SEPTEMBER 1997 LIKELY IMPACT OF PROVIDING QUOTA-FREE AND DUTY-FREE ENTRY TO TEXTILES AND APPAREL FROM SUB-SUBHARAN AFRICA Investigation No. 332-379 Publication 3056 U.S. International Trade Commission Washington, DC 20436 (in WordPerfect 6.1 format) FILE DESCRIPTION preface.wpd Preface abstract.wpd Abstract contents.wpd Table of contents exec-sum.wpd Executive Summary Chapter1.wpd Introduction Chapter2.wpd Assessment of the competitiveness of the textile and apparel sector in Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter3.wpd Economic impact of providing quota-free and duty-free entry to textiles and apparel from Sub-Saharan Africa appendix.wpd A. Letter from the House Ways and Means Committee B. Commission response letter C. Federal Register notice D. List of witnesses at the hearing and views of interested parties E. Technical description of the model and underlying parameter estimates and supplemental economic analysis F. U.S. general imports of textiles and apparel from selected countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1993-961