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Special Read Only Chat Room

Webmaster: . . . . Wed, May 13, 2:37AM PDT (-0700 GMT). . . [1 ]

Quest at NASA: . . . . Wed, May 13, 3:51AM . . . [2 ]

Quest at NASA: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:08AM . . . [3 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:08AM . . . [4 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:08AM . . . [5 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:08AM . . . [6 ]
: Good.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:09AM . . . [7 ]
We are getting some directions here at this time from -- actually we are getting a discussion here in French and we will be with you once just a minute as soon as we .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [8 ]
: Day tu Dees spatial es , Physique et Biologie Ecole Nationale de Chimie chim chim chi.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [9 ]
: Looking at the situation, Washington looks good.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [10 ]
How is New York looking? Well, we are going to reconfigure if we need to.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [11 ]
We will just be checking in that we haven't actually been disconnected, but it looks as if things are on goal and we just need to test all the connections.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [12 ]
Good, as long as we've got Titus up on the screen, we are good says the next speaker.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [13 ]
We will take, then, we'll start out with the three pictures on screen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [14 ]
And I'll go out now and get the problem taken care of for the next three or four minutes.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [15 ]
Good, then that should take care of that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [16 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [17 ]
When you were doing this, were you speaking into the speaker phone or were you in speaking in the microphone that you are going to use?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [18 ]
: We are not using the microphone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:11AM . . . [19 ]
We are going to use the telephone for all the dialog.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [20 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [21 ]
I picked up the hand set when I did this and they were saying in Paris that the sound from DC was a little low, yeah.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [22 ]
Are you guys going to pick up the hand set or are you going to speak in the speaker phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [23 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [24 ]
: Actually I'd rather not have the kids pushing buttons and doing that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [25 ]
But if the dialog is so low that Paris is having trouble.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [26 ]
: All right.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [27 ]
It's either that or they have to speak in right on the phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:12AM . . . [28 ]
: Just a second .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [29 ]
Students cloud observations on line ,.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [30 ]
: Students' Cloud Observations On-Line.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [31 ]
Students' cloud observations on line ,.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [32 ]
: The chances for cutting you off as we go back and forth between the head set and the.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [33 ]
: Speaker phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [34 ]
: Are significant.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [35 ]
: Right.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:13AM . . . [36 ]
: I just don't want to be messing with the hand set at all.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [37 ]
In fact it just now occurred to me, I think I'm going to take the hand set off of this phone S'COOL to prevent even that possibility.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [38 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [39 ]
So we are going to use this only on speaker phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [40 ]
I realize that you'll get some ambient noise.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [41 ]
I'm going to be standing here an I will control the mute button, so we will have it muted also times when we are not transmitting from --.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [42 ]
: You just have to foynd find where the microphone is located on that speaker phone so that the kids can speak as close to the microphone as possible.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [43 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [44 ]
We will do that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [45 ]
We will work with them on trying to keep the paper away from the microphone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [46 ]
: Right.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [47 ]
: As best we can.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [48 ]
You have to realize we are dealing with some young people here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [49 ]
But we'll do our best to minimize any ambient noise coming through on the Mike.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [50 ]
Bust I just don't want to mess with the speaker phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [51 ]
: Can you hear me well here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [52 ]
: Oh, yeah, we can hear you fine.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:14AM . . . [53 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [54 ]
: Are you in the French classroom now.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [55 ]
: No, no.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [56 ]
I'm in Brooklyn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [57 ]
This is Marceal . Malcolm,.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [58 ]
: Yeah.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [59 ]
There we go.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [60 ]
Okay, hello.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [61 ]
: No, I'm in Brooklyn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [62 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [63 ]
I'm sorry.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [64 ]
Who am I talking to.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [65 ]
: Marceal.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [66 ]
: Marceal.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [67 ]
Good morning.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [68 ]
This is Malcolm.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [69 ]
: No.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [70 ]
It was just because we just did a demo for the Titus presentation --.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [71 ]
: Yeah.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [72 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [73 ]
: And they were saying that DC was coming a little low on the sound so that it's probably because you need to find where the microphone is on that phone and try to speak in the microphone, especially for -- if kids are a little soft spoken.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [74 ]
: Right.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:15AM . . . [75 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [76 ]
Well, that's a very good point, and we'll talk with them about speaking loudly and clearly into the microphone, an also what I've noticed with the kids, they tend to keep the paper right in front of their face as they are reading.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [77 ]
I don't know to what extent we'll be able to effect that, but we'll try.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [78 ]
: Great.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [79 ]
: Malcolm and Marshall, this is Jeff Hoffman in Paris.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [80 ]
How do you hear me?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [81 ]
: Good morning.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [82 ]
: Good.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [83 ]
Are you on the speaker phone that you will be using during the event?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [84 ]
: Yes, I'm using a hand held Mike.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [85 ]
I'm walking -- I'm in the technical room.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [86 ]
I'm going to walk over into the computer room now.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [87 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [88 ]
I was going to tell you that the audio quality is much improved over what it was yesterday.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:16AM . . . [89 ]
Are you using a different system?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [90 ]
: Well, what we've decided is we have taken away all the lava leer microphones an everybody is going to speak

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [91 ]
: Few feet at least of our -- of the workstation where we are, so the V.I.P. guests will be able to hear just fine.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [92 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [93 ]
: Jeff, what -- before you came on, did you monitor the conversation I just had with Marceal about the speaker phone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [94 ]
: Yes, I did.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [95 ]
I heard that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [96 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:17AM . . . [97 ]
So we'll do the best we can with that situation.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [98 ]
: an As far as we can tell, all the hookups went well today, and

