Physics of vector meson and identified particles at RHIC January 25-26, LBNL Topics to be discussed: 1) Stopping/baryon charge transport: - net proton, Lambda, Cascade Huang, Kai, Hui, Fuqiang, Peter, ... 2) Early pressure gradient: - v2 of k0, k*, phi, Lambda Paul, Jinghua, Eugene, Kirill, Feng, Sergei, Raimond, Frank, Haibin,... 3) Spectra and yields - Collective expansion and equilibrium (chemical and thermal) Masashi, Nu, Zhangbu, Hui, An, Haibin, Patricia, ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agenda: January 25, Friday 9:00 - 11:00 What NEW have we learnt from 130 GeV collisions? a) Raimond: v2 b) Zhangbu: Chemical test c) Peter: High pt spectra and v2 11:30 - 13:30 Net baryons physics a) Kai: proton and anti-proton distributions b) Huang: Topological formation of Baryons (???) c) Nu: pion and proton at 2-3 GeV/c region - new or old story? 14:30 - 16:00 Early pressure gradient a) Raimond: v2 of pion, kaon, and protons b) Jinghua/Paul: v2 of K0 and Lambda c) Eugene: phi yields and v2 of phi d) Haibin: v2 of K* 16:30 - 18:00 Collective expansion and equilibrium a) Masashi: Thermal fits b) Patricia/Zhangbu: rho c) Haibin: K* d) An: Delta e) Hui: Lambda / Cascade / Omega ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19:00 Dinner: Good food ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 26, Saturday 9:30 - 11:00 Results and problems a) Jinghua: K0 and Lambda v2 from 200 GeV b) Eugene: phi v2 from 200 GeV collisions 11:30 - 13:30 Results and problems a) Chris: kaon and proton ratios b) Feng: Particle ratios as a function of reaction plan 14:30 - 16:00 Report to collaboration meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coffee will be served on Friday, morning and afternoon, no idea about Saturday yet. Place: LBNL Conference Room 70-191 Nu Xu's office: 70-240 Phone number: 510-495-2951 /