2005N-0345 Drug Approvals: Circumstances under which an active ingredient may be simultaneously marketed in both a prescription drug product and an over-the-counter drug product
FDA Comment Number : EC2233
Submitter : Mr. christopher Vounas Lane Date & Time: 11/03/2005 12:11:29
Organization : Mr. christopher Vounas Lane
Category : Individual Consumer
Issue Areas/Comments
Dear U.S. Food and Drug Administration,

Your rules restricting the sale of some drugs only under prescription is a good one and is a necessary to safeguard the American public. Please prevent the
over the counter sale of Plan B. Such a move would make this drug readily available to America's young (and older) daughters and to those who stand to
gain from their sexual exploitation. It would result in an increase in abortion not only of the form effected by this drug which kills the innocent preborn child
between fertilization and implantation, but as Bar Labs' own studies have shown, it cannot be expected to reduce surgical abortion either. Bar Labs' study
published in the January 2004 Journal of American Medical Association has shown no decrease in the pregnancy rates as a result of easy access to this drug
and a sharply increased rate of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Please be strong against the demands of those requesting you disregard your good safeguards. You can expect great pressure from them but your drug safety
rules are good and if you give in now you can expect even greater demands from others when it profits them. The purpose of this drug is not save anyone's
life or to cure or lessen any disease. It is a connivance/pleasure drug and by the very fact that you are requiring a prescription you are saying that it is
dangerous at least physically. The women themselves are saying it is spiritually, mentally and emotionally destructive on www.afterabortion.com and
www.afterabortion.net. So please do whatever you can to prevent this and stop the craziness!

May God Bless you!
Chris Vounas Lane