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TEFLUN-A Flight Scenarios

The following describes seven basic flight scenarios (which address the goals of the TEFLUN-A campaigns. TEFLUN-A had two aircraft [ER-2 and SPEC Learjet cloud physics aircraft (CP)] and flight plans are shown in following seven Flight Scenarios:

The intent here is to provide a set of flight scenarios which satisfy the TRMM objectives, but also which operate within the flight safety constraints of the aircraft. The flight scenarios presented are for three aircraft, with the expectation of situations where ony one or two aircraft are available. The three aircraft flight scenarios presented can be adjusted for fewer aircraft.

Note that Scenarios 1 to 5 are strongly tied to a precipitation event, with effort to maximize coordination with the ground-based measurements, and TRMM overpasses. Of highest priority for TRMM FCs is to maximize coincidence between the satellite, aircraft, and ground-based measurements. It is clear that the probability of obtaining ALL these measurements during a precipitation event and over the enhanced Texas GV network during TEFLUN-A. Decisions will have to be made on a case by case basis as to whether the available resources will provide scientifically important data. Thus, the ER-2 and CP aircraft may at times be operated independently of a TRMM overpass. Scenario 6 requires coincidence of the ER-2 and TRMM; coincidence with other facilities such as the CP and ground-based radars is highly desirable. Scenario 7 is radar dependent, i.e., the ER-2 and CP will fly radar radials. For TEFLUN-A, the possible radars are the Houston WSR-88D, NOAA AL profiler, X-POL, combination, ADRAD, or if necessary, another WSR-88D (Corpus Christi, Lake Charles, New Braunfels, or Granger).

Safety Concerns:

The flight scenarios presented are conceptual and their implementation depends on real-time decisions concerning aircraft safety. While TRMM desires measurements within convective and stratiform precipitation regions, the CP will not be directed through any cells with indications of high reflectivities, hail, or strong updrafts. The ER-2 may still be directed over intense convection depending on the particular case.

Flight Clearances:

Flight clearances may be difficult to obtain for some of the flight scenarios, patricularly ones focusing on lower altitudes. If flight clearances are not given, then the flight profile may have to be modified significantly from that shown in the flight scenario. These decisions will be made on a real-time basis and may prebent close coordination of the aircraft.

Squall Line and Trailing Stratiform (Scenario 1)


Many MCS's appear as a leading convective line and a trailing stratiform reagion, sometines with a transition zone between them. These systems are of particular interest to TRMM because the latent heating profiles differ greatly between stratiform, convective, and transition regions. Climatology suggests that this type of MCS is more common during TEFLUN-A . Combination of diverse aircraft and surface data sets will help improve model physics and understanding the comples relations between clou microphysics, microwave radiances, and latent heating. Also, the measurements will enable examination of issues such as the relation between cloud electrification, ice mass, updraft strength, and 85 GHz grightness tempratures.

The goal of this flight scenario is to provide coverage of the evolution of the 3-D structure of a squall line system for model validation, with as many of the available supporting observations as possible. The ER-2 will perform lines normal to the squall line, covering the convective and stratiform regions. The CP will perform coordinated flight lines with the ER-2 when possible due to safety considerations. This will most likely involve weak squall lines. CP will collect microphysical information under the ER-2 . At other times when the convection is too strong for safe aircraft operation, the CP will fly a racetrack in the trailing stratiform reagion. The CP will fly this pattern descending to lower altitudes in the stratiform region to collect vertical profiles of microphysical information.

Vertical Structure of Stratiform Rain (Scenario 2)


To determine the microwave emission from the radar bright band. The radar and the radiometer communities currently model the absorption (and concomitant emission) of the bright band differently. These modeling approaches are important for physically-based raingall retrievals from either the radiometer or the radar on TRMM. But the merit of the different approaches are not well validated against observations. This flight module is aimed at stratiform regions with rain rates of 2-10 mm/hr. The ER-2 could also participate since it would provide a broader picture of the precipitation region.

MCSs with Disorganized Convection (Scenario 3)


MCSs are often observed which are more complex than linear squall line systems. We can expect these in TEFLUN. The goals of this flight scenario are similar to Scenario 1. The three aircraft would be stacked and perform flight lines along the convective cells. The intensity of the cells will vary from system to system. There will be situations where the convective cells are weak and present no danger to the CP. These are the preferred situations. There will be other cases where the individual convective storms will be too strong for the CP. In these situations, alternative, safer flight plans will be given for the CP. The ER-2 may still be requested to fly over the active convective regions, since both the radar and radiometer measurements would be most userful.