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [99 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [100 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [101 ]
: Describe places without even showing them on the map, because we cannot give some references.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [102 ]
You know, we say Wall Street and the southern end of Manhattan, so, you know, things like that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [103 ]
: That's the best, you know, do your best.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [104 ]
Everybody, everybody will go along.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [105 ]
If there is a complete breakdown in the Internet but we still have the sound, we will determine as quickly as possible and give the signal to proceed with a -- like we did yesterday, with a nonconnected demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:19AM . . . [106 ]
: Yes.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:20AM . . . [107 ]
Here in Brooklyn we have Titus running on another machine, and it's ready to pull up the images so that we can walk the V.I.P.s through the -- as the sound is coming through on our own images.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:20AM . . . [108 ]
: Excellent.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:25AM . . . [109 ]
Excellent Benjamn Banneker ,

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:32AM . . . [110 ]
President Bensoussan, Mr. Ben , my sure Ben Monsieur Ben , Ben sue son, Ben sue zone , Bensoussan, Bensoussan, Ben so you son , S'COOL , Mme. , Le Cochennec , Recteur de l'academia de Paris , Ecole Nationale de Chimie sheem sheem Mme. se Coleen Royale , series project, series prokt, series project, series project , am ba sa dor, am dor Rohatyn, row ha teen , Ambassador Rohatyn, Ambassador Rohatyn , Donald Billingsley, Michelle Carteron, Kathryn , ka thrin, Catherine

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [111 ]
, school demonstration , school demonstration , Daniel Goldin, Daniel golden, Daniel goal din , Goldin, Goldin, Goldin , Monsieur, Monsieur, moan sewer , Monsieur , Maggie, may gee Pierson , mag gee , Mme. Catherine Le Cochennec, Mme. Catherine Le Cochennec, Mme. lay Le Cochennec

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [112 ]
: This is Mitch at the Brooklyn School.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [113 ]
We are back on line.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [114 ]
Are we being heard?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [115 ]
: Yes, NIC.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 4:46AM . . . [116 ]
This is hellly.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:10AM . . . [117 ]
You are being heard Cumelous, cumulus , I chat , Aryan five, Aryan 5, Arien 5, air reen 5 '4international space station international space station , Allen herring , Allen herring de(in French.) major major , Pierre Elliott Kramer , Pierre Eloitt Kramer , Stephen Eloitt Kramer , major major , major Pierre , Major Pierre L'Enfant , Major Pierre L'Enfant , Benjamin Banneker, President Bensoussan

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:24AM . . . [118 ]
, president Alain Ben , President Alain Bensoussan Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... Please stand by... ,.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:24AM . . . [119 ]
: So the interpreters to also test the RealAudio and the English interpretation on that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:25AM . . . [120 ]
Thank you

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:25AM . . . [121 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:25AM . . . [122 ]
: There is now chitchat on the channel out of Paris . Most of it off Mike.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:25AM . . . [123 ]
Mikes are clearly on.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [124 ]
There is conversation going on around there, as well as movement .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [125 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [126 ]
: (In French).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [127 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [128 ]
: Ladies and gentlemen, four journalists, technicians, anyone else in the room, we would like to ask that you should shut down your laptops at this time so that we -- your laptops and also your sell u Lars, police do turn them off so we don't suddenly get beepers or anything going on in the course of the event.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [129 ]
So please turn off any noise making equipment you may have on you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [130 ]
Thank you .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [131 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [132 ]
: Hello, New York.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [133 ]
: New York, good morning.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:29AM . . . [134 ]
Marcel, are you there? Marcel from New York? I wonder if you are ready to take the control in New York.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [135 ]
Could you just double-check, take the hand, make sure that we've still got a share, and that we are still on? That's great, says Marceal at Brooklyn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [136 ]
: .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [137 ]
: Marcel, are you the one doing this.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [138 ]
: Okay, good .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [139 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [140 ]
: Okay for New York .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [141 ]
: Okay.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [142 ]
I've got New York maximized.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [143 ]
I'll be taking the hand and you'll minimize.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:30AM . . . [144 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [145 ]
: Marcel, if you would be so good as to minimize your screen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [146 ]
: Noo good.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [147 ]
The picture is now minimized in New York .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [148 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [149 ]
: Michel, could you take over the hand for Titus.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:31AM . . . [150 ]
And could Washington do the same thing.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:32AM . . . [151 ]
Can we test with the hand in Washington .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:32AM . . . [152 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:32AM . . . [153 ]
: Has Washington been able to test taking over the hand.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:33AM . . . [154 ]
: Please say that in English .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [155 ]
: Shar sell, could you do the same thing, please .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [156 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [157 ]
: Marcel, are you there?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [158 ]
: Yes, Marcel.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [159 ]
: I wonder.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:34AM . . . [160 ]
: Anne at Kramer.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:35AM . . . [161 ]
: She's here .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:35AM . . . [162 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:35AM . . . [163 ]
: We will now take the hand in order to have Washington go back on minimized screen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:38AM . . . [164 ]
Thank you .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:47AM . . . [165 ]
: .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:47AM . . . [166 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:47AM . . . [167 ]
: Ladies and gentlemen, we are now entering into the concentration phase.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 5:47AM . . . [168 ]
The V.I.P.s have just arrived, so we are going to ask that you please remain quiet so as to allow the students also to be totally focused on their tasks.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:00AM . . . [169 ]
Thank you Ariane 5, Ariane 5

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:02AM . . . [170 ]
: Standing by .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:04AM . . . [171 ]
: Stand by,

