VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY NASHVILLE 5 TENNESSEE School of Medicine Department of Preventive Medicine and Public licalth Jan.26,1970 Dear Dr.Stanley: The arrival of your good letter and manuscript touched off the little red button on the switch-board of my mind marked,high voltage. It opened the flood-gate of memory and released an uncontrolled tumbling torrent of long peLt up reminisc.~;~~z~. The reading of your manuscript gave me much pleasure, I am in accord with the motivation and the make up of its contents. Do you feel that the addition of the word great in the title would further whet the curiosity of those who are unaware of this odd situation? The title would read: "The Undiscovered" Great Discovery. When I find myself doing this sort of thing I feel naughty as though I were laying a heavy hand on some one else's brain-child. So tell me off if you feel like it. There are two apologies due you. One for this Outrage- ously delayed reply that may have caused you some em%arrass- ment in your effort to meet a possible dead line for publi- cation. I had just recovered from a mild virusinfection of short duration when a whopper toppled me. I am now back on the rails with a full head of steam ready to roll again. Thats not a bad accomplishment for a fellow who carries around in his pocket a hunting and fishing license surchar- ged in red ink with the word 4taged". ,;:, ..I -, -, r.< '. c , : '1 : *-` :: . . . >i .- .7 ..:, 2.. The other anology has been due you for almost fiv&~'y&&~~ ?. '_" % I should have personally congratulated you on your excellent :' ':'% ::" presentation of brother's work,your tribute to and ack;Qowlet (- :: r .$ dgement of the significance of his discovery. I only w%sh`: y .: ',. : 5: brother could have been there to have hearc you and se$$ .:' .,i .- ;- I the evolvement of a genetic code. overcome with acute emotion. Unabashed I confess 8' @$s-:- i.: ;; ,.: < Then Dr.Bronk read an irr$.)&i. 1: y; ii< i.. vent portion from one of my two letters to him,in both,?o;c,: .ii ;: i- ;!: " which I had pleaded with him not to call on me to speab.:~3.$~~~ ., : :z scuttled me. CE w I? 1. :. yj '- 7*-, 0 c: 3 r, ?& :>5 . .; ,. ghat you have said and written has added much to b$&$&$'k 1~ I-! stature and will go a long way toward helping to placezwsV '. *. discovery in a proper scientific perspective. ,j . :, :.- ;: -.. c3 1,: - ":. I J ..: - _ .' Home address: 3612 goods Hill Rd. Nashville,Tenn.37215 Most cordially yours. Roy C.Avery /