The 14th APS Topical Conference on

Atomic Processes in Plasmas

                   "La Fonda", acrylic on masonite, by Francis H. Harlow

La Fonda in Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 19-22, 2004

We cordially invite you to attend the 14th APS Topical Conference on Atomic Processes in Plasmas that will be held April 19-22, 2004 (reception April 18) in Santa Fe, New Mexico at the La Fonda Hotel. 

Topics covered by the Conference include both atomic physics relevant to plasmas and plasma science dependent directly, or from a modeling or diagnostics point of view, on atomic processes. Broad classes of talks in recent years have been in the areas of laser-produced plasmas, magnetic confinement fusion, atomic theory, experiment, and data activities, Z-pinches, heavy-ion fusion, lighting, astrophysics, and low-temperature and industrial plasmas. This year there will also be a session on atomic physics and plasmas used in the formation of anti-hydrogen.

The abstract deadline is February 15, 2004, the early (least costly) registration deadline is March 18, 2004, and the hotel deadline is March 18, 2004.

Program Committee                                 Local Committee 

Conference Secretary: Beverly James (

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