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:04AM . . . [172 ]
: De La Beaujardiere Mrs. Clinton, ladies and gentlemen, following the few words of welcome that I said earlier, I should now like to officially open this session and welcome you to this American-French space education initiative.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:04AM . . . [173 ]
I should particularly like to welcome our students, our teaching staff and the directors of the school where we find ourselves.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:04AM . . . [174 ]
This is simply a show of the cooperation between our two countries.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [175 ]
It also shows how information can be shared between educational authorities and the scientific establishment, something which we encourage at all levels.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [176 ]
This is a way of encouraging young students towards careers in the sciences, and we hope in this way to stimulate the love of learning and of working together.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [177 ]
The heart of this technique is to teach students how to ask questions and how to develop the scientific spirit.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [178 ]
We believe that nothing is obvious in this field.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [179 ]
Everything has to be created.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:05AM . . . [180 ]
Technique and technology is also a form of freedom which allows us a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:06AM . . . [181 ]
We also particularly appreciate for this reason the ecological and environmental studies which lie underneath the studies that we will be presenting.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:06AM . . . [182 ]
In addition, we believe that science is something that belongs to all of us as citizens of the world, and that in this way we will see that an apprenticeship in the sciences can be of a humanitarian vocation.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:06AM . . . [183 ]
We believe that as Burton Russell once said, Mrs. Clinton, I believe that it is really the duty of states to make available to the greatest number possible, the benefits and advantages of science and technology, and to develop jointly our research at the educational level.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:07AM . . . [184 ]
Thus, I believe you know the words of condar say which says that if public education in French and the demo kratization of knowledge is a goal, then, let me quote and I will end with this, "The more you want men and women to dispose of and make use of their rights, the further you move away from the small numbers so as to enable the mass to accomplish more, the greater the extension of science will become." Thank you .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:07AM . . . [185 ]
: Mrs. Clinton, Mme. minister, Mr. Ambassador, Mr. Rector, I should like Mrs. Clinton, to thank you for having accepted our invitation to come and attend the demonstration that will be starting up very shortly.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:07AM . . . [186 ]
I should like also to express how honored we are by your presence here today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:08AM . . . [187 ]
I should like also to stress how pleased we are to have you here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:08AM . . . [188 ]
Let me also thank the national school of physics, biology and chemistry, and all of their professors, administrators and students who have worked so hard on this project, and who are our hosts today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:08AM . . . [189 ]
I should like to make three points.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:08AM . . . [190 ]
First of all I should like to pay tribute to your country which has, after all, developed the Internet, because beyond technology this is truly a manifestation of the American genius.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:08AM . . . [191 ]
It is a fact that in the United States all roads to innovation are followed without necessarily knowing at the outset what the ultimate goal might be.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [192 ]
And it is also a fact that it would have been hard to imagine at the beginning of the 1970s when our pa net was first launched on the American network, that this would actually become the beginning of a revolution that would take us into the age of information.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [193 ]
What is even more spectacular is that in making this available on a worldwide level, America hass pressed its confidence in the creativity of the scientific community.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [194 ]
Today everybody is on the net and on the Web.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [195 ]
The technology behind this comes from and is part and parcel of the American way of life and the American culture, and thus, it is that the info highway was actually launched officially by President Clinton and by vpal gor.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [196 ]
And today we are all linked to an information society.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:09AM . . . [197 ]
And this will, in turn, fundmentally change how we work, communicate, educate ourselves, or enjoy ourselves.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [198 ]
And it is important that these tools be used wisely.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [199 ]
And I believe that given our demonstration today, you will see that this technology can be put to use for a better education, and also can be put to use to insure that the youth of our world will have a chance to get to know each other.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [200 ]
It makes science and technology available to a greater number of people, particularly when it comes to space studies, and in a way, thus, this will make such studies more demographically available to our citizens.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [201 ]
I have a second message concerning space studies, and that is that the CNES and NASA are at the forefront of the information era, because much of the information now goes through satellite.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [202 ]
And soon we will see whole constellations of satellites.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:10AM . . . [203 ]
This is the only way that we can transend certain geographical barriers.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [204 ]
And today, of course, the kpetivity of the various media is on the upswing.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [205 ]
Thus we might anticipate that space will become a very large and active participant in the information highway.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [206 ]
And here again, we notice that the United States, as well at the forefront, having spent as much as 5 times as much on space research, as does Europe.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [207 ]
And in Europe I must say that it is France who is at the forefront of the space revolution, because we spend more than our other European neighbors.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [208 ]
Having now mentioned the CNES, the national center for space studies and NASA, let me also point out that there is real cooperation between our two agencies, particularly when it comes to anything that has space applications.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:11AM . . . [209 ]
Thus, for instance, we have an oceanography project that is being monitored through joint satellites.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:12AM . . . [210 ]
And this in turn has allowed us to look at the, and predict some of the consequences of El Nino in quite an amazing way.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:12AM . . . [211 ]
We also have a program concerning our planets, and we certainly want to also thank NASA for having received a number of French and other European astronauts, and welcomed them on the Space Shuttle.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:12AM . . . [212 ]
We believe that through joint efforts and cooperation, all kinds of applications, particularly those concerning education, will become an ongoing project as we first outlined it briefly a few weeks ago.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [213 ]
Thus, let me simply sum up, Mrs. Clinton, by telling you how pleased we are that you are here, and that we have every will to establish very close ties.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [214 ]
I wish to wish you a very happy stay here in France, and also introduce now the next speaker.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [215 ]
Also point out that we have a NASA representative here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [216 ]
: And I give you the world now .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [217 ]
. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [218 ]
: This Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Ambassador, distinguished guests and most of all, students who will lead our world in the 21st century.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:13AM . . . [219 ]
I would like to welcome you electronically to America, to the Kramer School and to the Brooklyn School of global studies at different times, different places.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [220 ]
I'd like to thank the first lady for her commitment to education and to our children, especially in NASA science, because the children who are sitting with us today are going to have everything about their futures determined by math and science, and it's so important, Mrs. Clinton, the effort that you are extending, that these children will have an enriched education.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [221 ]
Today we are celebrating the wonderful relationship between France and America and space.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [222 ]
We've done wonderful things together technologically, but today we do the most important thing.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [223 ]
