456 MEMORIALS. MARGARET FULLER OSSOLL BY C. P. CRANCH. 0 still sweet summer days ! 0 moonlight nights! After so drear a storm how can ye shine ? O smiling world of many-hued delights, How canst thou 'round our sad hearts stiU entwine The accustomed wreaths of pleasure ? How, 0 Day, Wakest thou so full of beauty ? Twilight deep, How diest thou so tranquilly away ? And how, O Night, bring'st thou the sphere of sleep ? For she is gone from us, —gone, lost for ever, — In the wild billows swaUowed up and lost, — Gone, full of love, life, hope, and high endeavor, Just when we would have welcomed her the most Was it for this, O woman, true and pure ! That life through shade and light had formed thy mind To feel, imagine, reason, and endure, — To soar for truth, to labor for mankind ? Was it for this sad end thou didst bear thy part In deeds and words for struggling Italy, — Devoting thy large mind and larger heart That Rome in later days might yet be free ? And, from that home driven out by tyranny, Didst turn to see thy fatherland once more, Bearing affection's dearest ties with thee ; And as the vessel bore thee to our shore, And hope rose to fulfilment, — on the deck, When friends seemed almost beckoning unto thee : O God ! the fearful storm, — the splitting wreck, — The drowning billows of the dreary sea !