a. ~ 30 de kitchen washin‘ dishes an‘ I draps one. De rnissu.s calls Mr. Blount King, a patteroller, an‘ he puts de whuppin‘ yo‘ sees de marks of on me. My oie missus foun‘ it out an~ she corned an‘ got me.“ A friend of the interviewer who was present remarked, “That must have been horrible to say the least.“ “Yo“doan know nothin,“ the ol~ Negro blazed. “Alex Heath, a slave wuz beat ter death, hyar in Smithfield. He had stold something, dey tells me, anyhow he wuz: sentenced ter be put ter death, an‘ de folkse~s dar in charge ‘cided ter beat him ter death. Dey gib him a hund.ret lashes fer nine mornin ~s an ‚ on de ninth mornin ~ he died. ‘t~1r uncle Daniel Sanders ‚ wuz beat till he wuz cut inter gashes an‘ he wuz tu be beat ter death lak Alex wuz, but one day atter dey had beat hirn an‘ throwed him back in jail wid out a shirt he broke out an‘ runned away. He went doun in de riber swamp an‘ de blow flies blowed de gashes an‘ he wuz unconscious when a white m~i found hi~ an~ tuk him home wid him. He died two or three months atter dat but he neber could git his body straight ner walk widou~t a stick; he jist could drag. UI ~specks dat I doan know who rr~y pappy WUZI, maybe de stock nigger on de plantattlc‘n. ~r pappy an‘ marm~r jjst ~ y