;+ ; ; PROJECT: CHIANTI ; ; CHIANTI is an atomic database package for the calculation of ; astrophysical emission line spectra. It is a collaborative project ; involving the Naval Research Laboratory, Washington DC, Arcetri ; Observatory, Florence, Cambridge University, Rutherford ; Appleton Laboratory, and the University of Central Lancashire. ; ; ; NAME: ; READ_IONEQ ; ; PURPOSE: ; ; to read files containing the ionization equilibrium values ; ; CATEGORY: ; ; science. ; ; CALLING SEQUENCE: ; ; READ_IONEQ, File, T, Ioneq, Ref ; ; ; INPUTS: ; ; File: for example, !xuvtop+'/ioneq/arnaud_rothenflug.ioneq' ; ; OPTIONAL INPUTS: ; ; None: ; ; ; OUTPUTS: ; ; T: array of log10 temperatures ; Ioneq: 2 dimensional array of ionization equilibrium values ; Ref: reference in the scientific literature ; ; ; EXAMPLE: ; ; > read_ioneq,!xuvtop+'/ioneq/arnaud_rothenflug.ioneq' ; > help,t,ioneq ; > T FLOAT = Array(41) ; > IONEQ FLOAT = Array(41, 28, 29) ; > print, minmax(t) ; > 4.00000 8.00000 ; > print,t(20) ; > 6.0000 ; > print,ioneq(20,25,9) ; > 0.269 = log10 of ionization equilibrium of Fe X ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; Written by: Ken Dere (KPD) ; March 1996: Version 2.0 ; March 1999: KPD to read both number of temperature and number ; of elements ; ; 25-Oct-2000 V. 4, Giulio Del Zanna (GDZ). ; Corrected to interpret the '-1' as a reference only ; if within the first 3 columns ; ; VERSION : ; Version 4, 25-Oct-2000. ; ;- pro read_ioneq,filename,t,ioneq,ref ; ; if n_params(0) lt 4 then begin print,'' print,' > read_ioneq,filename,t,ioneq,ref ' print,' or' print,' > read_ioneq,''',''' , t,ioneq, ref' print,'' return endif ; if strtrim(filename,2) eq '' then begin ; dir=add_subdir(!xuvtop,'ioneq') filename=dialog_pickfile(path=dir,filter='*.ioneq',title='Select Ionization Equilibrium File') print,' selected: ',filename endif ; ; ; ; openr,lu,filename,/get_lun ; string1=' ' ; str='' nt=1 nz=1 ; readf,lu,str ; read number of temperatures and elements str=strtrim(str,2) if strlen(str) le 3 then begin reads,str,nt ; v1.0 style ioneq=fltarr(nt,30,31) endif else begin reads,str,nt,nz ; v2.0 style ioneq=fltarr(nt,nz,nz+1) endelse ioneq=fltarr(nt,30,31) ; hard-wired for now ; z1=1 & ion1=1. & f1=fltarr(nt) ; readf,lu,f1 ; t=f1 ; ; ; ; ; while strpos(string1,'-1') EQ -1 or strpos(string1,'-1') GT 2 do begin readf,lu,string1 if(strpos(string1,'-1') EQ -1 or strpos(string1,'-1') GT 2) then begin reads,string1,z1,ion1,f1,format='(2i3,41e10.2)' ioneq(0,z1-1,ion1-1)=f1(*) endif endwhile ; ; get references refstring=strarr(100) nref=0 ; string1=' ' while strpos(string1,'-1') EQ -1 do begin readf,lu,string1 if(strpos(string1,'-1') EQ -1) and (strpos(string1,'%file') EQ -1) then begin refstring(nref)=string1 nref=nref+1 endif endwhile ; ref=refstring(0:nref-1) ; ; ;g=where(ioneq gt 0.) ;ioneq(g)=10.^(-ioneq(g)) ; ; free_lun,lu ; ; end