From: Tanabe, Lorrie (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [E] Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 10:37 AM To: NLM/NCBI List ncbi-seminar Subject: CBB Seminar 11 am Tuesday, April 4 NCBI Library B2 Lorrie Tanabe CBB Seminar Biomedical Named Entity Classification We introduce a new approach to named entity classification which we term a Priority Model. We also describe the construction of a semantic database called SemCat consisting of a large number of semantically categorized names relevant to biomedicine. We used SemCat as training data to investigate name classification techniques. We generated a statistical language model and probabilistic context-free grammars for gene and protein name classification, and compared the results with the new model. For all three methods, we used a variable order Markov model to predict the nature of strings not represented in the training data. The Priority Model achieves an F-measure of 0.958-0.960, consistently higher than the statistical language model and probabilistic context-free grammar.