0.1816D-03 49103.3315 31.000 0.1641D-03 34155.4438 32.000 0.1481D-03 14986.4219 33.000 0.1336D-03 6421.7827 34.000 0.1203D-03 3998.8188 35.000 0.1083D-03 3589.8275 36.000 0.9927D-04 3914.2073 37.000 0.9095D-04 4904.1614 38.000 0.8335D-04 7465.8988 39.000 0.7629D-04 16975.8512 40.000 0.6979D-04 47019.1014 41.000 0.6425D-04 37180.1564 42.000 0.5911D-04 19307.5265 43.000 0.5439D-04 9139.1923 44.000 0.4999D-04 5345.3286 45.000 0.4592D-04 4360.3841 46.000 0.4263D-04 4493.9081 47.000 0.3956D-04 5390.5201 48.000 0.3668D-04 7776.5507 49.000 0.3403D-04 15809.5247 50.000 0.3155D-04 39351.1456 Parameters used: Media 1 and 2:..Aluminium.............VACUUM Reflection case: THETA = 0.003000 radians Inner potential = 18.000000 eV Initial distance from interface = 100.00 Angstroms Final distance from interface = 20.00 Angstroms Number of steps used = 10 Minimum scattering angle = 0.0000 mrad Maximum scattering angle = 8.0000 mrad Beta = 0.5482 Incident electron energy = 100.0000 keV Energy FWHH of zero loss beam = 1.0000 eV ZERO LOSS PEAK INTENSITY= 108.317 ENERGY PROBABILITY FINAL LOSS OF LAST STEP SPECTRUM 1.000 0.4482D-03 16.6065 2.000 0.1205D-02 3.9167 3.000 0.1257D-02 3.7336 4.000 0.1593D-02 4.1015 5.000 0.2159D-02 5.0301 6.000 0.3024D-02 6.6432 7.000 0.4673D-02 9.9798 8.000 0.8391D-02 19.2006 9.000 0.2135D-01 98.8373 10.000 0.2076D+00 496.0777 11.000 0.5285D+00 350.5868 12.000 0.2308D-01 78.8898 13.000 0.7863D-02 37.2522 14.000 0.4068D-02 34.5248 15.000 0.2732D-02 38.4986 16.000 0.2332D-02 48.1337 17.000 0.1869D-02 67.3689 18.000 0.1565D-02 115.4255 19.000 0.1342D-02 346.3256 20.000 0.1164D-02 1285.4867 21.000 0.1044D-02 1405.6383 22.000 0.9372D-03 701.6077 23.000 0.8412D-03 239.8859 24.000 0.7546D-03 159.3391 25.000 0.6767D-03 157.5016 26.000 0.6215D-03 183.2397 27.000 0.5699D-03 240.5385 28.000 0.5213D-03 374.0283 29.000 0.4759D-03 847.5983 30.000 0.4333D-03 2475.1503 31.000 0.4070D-03 3314.3079 32.000 0.3819D-03 2424.3597 33.000 0.3579D-03 1161.7719 34.000 0.3350D-03 568.8990 35.000 0.3130D-03 463.3257 36.000 0.2981D-03 492.5145 37.000 0.2837D-03 604.7317 38.000 0.2700D-03 864.9973 39.000 0.2565D-03 1632.7324 40.000 0.2436D-03 3932.5686 41.000 0.2327D-03 5797.5903 42.000 0.2221D-03 5296.9913 43.000 0.2120D-03 3334.7937 44.000 0.2020D-03 1755.1708 45.000 0.1923D-03 1132.6663 46.000 0.1851D-03 1059.2090 47.000 0.1780D-03 1206.3395 48.000 0.1710D-03 1598.7762 49.000 0.1643D-03 2640.4734 50.000 0.1577D-03 5438.2855 Parameters used: Media 1 and 2:..Aluminium.............VACUUM Reflection case: THETA = 0.003000 radians Inner potential = 18.000000 eV Initial distance from interface = 20.00 Angstroms Final distance from interface = 0.00 Angstroms Number of steps used = 10 Minimum scattering angle = 0.0000 mrad Maximum scattering angle = 8.0000 mrad Beta = 0.5482 Incident electron energy = 100.0000 keV Energy FWHH of zero loss beam = 1.0000 eV ZERO LOSS PEAK INTENSITY= 48.132 ENERGY PROBABILITY FINAL LOSS OF LAST STEP SPECTRUM 1.000 0.2518D-04 7.3960 2.000 0.6706D-04 1.7806 3.000 0.6857D-04 1.7058 4.000 0.8483D-04 1.8819 5.000 0.1114D-03 2.3151 6.000 0.1500D-03 3.0634 7.000 0.2206D-03 4.6048 8.000 0.3745D-03 8.8448 9.000 0.9145D-03 45.1784 10.000 0.9505D-02 227.0718 11.000 0.1337D-01 167.4173 12.000 0.9107D-03 37.7720 13.000 0.8354D-03 18.0945 14.000 0.2478D-02 19.5403 15.000 0.4551D-01 34.8126 16.000 0.4793D-02 27.3620 17.000 0.1470D-02 33.8005 18.000 0.7662D-03 56.3234 19.000 0.4963D-03 164.9234 20.000 0.3578D-03 608.0609 21.000 0.2905D-03 694.0019 22.000 0.2387D-03 357.5462 23.000 0.1981D-03 125.8178 24.000 0.1656D-03 99.7879 25.000 0.1394D-03 158.9804 26.000 0.1246D-03 156.4820 27.000 0.1112D-03 141.7431 28.000 0.9921D-04 197.1828 29.000 0.8841D-04 426.0785 30.000 0.7865D-04 1219.7952 31.000 0.7304D-04 1691.8847 32.000 0.6779D-04 1285.0553 33.000 0.6285D-04 643.5295 34.000 0.5821D-04 370.3551 35.000 0.5383D-04 464.2263 36.000 0.5102D-04 517.2145 37.000 0.4834D-04 467.4153 38.000 0.4580D-04 514.8103 39.000 0.4333D-04 881.2480 40.000 0.4095D-04 2040.8602 41.000 0.3907D-04 3078.7154 42.000 0.3723D-04 2914.6082 43.000 0.3547D-04 1923.7395 44.000 0.3375D-04 1150.0147 45.000 0.3207D-04 1076.7891 46.000 0.3086D-04 1209.7550 47.000 0.2969D-04 1165.1959 48.000 0.2851D-04 1148.7031 49.000 0.2739D-04 1572.4680 50.000 0.2629D-04 3012.1919 Parameters used: Media 1 and 2:..Aluminium.............VACUUM Reflection case: THETA = 0.014000 radians Inner potential = 18.000000 eV Initial distance from interface = 0.00 Angstroms Final distance from interface = -5.00 Angstroms Number of steps used = 10 Minimum scattering angle = 0.0000 mrad Maximum scattering angle = 8.0000 mrad Beta = 0.5482 Incident electron energy = 100.0000 keV Energy FWHH of zero loss beam = 1.0000 eV