a little ‚ ~ den de driver comes out w~d a pan full of vinegar, salt an‘ re1 pepper an‘ he washes de gashes. De ‘oman faints ~T he digs her up, but in a few minutes she am stone dead. “D‘ s ae wu st C as e dat I ‚ s e e be r hyard of but I reckon dar wuz plenty more of dem. “J~r show yo‘ de value of slaves I‘ll tell yo‘ ‘bout my gTan‘ma.~ ~3he wuz sold. on de block föur times, 811e eber time she brung a thousand dollars. ~he wuz valuable case she ~iz stron~~ an‘ could piow day by d~r, den too she could have twenty chilluns an‘ wuck right on. ttDe ~iankees come through our country an‘ dey rn&kes de slaves draw water fer de horses all night. Course dey stold ‘ thing dey got dere han‘ s On but dat wuz what oie Abraham Lincoln toi‘ deni ter do.“ ~iJH/~H 2. 3j3