We bring our children together, our students together, so they can learn together and make the world a better place.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [224 ]
We've explored the heavens to try and cure disease.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:14AM . . . [225 ]
We've explored the heavens to develop new materials and advanced technologies, so the young people of today will have a strong economy of the future.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [226 ]
France and the United States launched a spacecraft called po sigh den that's helping us predict natural disasters so people can have better lives here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [227 ]
But this is a very important project.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [228 ]
And in the future our young people will have to be able to make decisions about their health.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [229 ]
They'll have to make decisions to be good citizens to understand how to vote.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [230 ]
They'll have to make decisions in their careers.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [231 ]
They'll have to make decisions in how to bring up their children and math and science are going to be crucial to that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [232 ]
So it is just a wonderful, wonderful event that I'm so proud to be working on with my partners in France, and to have the leadership of the first lady of the United States help us move forward.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [233 ]
In a few years the International Space Station will be up, and young people will be participating in it.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [234 ]
The ar rean will be lauveng small satellites for students in America and France and around the world to be working on.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:15AM . . . [235 ]
So will the shuttle.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [236 ]
I hope one of the students today will be so inspired that at some time in the not too distant future, perhaps the young person from Paris, New York, Washington, D.C., will be on the team of the first expedition to Mars to set their feet in the crunchy red surface of that planet.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [237 ]
Thank you very much.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [238 ]
. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [239 ]
: Thank you, Mr. Goldin.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [240 ]
My name is Phillip gi say and it is my task to introduce the demonstration which is now going to begin.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [241 ]
This demonstration is not a demonstration of a program of cooperation of an educational nature.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:16AM . . . [242 ]
This program has implemented all of the modern multimedia technologies of the type pointed out earlier by minister Benjamin Banneker.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [243 ]
This has been made possible by two major things.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [244 ]
One being the fact that space products are increasingly being introduced in the world of our schools and education, and this will then valley date the efforts being made by our governments in space research.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [245 ]
Secondly, there is phenomenal cooperation in education between the CNES and the NASA, both of which organizations have made available to students and faculty pictures from the satellite systems.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [246 ]
The exercise which we will be demonstrating together involves three schools.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [247 ]
Two are American schools and one of those is in Brooklyn, the other in Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:17AM . . . [248 ]
And then we have a school in France which happens to be the very school in which we find ourselves today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [249 ]
The students and faculty are going to be working together.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [250 ]
They will be working on a joint piece of software, and that piece of software was developed for educational purposes.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [251 ]
It is an image processing software package which will allow us to do what we are about to do.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [252 ]
This software is going to bring up space images of the three cities in which our three schools are located, and they, the students, that is, will be explaining exactly what it is that you will be seeing, and so I should now like to give the floor to our faculty and to our students so that we can begin the demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [253 ]
Mrs. Clinton, good morning, Mme. minister, good morning.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:18AM . . . [254 ]
My name is ka stee na and I am a teacher at this school.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [255 ]
I am very pleased to present today our cooperative project between our American and French students.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [256 ]
Our purpose was to accomplish something together in an interdisciplinary scientific study which would involve both mathematics, biological sciences, physical sciences, as well as geography.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [257 ]
Here in chance this pedagogical approach is part of our high school curriculum, and it allows our students to become familiar with space science and technology.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [258 ]
The international die mention of this project has a further component, and that is what we will be focusing on today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [259 ]
And I should now like to give the floor to van saw.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [260 ]
: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [261 ]
Good morning, Washington.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:19AM . . . [262 ]
Good morning, New York.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [263 ]
My name is Jean-Claude, and I shall be giving you the presentation of the Titus software package.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [264 ]
We have here on the screen in color the three cities, and this is, of course, from a spot image.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [265 ]
We will begin with a quick overview of each of the cities, and that will be followed by a few short questions.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [266 ]
So that we begin, if you will, with the presentation of the city of Paris.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [267 ]
If we begin, let us start here by using the mouth to show you exactly where it is that we are here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [268 ]
We are on the 13thal demass in Paris right next to the plus deta Lee.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [269 ]
I move the mouse up and it takes us over to the Seine river which you see on this screen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [270 ]
Going up the sain in Northwest direction we go to the eel dela see ta and Notre Dam cathedral.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:20AM . . . [271 ]
It's where it actually was born.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [272 ]
Moving along the sain we come to the League of Women Voters museum and the gardens of twee la vee.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [273 ]
Please note that the red on the screen is the green grass and trees in the gardens.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [274 ]
Moving right along we come to the American Embassy, and we will see the palace, which is like the French White House.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [275 ]
Moving right along we come to the plaza day twal with the arch of triumph right in the middle.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [276 ]
Here you see the First Avenue which is like Wall Street, say, or rather like 5th Avenue.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [277 ]
And we move right along to the Eiffel Tower with its shadow.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [278 ]
Moving now right along towards Paris, we come to the Luxembourg gardens, and on the right we see the la sin quarters which has long been the student hang out in Paris.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:21AM . . . [279 ]
Are there any questions at this time ?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:22AM . . . [280 ]
: Are there any questions at this time? Do you have any questions ?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:22AM . . . [281 ]
: Do you have problems with air pollution because of so little vegetation ?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:22AM . . . [282 ]
: Yes, we do have increasingly bad pollution here, and it's particularly serious when we have high pressure systems, be it in summer or in Windows NT.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:22AM . . . [283 ]
When we add the smoke stacks as well as the exhaust from cars, then we find on high pressure days we have a serious problem.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:22AM . . . [284 ]
When we have high pressure, then winds coming in from the ocean clear the pollution.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [285 ]
Perhaps I could add that the government of France recently passed a law, according to which on the bad pollution day, pollution alert days, we alternate driving so that on certain days only those cars which have an even numbered license plate are allowed to drive, where if it's on opposite days it would only be the odd numbered license plates.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [286 ]
In this way we believe we can.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [287 ]
In fact we have reduced or cut pollution by about 40 percent.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [288 ]
