function rd_ioneq,z,logt,eqfile=eqfile,chidir=chidir,verbose=verbose, _extra=e ;+ ;function rd_ioneq ; return the values of the ionization equilibrium for ions ; of element Z at specified temperatures as ARRAY(NLOGT,NIONS,NZ). ; ; right now this is simply a wrapper to the CHIANTI routine ; READ_IONEQ. someday other formats will be supported. ; ;syntax ; ioneq=rd_ioneq(z,logt,eqfile=eqfile,chidir=chidir) ; ;parameters ; z [INPUT; required] atomic number ; * must be integers ; logt [INPUT/OUTPUT] 1D array of log10(temperatures [K]) at which to ; provide ionization equilibrium values. if not defined, returns ; the temperatures at which the values in EQFILE are given. ; ;keywords ; eqfile [INPUT] pathname, relative to CHIDIR, of file containing ; ionization equilibrium values ; * default: !IONEQF ; * hard-coded default: ioneq/mazzotta_etal.ioneq ; chidir [INPUT] path name to the CHIANTI installation ; * default: !CHIDIR ; * hard-coded default: /data/fubar/SCAR/CHIANTI/dbase ; verbose [INPUT] controls chatter ; _extra [INPUT] junk -- here only to prevent program from crashing ; ;description ; reads in ionization equilibrium values a la CHIANTI ; and interpolates to appropriate temperatures ; ; for example, the ionization fraction of Fe XVII would be ; (rd_ioneq(26,logT))[*,17-1] ; or for that matter, ; (rd_ioneq([8,26,10],logT))[*,17-1,1] ; ;requires ; SETSYSVAL ; READ_IONEQ (from CHIANTI) ; ;history ; vinay kashyap (Nov96; based on SYNTHETIC.PRO) ; added keyword _EXTRA (VK; Dec96) ; interpolation in log to avoid stepped look (VK; Feb97) ; smooth after interpolation to avoid segmented look (VK; Apr97) ; bug: force maximum IONEQ to be 1, not 10^(1)! (VK; 99Sep) ; added keyword VERBOSE, now takes CHIDIR and EQFILE defaults ; from !CHIDIR and !IONEQF if they are defined; added call to ; SETSYSVAL (VK; Jul01) ; cleaned up the interface, and allowed Z to be an array ; (VK; Jun02) ;- ; usage ok='ok' & np=n_params(0) & nz=n_elements(Z) if np lt 1 then ok='Insufficient parameters' else $ if nz eq 0 then ok='Z is undefined' if ok ne 'ok' then begin print,'Usage: ioneq=rd_ioneq(Z,logT,chidir=!CHIDIR,eqfile=!IONEQF,verbose=v)' print,' return 2D (or 3D) array of ionization equilibrium values for given' print,' element at specified temperatures' if np ne 0 then message,ok,/info return,fltarr(1,1) endif ; initialize zslash='/' case !version.OS_FAMILY of 'unix': zslash='/' 'windows': zslash='\' 'macos': zslash=':' 'vms': zslash='\' else: zslash='/' ;unknown OS, assume UNIX endcase ; check keywords ; first figure out where CHIANTI is installed zCHIDIR='/data/fubar/SCAR/CHIANTI/dbase' ivar=0 & defsysv,'!CHIDIR',exists=ivar ;if !CHIDIR exists if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'CHIDIR',zCHIDIR,/getval if not keyword_set(chidir) then chidir=zCHIDIR ; do the same for the ion-balance file zEQFILE='ioneq/mazzotta_etal.ioneq' ivar=0 & defsysv,'!IONEQF',exists=ivar ;if !IONEQF exists if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'IONEQF',zEQFILE,/getval if not keyword_set(eqfile) then eqfile=zEQFILE ; verbosity vv=0 ivar=0 & defsysv,'!VERBOSE',exists=ivar ;if !VERBOSE exists if ivar ne 0 then setsysval,'VERBOSE',vv,/getval if n_elements(verbose) gt 0 then vv=long(verbose[0]) if vv gt 5 then message,'Assuming CHIDIR='+chidir,/info if vv gt 5 then message,'Using EQFILE='+eqfile,/info ; call CHIANTI routine, which returns the ion balance as ; an array of the form (NLOGT,NZ,NION) ; NOTE: this is currently the only option. some day we will ; have other formats available which will be accessible via ; appropriate keywords infile=chidir+zslash+eqfile ;input filename read_ioneq,infile,tt,ieq,ref sieq=size(ieq) & ntt=n_elements(tt) if max(tt)/min(tt) gt 100 then begin if vv gt 1 then message,$ 'converting temperatures from ion balance file to log10',/info ltt=alog10(tt) endif else ltt=tt ; check inputs and define output array nT=n_elements(logT) if nT eq 0 then begin logT=ltt & nT=n_elements(logT) endif if nz eq 1 then begin nion=Z(0)+1L & ioneq=fltarr(nT,nION) endif else begin nion=max(z)+1L > 1 ioneq=fltarr(nT,nION,nZ) endelse ; if file temperature grid is different from requested grid k=0 ;implies same grid if ntt ne nt then k=1 ;number of elements in grid differ if k eq 0 then for i=0,nt-1 do k=k+(logt(i) ne ltt(i)) ;even so, values differ ; and now put the data that were read in into the output array for iz=0L,nZ-1L do begin ;{for each Z kZ=Z(iZ) mion=kZ+1L > 1L if sieq(2) ge kZ and kZ gt 0 then begin ;(data exist in IEQ jeq=reform(ieq(*,kZ-1L,0L:mion-1L)) joneq=fltarr(nT,mION) if k ne 0 then begin ;(grids differ, so interpolate for i=0L,mion-1L do begin ;{for each ion tmp=reform(jeq(*,i)) > 1e-17 tmp=alog10(tmp) ineq=interpol(tmp,ltt,logt) < 0 ;NO ineq=spl_interp(ltt,tmp,spl_init(ltt,tmp,/d),logt,/d)<1 ;NO ineq=spline(ltt,tmp,logt,2)<1 ineq=10.^(ineq) oo=where(ineq lt 1e-9,moo) & if moo gt 0 then ineq(oo)=0. joneq(*,i)=ineq(*) endfor ;I=0,MION-1} endif else joneq(*,0L:mion-1L)=reform(ieq(*,kZ-1L,0:mion-1L)) ;k.NE.0) if nz eq 1 then ioneq=joneq else ioneq(*,0L:mion-1L,iz)=joneq(*,*) endif else begin ;SIEQ(2).GE.Z(IZ))(no ion balance data if vv gt 1 then message,$ 'Ion balance data do not exist for Z='+strtrim(kZ,2),/info if nZ eq 1 then ioneq(*,0L:mion-1L)=1./float(mion) else $ ioneq(*,0L:mion-1L,iz)=1./float(mion) endelse ;SIEQ(2)1e-17 ; tmp=alog10(tmp) ; ineq=interpol(tmp,tt,logt)<0 ; ;NO ineq=spl_interp(tt,tmp,spl_init(tt,tmp,/d),logt,/d)<1 ; ;NO ineq=spline(tt,tmp,logt,2)<1 ; ;if ntt lt nt then ineq=smooth(ineq,3) ; ineq=10.^(ineq) ; oo=where(ineq lt 1e-9) & if oo(0) ne -1 then ineq(oo)=0. ; ioneq(*,i)=ineq(*) ; x=tt & y=tmp & x2=logt ; endfor ;endif else ioneq=ieq return,ioneq end