Isolated Convection (Scenario 4)


The FCs will ideally collect data from thunderstorms in different stages of evolution, intensity, and geographical locations. Isolated thunderstorms may be present during TEFLUN. Individual thunderstorms are simpler to model numerically, and it is often easier to obtain representative environmental conditions. Often, isolated thunderstorms do not have well developed anvils or stratiform regions. Consequently, the latent heating profiles may be different than typical tropical systems which have considerable stratiform rain. Because thunderstorms often have small dimensions relative to TRMM footprints, they can present beamfilling problems for TRMM algorithms. This flight scenario is aimed at isolated thunderstorms that are identifiable by the ER-2 pilots and do not have significant anvil ice present.

The main goal of this scenario is examine the relation between thunderstorm evolution, microwave brightness temperatures, vertical structure of reflectivity and updrafts, electrical activity, and relative amount of supercooled water and large ice aloft, and surface rainfall. This scenario requires repeated bow tie flight patterns with short flight legs, covering the evolution of the thunderstorm. The CP would fly similar patterns if entry into the convection was within safe limits.

Multicellular Convection With Anvil (Scenario 5)


Multicell thunderstorms have cells in various stages of development with the growing cells on the upwind end, and the decaying cells on the downwind end. The individual cells have short lifetimes (approximately 20 minutes), and are occasionally (butmost often not) intense. Flights over cells in varying stages of evolution are very important for TRMM objectives. The microwave brightness tempratures from which the vertical hydrometeor profiles are derived, are highly dependent on the stage of development of the cells. Young cells consist mostly of supercooled water above the freezing level without significant ice aloft, and rainfall is low. Mature cells have significant ice aloft and rainfall. Dissipating cells have highest rainrates at the surface with a reduction in ice aloft. And decayed cells move off into the anvil. Thus, there can be a time delay between the heaviest rainfall and the coldest 85 GHz microwave temperatures measured from above. The 85 GHz ice scattering-based channel, is the most useful channel for rain detection over land. Cloud microphysics measurements in the ice region are especially important for validation of model ice parameterizations, and for determining radiometric responses.

The flight lines for this scenario are linear tracks over the cells and anvil associated with this relatively small system. The three aircraft are stacked, and the CP will fly at higher levels (7-10 km). If the cells are weak, the CP will fly at multiple altitudes to map out the vertical microphysical structure.

Underflight of TRMM (Scenario 6)


This scenario is aimed at cordinating the ER-2, and CP with a TRMM overpass. Coordination of the aircraft and overpass may require locating away from the augmented surface observations and soundings, but possibly within range of a WSR-88D. The goal of this scenario is:

  1. to examine resolution and sensitivity limitations of the PR and TML, and
  2. to validate the PR surface refrence (SRT) attenuation correction (2A-25) andvariability of the surface scattering cross section, sigmao.

The EDOP-AMPR combination on the ER-2 provide high-resolution measurements that can be used to examine (1). EDPO is an X-band radar which is much less attenuated than ARMAR or the PR and it can be used as a reference for the PR corrections.

For this scenario, the aircraft would begin a track a few minutes before the projected time of the TRMM overpass at that point so that the time of coincidence would be roughly mid-point of the flight line. This is the best coincidence that can be obtained given that TRMM is traveling at such a rapid velocity and the aircraft are traveling relatively slowly. The TRMM PR swath is about 220 km so that the flight line can be oriented along the precipitation region rather than the TRMM subpoint (the figure shows the aircraft track along the TRMM subpoint). The CP would perform an ascent or descent through the region. Both land-based and ocean cases are of interest for this scenario, and precipitation systems which cover both land and water background are of particular interest. These measurements would provide guidance for algorithm improvements for the difficult case of land backgrounds.

Range Dependence of GV Rain Rate Relations (Scenario 7)


The Z-R relations used to convert radar reflectivity to rain rates have uncertainties due to their dependence on particle size distributions. In addition, the increase in radar beam size with distance from the radar, introduces further uncertainty. The size dependence issue will in part be addressed by flight lines of the type described in Scenario 2 which are not necessarily tied to a GV radar. The goal of the flight lines here are to examine the range dependence of the Z-R relations. This scenario will focus on ER-2 flight lines of about 200-300 km in length directed along radar radials and crossing directly over the radar. The ADRAD, X-POL will provide RHIs coordinated with the ER-2 ; or in the case of the WSR-88D, vertical structure will be reconstructed along the aircraft track from PPIs. The CP is highly desirable in the rain layer at several levels including the rain region, if possible. The Doppler/polarization radars on both the ER-2 can provide some information on the characteristics of the rain, but ideally the CP aircraft would provide information on the particle size distribution over the radar range interval.


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Last update:Mon Jan 5 14:27:53 EST 2004
Page Author: Suraiya Ahmad, Ph.D -- Suraiya.Ahmad-1@nasa.gov
Web Curator Stephen W Berrick -- web-contact-disc@listserv.gsfc.nasa.gov
NASA official: Steve Kempler, DISC Manager -- Steven.J.Kempler@nasa.gov