Well, I now would like to hand control over to the students of Kramer School in Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [289 ]
Kramer .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [290 ]
: Washington, we are ready for you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [291 ]
: Hello, Mrs. Clinton again.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [292 ]
My name is ki Shana brown.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:23AM . . . [293 ]
I am representing Kramer Middle School of Environmental Studies.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [294 ]
I would like to introduce the others who are involved with the NASA program.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [295 ]
They are lay Sean, Marcel, tear rain, India, Ebony and Gregory.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [296 ]
Washington, D.C. is the capitol of the United States.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [297 ]
Washington, District of Columbia was named for George Washington and Christopher Columbus.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [298 ]
Washington lice on the Potomac River between Maryland and Virginia.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [299 ]
The city site was selected by President Washington in 1811.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [300 ]
Major Pierre L'Enfant, a French engineer and architect was commissioned to plan the future capitol.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [301 ]
Benjamin Banneker, an Africa American mathematician and surveyor, helped lay out the streets and buildings of Washington, D.C. .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [302 ]
: Hello, Mrs. Clinton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [303 ]
My name is India.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [304 ]
We like to take our guests on a tour of our city.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:24AM . . . [305 ]
Helping me with this tour is Daniel.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [306 ]
The capitol building is a good place to begin a trip through Washington.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [307 ]
In the capitol members of Congress pass laws for the country.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [308 ]
Last in back of the capitol is a big grasy park land call called the national mall.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [309 ]
One monument on the mall is the Washington Monument.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [310 ]
It honor's the countries first president.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [311 ]
The Lincoln Memorial is directly west of the Washington Monument.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [312 ]
It honors the president who saved the nation during the Civil War.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [313 ]
The Lincoln Memorial and Washington monuments are at opposite ends of the Reflecting Pool.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [314 ]
The Jefferson Memorial stands between the tidal basin and Potomac River.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [315 ]
It honors Thomas Jefferson.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [316 ]
Jefferson was the third president and author of America's Declaration of Independence.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:25AM . . . [317 ]
: Good morning, Mrs. Clinton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [318 ]
My name is Terrine,.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [319 ]
The last of the tour is our school.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [320 ]
Our school is named after a scholar and educator named Stephen Eloitt Kramer.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [321 ]
The school became a school of environmental studies in 1995.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [322 ]
The master of our school is ahor NIC.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [323 ]
Our school is located in Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [324 ]
This is Kramer signing off.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [325 ]
We'll take any questions you might have on our city.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [326 ]
: Kramer, this is Hillary ton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [327 ]
I just wanted to say hello to you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [328 ]
I have met many of the students at Kramer, and I am very pleased that you are part of this program, and I wanted to thank you for the tour.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [329 ]
But you didn't show where I live in the White House.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [330 ]
Can you show that?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [331 ]
: Hello, Mrs. Clinton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [332 ]
: There it is.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [333 ]
Thank you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [334 ]
: I wanted to be sure it was still there while I'm gone.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [335 ]
Thank you, Kramer.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:26AM . . . [336 ]
: This is LaShawn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [337 ]
Your home, the White House is here north of the Washington Monument.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [338 ]
For those of you who may not know, always living there is their dog Buddy and their cat Sox .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [339 ]
: We now move to New York and ask for a description of New York.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [340 ]
Thank you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [341 ]
: Good afternoon, Mrs. Clinton, and other friends and guests.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [342 ]
And hello from the Brooklyn School of global studies in New York City.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [343 ]
This is Devon reporting.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [344 ]
I'm 11 years old.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [345 ]
Ray is clolg the Titus image.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [346 ]
What you see today are the mall, Marisa, Amy, Mohammad and Hector.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:27AM . . . [347 ]
We consider of five burr Rose, the most significant is Manhattan.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [348 ]
The towns that comprise these burros merged to form the modern New York City 100 years in 1898.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [349 ]
The image you see on your screen shows New York Harbor.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [350 ]
Manhattan island is to the north.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [351 ]
Our school is across the east river in the Burrough of Brooklyn. You see the famous Brooklyn bridge which opened in 1983.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [352 ]
There are 525 students in our school which is in the historic cobble hill section of Brooklyn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [353 ]
Our school has 6th12th grade classes.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [354 ]
Despite our schools we cover 15 different cultures.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [355 ]
New York Harbor to the west you'll find the Statue of Liberty which was a gift from the French in 1886.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [356 ]
Also in New York Harbor is the famous immigration station.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [357 ]
At Manhattan island is the wall street area.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:28AM . . . [358 ]
This is where the New York stock exchange is located.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [359 ]
On the Hudson river on the west side of Manhattan are the Twin World Trade Center Towers. These are the tallest buildings in our city.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [360 ]
At the top of your screen you can see the Central Park.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [361 ]
This is one of the most heavy used and beautiful parks in the world.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [362 ]
On the east side of the park is 5th Avenue, a world famous shopping street.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [363 ]
Many famous museums are located on 5th Avenue, the metropolitan museum of ORG and the gu begin him museum, for example.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [364 ]
On 5th Avenue you can find the Empire State Building.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [365 ]
The street which crosses diagonally across Manhattan is Broadway.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [366 ]
This is where most the New York theaters are located.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [367 ]
There are hundreds of museums, thousands of restaurants, many famous colleges and many sports facilities in our city.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:29AM . . . [368 ]
We could not possibly show you everything but I hope you learned something about our great city.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [369 ]
Thank you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [370 ]
: Brooklyn, this is Hillary ton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [371 ]
I want to thank you for taking part in this and showing the students and teachers here in par IS a little bit about your home in New York City, and I'm pleased that you can be part of this wonderful effort.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [372 ]
I'm glad you showed where the Statue of Liberty is, because you know, the Statue of Liberty was a gift to the United States from France.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [373 ]
So I'm particularly pleased that you noticed that, and pointed it out.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [374 ]
Thank you very much .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [375 ]
: Are there any questions ?

