You are visiting the web site of the EPSCI Program at the U.S. Dept. of Energy's Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA

Expedited Site Characterization:
Demonstration at St. Louis, Missouri


In conjunction with the field demonstration of ESC, a two-day session was held at the Stouffer Concourse Hotel, September 12, 13, drawing approximately 70 attendees including regulators from the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, EPA Region 7, DOE site managers, St. Louis citizen activists, city officials and technology contractors. The day's agenda included the following sessions:

  • Environmental Cleanup: the Big Picture - Site characterization, remediation, CERCLA, RPs, stakeholder involvement--what do all of these things mean and how does it all fit together? This session gave an overview of the cleanup process, providing a context for the more specific topics that followed. (Speaker: Al Bevolo)

  • Geographical Information Systems: More than a Map - A picture is worth a thousand words--or a thousand point of data in this case. This session features how sophisticated computers can be used to create multiple images of large sets of data. GIS applications range from using it to manage natural resources, to map and monitor urban storm sewers, to represent environmental issues in news articles, and to integrate analytical and geological data. (Speaker: Marshall Faintich, CEO of TRIFID Corporation of St. Louis, MO.)

  • ESC Quo Vadis: Where are we going? - A five-member panel discussed the essential elements, obstacles, and future of ESC: In what situations is its use most reasonable? What technological, regulatory or business issued affect its adoption? What is its future in the environmental market? Panelists:

    • Lynn Yuhr, Technos, Inc.
    • Steve Gelb, McLaren Hart
    • Bob Mournigham, EPA, Region 7
    • Robert Geller, Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources
    • Steve Wyrick, DOE Headquarters/SAIC

  • Tours of the site - Participants visited the St. Louis Airport Site and were able to see a variety of state-of-the-practice and innovative technologies being put to the test to characterize radioactive contaminants within the ESC context.

  • Working with Clients - In this session, some of the interactions between regulators and site owners were discussed in the context of achieving data quality objectives. (Speaker: Sebastian Tindall, Bechtel Environmental)


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Last Modified: 1 January 2002 by dave eckels
Expedited Site Characterization: etd/technologies/projects/esc/demos/slaps/stackholders.html