WH_GR111 Kearney, NE Wed May 07, 2008 USDA NE Dept of Ag Market News Nebraska Rural Elevators: Spot Cash Grain Prices: Prices bid or paid per bushel, except grain Sorghum per CWT., at rural Nebraska elevators as of 2:00 P.M. today. US No 1 Hard Red Winter Wheat, Ord. Prot: 7.72-8.38. 6 lower. Beatrice 8.38 Hastings 8.32 Dorchester, Plymouth 8.28 Grand Island 8.14 Holdrege, Lexington, Superior 8.08 Kimball-Dix 8.06 McCook 8.03 Waverly 8.00 Greenwood, Imperial, Murdock 7.98 Merna 7.77 Belgrade, Columbus, Duncan, Osceola, Tarnov 7.73 Ogallala-Brule 7.72 US No 2 Yellow Corn: 5.48-5.81 7 higher. Lexington 5.81 Elm Creek, Silver Creek 5.80 Bloomfield 5.79 Omaha-Co. Bluffs 5.69-5.79 Belgrade, Columbus, Duncan, Osceola, Tarnov 5.77 Hastings 5.76 Grand Island, Nebraska City 5.75 Merna, Superior 5.74 Beatrice, Dorchester, Plymouth 5.71 Holdrege 5.68 Greenwood, Manley, Murdock, Waverly 5.66 Wakefield 5.57 Brownville 5.55 Kimball-Dix, Ogallala-Brule, Wayne 5.50 Imperial, McCook 5.48 US No 2 Yellow Grain Sorghum: 9.29-9.79 12 to 13 higher. Beatrice, Dorchester, Plymouth 9.79 Hastings, Superior 9.73 Waverly 9.54 Grand Island 9.50 Holdrege 9.43 McCook 9.29 US No 1 Yellow Soybeans: 11.74-12.54 32 higher. Omaha-Co. Bluffs 12.49-12.54 Nebraska City 12.43 Lexington, Wayne 12.09 Elm Creek, Greenwood, Manley, Murdock, Waverly 12.06 Beatrice, Hastings 12.04 Belgrade, Columbus, Duncan, Osceola, Tarnov 12.03 Brownville 12.02 Silver Creek 12.01 Holdrege 11.99 Grand Island 11.97 Superior 11.94 Dorchester, Plymouth 11.88 McCook 11.83 Imperial 11.78 Merna 11.74 Source: USDA Market News, Kearney, NE (308) 237-7579 24 Hour Recorded Market Reports (308) 234-1059 website: www.ams.usda.gov/mnreports/wh_gr111.txt 1530C KLW/LAD .