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:30AM . . . [376 ]
: Yes.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:31AM . . . [377 ]
Could you show us where the united nations headquarters are ? Good, let me go ahead and take the hand back and take control back here in order to show you a mathematical function which we referred to as the vegetation index, and this is something made possible through our software . If one is to quickly map contrasts between plant growth, or let's say vegetation, and built up areas, we use a mathematical formula which is known as the vegetation index.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:31AM . . . [378 ]
This uses the values of the information provided through the red channel which is linked to the use of red light for color fill activity of plants.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:31AM . . . [379 ]
So red stands for green plants, so we use that.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:32AM . . . [380 ]
We also use the infrared channel which in turn allows us to check on the health of the plant leafs.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:32AM . . . [381 ]
The higher the values of the index, the greater amount of plant activity.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:32AM . . . [382 ]
We will now show you the map of Washington on the left and Paris on the right, and show you the vegetation index for those two cities.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:32AM . . . [383 ]
If you will take a look, here is the graph for Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:32AM . . . [384 ]
If we take a cross-section here in terms of the index value, then we can draw up a very simple map of plant growth with buildings showing up in brown.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [385 ]
This allows us to then compare the two cities, Washington, D.C. and Paris, and we will note that Paris has much more red on its map, which indicates that Paris has the greatest built up area.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [386 ]
And this can be explained by the fact that Paris is an older historic city, that it is located in the bottom of a valley and edge of a plateau.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [387 ]
Washington, D.C. has the greatest amount of green, on the other hand, and this is due to the fact that Washington, D.C. was built according to a preestablished design from a French designer or architect, la sawn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [388 ]
And thus there was a deliberate effort to leave a lot of room for green space.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [389 ]
If you now take a look at New York City, you'll notice that there is a large waterfront area.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [390 ]
This is logical.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:33AM . . . [391 ]
New York City is a harbor, and it has a strong water connection.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [392 ]
To complete our comparison, we calculated the vegetation and water, as well as built up areas.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [393 ]
And from this we have a number of numbers.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [394 ]
Green compares to buildings is about 05, which means that there is as much built up area as there is green area.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [395 ]
And built up area -- sorry, vegetation area, plant area, takes up 26 percent.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [396 ]
That's for Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [397 ]
In Paris the number is 010, so that you know that there is not nearly as much vegetation compared to built up areas.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [398 ]
In total in Paris we have only 15 percent plant growth.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [399 ]
For New York the numbers are 0.5 and 20 percent.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [400 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:34AM . . . [401 ]
That then shows you the cooperative project between two U.S. and one French school.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [402 ]
I should now like to hand over to the continuation of this program .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [403 ]
: Thank you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [404 ]
So much to our French students for this demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [405 ]
: This is the very beginning of what we hope will be a very long and fruitful collaboration between our two countries and our two space agencies.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [406 ]
Just to finish today we have a short dem on stration which will be hosted by Eric and Chris ton who you've gotten to know.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [407 ]
They've done a great job translating.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [408 ]
You'll be seeing an already existing NASA project which is called S'COOL.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [409 ]
It's been going for over a year now, and it is international with over 110 schools in 12 different countries, and we do have Internet Web sites already in English, French.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:35AM . . . [410 ]
And Mme. minister, you will be able to follow the entire proceeding in French on your screen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [411 ]
: Web pages in Japanese, German.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [412 ]
This is a good demonstration of the use of high technology and the Internet to allow students to communicate with one another, and also with scientists.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [413 ]
Of course normally the communication is done via the keyboard.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [414 ]
But today since everybody is wired up you'll have a chance to hear them explaining how they use this to predict the location of satellites that are observing clouds.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [415 ]
They go out and make meteorological observations on their own, and then these are compared with the satellites.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [416 ]
So Eric, I'm going to turn it over to you to lead the demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [417 ]
: First we have the program I-chat here which is S'COOL.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [418 ]
On the top you'll see the graphical part of the presentation, and the graphics window all being sent over the Internet.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [419 ]
Below you see the text that comes up from the speaker.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:36AM . . . [420 ]
Here the text is actually a script that was prewritten, but it was written by the students.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:37AM . . . [421 ]
Normally they would all type it in at the time, but this is going too quickly so this will allow us to cut down on the time.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:37AM . . . [422 ]
This program is being organized by NASA, and it's part of the S'COOL Project which involves coordinating the schools with NASA to help them with their projects, with the series satellite.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:37AM . . . [423 ]
The CERES satellites, the C E.R. E S apparatus on the satellite has minkled monitoring the amount of radiation that comes from the sun, and the amount of radiation that hits the Earth, once reflected back.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:37AM . . . [424 ]
The visual light that's reflected back, the energy that is absorbed into the Earth and put back as infrared radiation.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:37AM . . . [425 ]
The satellite can monitor both the visible picture and the infrared picture.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [426 ]
And you can have at any one point a certain type of visible Terrine, that you could tell with the clouds or land, and a certain infrared value for the type of radiation that's being reflected back.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [427 ]
At any particular point you could look and see what type of Terrine, it is and what type of radiation is being reflected back at you to make comparisons for certain places.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [428 ]
The problem with this is where the students come in with the S'COOL Project, when the satellite series is traveling over the Earth's surface and looks down and takes pictures, it has a visual picture that it takes, and it can see what Terrine, is there.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [429 ]
And it also sees the infrared information.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [430 ]
The only problem is that when it looks from above, all it cease are possibly white blojz, if it sees white blojz.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:38AM . . . [431 ]
And the satellite would go overhead and look down, and the information would be reflected back.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:39AM . . . [432 ]
The problem is when it's looking down it cannot necessarily distinguish a white bloch that's a cloud from white blochs that are snow on the ground.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:39AM . . . [433 ]
And that's where the schools can come in.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:39AM . . . [434 ]
The students at a school will be able to go out into the area near their school and actually look up at the sky, make observations as to what type of radiation -- sorry, what type of clouds are above them, what type of ground cover there is, whether there is snow, and the satellite sends the information back to NASA, and the students go out and take -- look at the same area the satellite is going.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [435 ]
