[i237 J 170 Ammonites placenta, (De Kay.) Very large ; found also in New Jersey. Ammonites Mandanensis, (Morton.) Ammonites Nicolletii, (Morton.) Ammonites abyssinus, (Morton.) Ammonites Conradi, (Morton.) Also found in Alabama. Baculites ovatus, (Say.) Also found in Alabama. Baculites compressus, the same species flattened. Belemnites mucronatus; found in New Jersey and Alabama, and also oc- curs in the chalk of England. Hipponyx borealis, (Morton.) Avicula cretacea, (Conrad.)* Cylherea Missouriana, (Morton.) Tellina occidentalis, (Morton.) Ostrua vesicularis, (Lamarck.) Anomia tellinoides, (Morton.) Inoceramus barabini, (Morton.) Occurring in great numbers, and of un- usually large size ; most frequently compressed. This species ap- proaches 1. Crispii of Mantell, figured in his Geology of Sussex, and characterizes the formation. VERTEBRATED ANIMALS. / Two vertebrœ. of a species of squalus. Three vertebrœ of a nondescript crocodile. Two vertebrœ continuous of an animal belonging to the order of enalis saurus of Conybeare. The specimens are completely mineralized, the organized structure being entirely replaced by crystallized carbonate of lime. From the size of the specimens, and their other characters, it is quite probable that these vertebrae form a part of the skeleton of the saurocepkalus lanciformis, (Harlan.) Vide Medical and Physical Researches, pp. 362 and 386. These specimens are considerably dis- torted by pressure, and similar ones have been found in the green sand of New Jersey, and in the chalk formation of England. * This is a fragment of a cast, but sufficiently distinct to entitle it to a specific appellation. It is remarkable for the perfectly rectilinear fronf margin so far as it appears on the fragment. A D 7.5. ^