<%@ page import="allaire.taglib.*" %> <%@ page import="java.text.NumberFormat,java.math.BigDecimal" %> <%@ taglib uri="jruntags" prefix="jrun" %> <%@ include file="header.html" %> <%@ include file="global_vars_query.jsp" %> <%-- **** IMPORT SUPPLIERS QUERY ********************************* --%> select IMPORTS_DIGEST_5YR_CSC_QTR.CTRYNAME, Sum(decode(YEAR, , CUSTOMS_VALUE,0)) AS YEAR_1, Sum(decode(YEAR, , CUSTOMS_VALUE,0)) AS YEAR_2, Sum(decode(YEAR, , decode(MONTH,'12',CUSTOMS_VALUE,0),0)) AS YEAR_3, Sum(decode(YEAR, , decode(MONTH,'12',0,CUSTOMS_VALUE),0)) AS LAST_YTD, Sum(decode(YEAR, , CUSTOMS_VALUE,0)) AS THIS_YTD from IMPORTS_DIGEST_5YR_CSC_QTR, CTRY_GROUPS where CTRY_GROUPS.COUNTRY_CODE = IMPORTS_DIGEST_5YR_CSC_QTR.COUNTRY_CODE and groups='SUB_SAHARA' and RPCODE='99' and CSC='4' group by IMPORTS_DIGEST_5YR_CSC_QTR.CTRYNAME order by YEAR_3 desc <%-- *** DISPLAY TABLE ****************************************** --%>

U.S. International Trade Commission

Sub-Saharan Africa: Major U.S. import suppliers under the Generalized System of Preferences, annual and year-to-date from Jan -  <%= current_month_abbrev %>

<% NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); int rank = 0; double year_1, year_2, year_3, last_ytd, this_ytd; double top_ten_total_1 = 0; double top_ten_total_2 = 0; double top_ten_total_3 = 0; double top_ten_total_last_ytd = 0; double top_ten_total_this_ytd = 0; double all_others_total_1 = 0; double all_others_total_2 = 0; double all_others_total_3 = 0; double all_others_total_last_ytd = 0; double all_others_total_this_ytd = 0; double grand_total_1 = 0; double grand_total_2 = 0; double grand_total_3 = 0; double grand_total_last_ytd = 0; double grand_total_this_ytd = 0; %> <% rank++; year_1 = new BigDecimal(q1.get("YEAR_1")).doubleValue(); year_2 = new BigDecimal(q1.get("YEAR_2")).doubleValue(); year_3 = new BigDecimal(q1.get("YEAR_3")).doubleValue(); last_ytd = new BigDecimal(q1.get("LAST_YTD")).doubleValue(); this_ytd = new BigDecimal(q1.get("THIS_YTD")).doubleValue(); grand_total_1 += year_1; grand_total_2 += year_2; grand_total_3 += year_3; grand_total_last_ytd += last_ytd; grand_total_this_ytd += this_ytd; if ( rank <= 10 ) { top_ten_total_1 += year_1; top_ten_total_2 += year_2; top_ten_total_3 += year_3; top_ten_total_last_ytd += last_ytd; top_ten_total_this_ytd += this_ytd; %> <% } else { all_others_total_1 += year_1; all_others_total_2 += year_2; all_others_total_3 += year_3; all_others_total_last_ytd += last_ytd; all_others_total_this_ytd += this_ytd; } %>
(Million dollars, Customs value)
Rank Country <%= y1 %> <%= y2 %> <%= y3 %> <%= y3 %> YTD <%= y4 %> YTD
<%= rank %> <%= q1.get("CTRYNAME") %> <%= nf.format(year_1 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(year_2 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(year_3 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(last_ytd / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(this_ytd / 1000000) %>
Subtotal <%= nf.format(top_ten_total_1 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(top_ten_total_2 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(top_ten_total_3 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(top_ten_total_last_ytd / 10000000) %> <%= nf.format(top_ten_total_last_ytd / 10000000) %>
All other <%= nf.format(all_others_total_1 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(all_others_total_2 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(all_others_total_3 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(all_others_total_last_ytd / 10000000) %> <%= nf.format(all_others_total_this_ytd / 10000000) %>
Total <%= nf.format(grand_total_1 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(grand_total_2 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(grand_total_3 / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(grand_total_last_ytd / 1000000) %> <%= nf.format(grand_total_this_ytd / 1000000) %>

Note -- Because of rounding, figures may not add to the totals shown.

Source: Compiled by the U.S. International Trade Commission from official statistics of the U.S. Department of Commerce

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