They can figure out -- they can have a picture of -- there is an overpass calculator on the Internet which allows them to put in their latitude and longitude and the time, and the calculator will tell them at what time the satellite will be passing over their area, so they can make observations the same time the satellite will be taking the picture, and make sure the information is correct.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [436 ]
On the left here we have a visualized picture of France here outlined in yellow.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [437 ]
All the observation -- all these observations were taken last week, and so this information is not actually live, but it's very recent and would be at any particular time.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [438 ]
So you have here France with Paris marked in blue and the American school.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [439 ]
And so the satellite can see and look down and see the types of Terrine,, see the clouds there, what looks like clouds.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [440 ]
It could be snow.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [441 ]
We don't know.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [442 ]
So the students at the American School of Paris can go out, take pictures of their sky, record the data and see what it is.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [443 ]
And they send it back to the NASA research center, Langley research center in Hampton, Virginia.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:40AM . . . [444 ]
These are the three students from ASP that actually organize the coordination with NASA.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [445 ]
But the entire middle school actually participated in going out into the fields and taking data, or writing the information that they observed down on their sheets, and sending it back. The project is not actually limited to only these three schools.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [446 ]
In fact there are currently 117 schools in 12 countries worldwide.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [447 ]
It's been limited to three for this demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [448 ]
And there are more schools being added every day.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [449 ]
It's not going to be limited to 117.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [450 ]
So this is the American School of Paris presentation as to what they observed that particular day.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [451 ]
And they nosed in the school there were clouds and contrails that they hadn't really noticed earlier, but they had looked back at the pictures they had taken of that day and noticed them in the school .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:41AM . . . [452 ]
The educational value of this is that they can improve their knowledge of clouds, weather patterns.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [453 ]
They can learn to identify certain types of clouds, and they can have the knowledge that they are participating in an actual scientific project.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [454 ]
It's not always dry classroom exercises.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [455 ]
They don't just sit in class and look at a picture of cloud and just identify it.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [456 ]
They can go out and use the observations they make to actually contribute twrdz the scientific goal.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [457 ]
And this might actually motivate them to pursue a scientific career where otherwise they might have been fooled by the appearance .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [458 ]
The spot satellite -- here is Brooklyn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [459 ]
We'll turn the control over to Brooklyn and they'll explain their part of it .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:42AM . . . [460 ]
: Good afternoon, Mrs. Clinton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [461 ]
Every one who is connected.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [462 ]
This is Amy reporting from the Brooklyn School tore global studies in New York City.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [463 ]
I am 13 years old.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [464 ]
We reported seeing one layer of clouds at the mid-level.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [465 ]
There was about 90 percent cloud cover.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [466 ]
It had stopped raining a few minutes before we made our observations and the grounds were still wet.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [467 ]
The satellite data reported two distinct layers of cloud, a thick layer of mid-level clouds covering 95 percent of the sky and a smaller high level ice cloud with 5 percent cover.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [468 ]
We were not able to see the high level cloud cover from the ground because the mid-level ground DEC was too thick.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [469 ]
The satellite, however, was able to see both layers because the top layer was relatively thin.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:43AM . . . [470 ]
We believe that there is a reasonable agreement between the two observations.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [471 ]
That concludes the report from New York .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [472 ]
: Hello, Mrs. Clinton and other guests.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [473 ]
My name is Willie and I'm going to explain the work we have done here at Kramer with our school observations.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [474 ]
Shown here is a photo of our school and the students who have been working on S'COOL.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [475 ]
We are happy to be able to participate in this program and show you what we have done this fall.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:44AM . . . [476 ]
On this particular day we are reporting to you about what we observed several cloud types.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [477 ]
The clouds include cumulus, stratus, stratocumulus.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [478 ]
We all thought that the cumulus clouds reminded us of cotton balls or popcorn.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [479 ]
The scientists are very interested in seeing whether the satellite data marches the ground observations.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [480 ]
Last week we took most of our observations.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [481 ]
The satellite saw medium and high clouds.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [482 ]
However, we observed low dark rain clouds and fog.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [483 ]
We learned that this information was very important to the scientists because we were reporting something that the satellite was not seeing.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [484 ]
However, on this particular day we used to prepare this report, we saw that the satellite data agreed with our observations.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:45AM . . . [485 ]
Dr. Dave Young, a series scientist at NASA Langley, told us that the satellite images shows stratus and cumulus clouds just like we saw.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:46AM . . . [486 ]
During this project we have learned to identify clouds well enough that we didn't always have to refer to the chart.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:46AM . . . [487 ]
We enjoyed this opportunity to chat with other students and other schools with this pro btject.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:46AM . . . [488 ]
That is all we have to report.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:46AM . . . [489 ]
We will now move to the question part of the I-chat presentation and look at the questions that have been asked, and have school sites answer the questions .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:46AM . . . [490 ]
: This is a special part of the demonstration here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [491 ]
Go down to pictures from Paris, and this is a demonstration of the speed with which we can actually place pictures on the Internet, and information . As soon as we get them.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [492 ]
. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [493 ]
: We got questions from the American School of Paris and the question was that you said you saw several clouds --.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [494 ]
: Excuse me, we are going to Skip the questions today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [495 ]
We are going to move right onto the speech, thank you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [496 ]
: I hate to cut off any student with a question.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:47AM . . . [497 ]
But I think we are supposed to go on.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:48AM . . . [498 ]
I want to thank everyone who participated in this extraordinary event linking together three schools, two in the United States, really four schools, two in the United States and two in Paris.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:48AM . . . [499 ]
There are many people who are responsible for having us here today, and putting on this remarkable demonstration.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:48AM . . . [500 ]
