Low Rates West and Northwest :¦;'¦'¦'&?>?*"""" ^~ HE UNION PACIFIC has inaugurated a series of LOW RATE POPULAR 1 EXCURSIONS to DENVER, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND and ALL POINTS IN THE WEST and NORTHWEST. The same high standard of excellence as heretofore will be maintained. Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars, Pullman Ordinary Sleeping Cars, Pullman Palace Dining Cars (service on restaurant plan at prices most reasonable), Reclining Chair Cars (seats free). Trains are all wide vestibule, are lighted with celebrated Pintch light and heated by steam. Everything modern and up-to-date. Please remember this is the line selected by Government to carry the Fast Mail across the continent, because it is the shortest and quickest line. No other line just as good. B Y taking the UNION PACIFIC fast trains you arrive in Salt Lake, San Francisco and Portland hours ahead of all other lines. Latest improved Pullman Ordinary Sleeping; Car leaves Kansas City every morning; of the week and runs through without change to Portland in just se"benty-t *$* «5* *$* «,?• e5* «£* *^ <£* «5* «£* «£* J. B. FRAWLEY, General Agent, Kansas City, Mo. TELEPHONE JJ99. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 1000 MAIN ST. All Trains run via Denver. See the Rockies. Don't forget THE LOW EXCURSION RATES. THE UNION PACIFIC ALWAYS LEADS.