I should like to thank all of those who participated in today's phenomenal demonstration, and of course they come from three, actually four different schools, the American School of Paris is of course also one of the four.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:48AM . . . [501 ]
And this work would never have come about had it not been for the participation of a vast number of people.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [502 ]
: Minister Royale who is representing the ministry of education today, I know that Madam Royale has been a powerful advocate for strengthening primary and secondary education in France, and I salute her for that commitment.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [503 ]
: I should like to begin by thanking Mme. sig Royale, the minister of primary and secondary education.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [504 ]
I know that she has been a very powerful force behind science education in France, and so I should particularly like to thank her, congratulate her on her work.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [505 ]
: And ask you to stand.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [506 ]
The Ambassador and Mrs. Roy ton from the United States.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [507 ]
The Ambassador. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:49AM . . . [508 ]
: Ambassador Roy ton and his wife, Mrs. Roy ton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [509 ]
: Because the first person who ever talked to me about this project was Mrs. Roy hey tun who has been very active in the New York City schools and particularly very committed to technology in schools .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [510 ]
: To repeat from the French interpretation, Mrs. Rohatyn was instrumental behind this project.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [511 ]
: I wish to thank Dr. Bensoussan for being with us.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [512 ]
I've watched him in the crowd there.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [513 ]
Thank you very much.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [514 ]
I appreciated greatly your comments about the partnership between our two countries, as on behalf of humanity we explore space.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [515 ]
: Interpretation from Mrs. Clinton, to thank minister Bensoussan, particularly regarding his comments on partnerships between our two countries.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:50AM . . . [516 ]
: I know that you have worked, Doctor, very hoard on this demonstration project, and you have enabled students from both France and the United States to be able to touch space by using the Ariane 5 rocket and the space shuttle.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:51AM . . . [517 ]
I don't understand anything about this but I'm grateful that you do and that you have brought it to these students today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:51AM . . . [518 ]
: Again interpretation from Mrs. Clinton through mark, I know that you've worked very hard to in order to allow these students from our two countries to be able to share information on the shuttle and all kinds of other scientific things that I don't in the slightest understand, but I congratulate you.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:51AM . . . [519 ]
: Dan Goldin who joined us via the Internet, and with him representing NASA also is Mr. Hoffman, and I appreciate his being here.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:51AM . . . [520 ]
Administrator gold in and education minister ale gra planted the seeds for this project in a meeting last November, and I am delighted that I could be here when those seeds bore fruit.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:52AM . . . [521 ]
: Interpretation from Mrs. Clinton, to say that I particularly wish also to thank Mr. Dan gold in in Washington, as well as NASA's representative here, Jeffrey Hoffman.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:52AM . . . [522 ]
I know that Mr. Dan gold in and his French counterpart, Mr. Allay gra, started this project up quite some time ago and I'm very pleased to be here in order to see those seeds bearing fruit.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:52AM . . . [523 ]
: Jeff Hoffman who I just referred to, he is NASA's European representative, and he is a real astronaut.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:52AM . . . [524 ]
Dr. Hoffman has been on five American space expeditions, and among other amazing fooets, he helped repair the Hubbell telescope.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:52AM . . . [525 ]
: Interpretation from Mrs. Clinton to say I want to particularly thank also Mr. Jeffrey Hoffman who is in his own right an astronaut.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:53AM . . . [526 ]
He has participated in five space expeditions, and particularly helped with the Hubbell telescope.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:53AM . . . [527 ]
: Principal here at the school for being such a gracious host and for supporting this wonderful educational partnership between the students of our two countries.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:53AM . . . [528 ]
: And again interpretation from Mrs. Clinton through mark, to thank Mr. -- director of the French school here for the phenomenal work that he has done.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:53AM . . . [529 ]
: The principal of the American school in Paris for being a partner in this project.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:53AM . . . [530 ]
: Also thank you to Dr. Billingsley, the head of the American school in Paris.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:54AM . . . [531 ]
: I want to thank the students and the teachers who are involved in this project, and involved every day in bringing science and technology to young people in France and the United States.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:54AM . . . [532 ]
: Interpretation, from Mrs. Clinton through mark, to say particularly thanks to the students who are involved in these projects who thereby are making it easier to communicate between our two countries.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:54AM . . . [533 ]
: High school in Washington, D.C., the Brooklyn School for global studies, the American School of Paris, and most of all, this school of chemistry and physics and biology, and in one of the most beautiful settings that I have ever seen a school in anywhere in the world.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:54AM . . . [534 ]
: Kropting interpretation of Mrs. Clinton's remarks, to thank the schools, Kramer, Brooklyn, the American School of Paris, particularly your school of chemistry, physics and biology which, incidentally, is in one of the most stunning environments I've ever seen.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [535 ]
: I know the students must be very dedicated to able to study with the view of Paris out the Windows here as a constant reminder of the beautiful city in which this school sits.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [536 ]
: I said to Mr. Coal par, that the students here must be particularly dedicated given the extraordinary environment in which they study.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [537 ]
: And the teachers who have welcomed us here today.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [538 ]
Thank you all very much.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [539 ]
: Thank you to those who welcomed us here, students and teachers.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:55AM . . . [540 ]
. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:56AM . . . [541 ]
: I would like to present on behalf of Dan gold in of NASA two -- to the principal, Mr. Colpin, and the school, this certificate .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:56AM . . . [542 ]
: And what Mr. Goldin has given is a photograph of Paris taken from the Space Shuttle at an altitude of 300 kilometers, together with a French flag which was flown on a mission on the Space Shuttle by the French astronaut John Luke Cray tee an.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:56AM . . . [543 ]

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:57AM . . . [544 ]
: Interpretation of those last comments in English with a description of the gift .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:57AM . . . [545 ]
: Thank you so much, Mrs. Clinton.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:57AM . . . [546 ]
This is an extraordinary souve near, really, a memory present, and you can be quite sure that this will have a very special place in our school, just as today has been a very special day in our school.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:57AM . . . [547 ]
We should like to in turn offer you a little something, and our present to you comes not just from our school but from the whole of the educational system.

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:57AM . . . [548 ]
And I would ask Madam Royale to come and join us here, if she will be so kind as to do that, minister of education .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [549 ]
: Well, I am so pleased that you have been able to join us, and want to thank you so much for your presence .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [550 ]
. (applause).

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [551 ]
: Mrs. Clinton, two of our students had hoped to also submit a little something to their friends in the two American schools, that is in Brooklyn and in Washington, D.C..

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [552 ]
This is for them .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [553 ]
: .

NASA Ames: . . . . Wed, May 13, 6:58AM . . . [554 ]
: Thank you.

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