Jiggle version 2008.08.21 >-------------------------------------------- Changed "find" channel in status bar to button activated popup dialog. Default event catalog properties filename changed from "eventProperties" to "eventSelection.props" Revised Jiggle property/preferences panels. Added color configuration for the Solution and Magnitude listings and the message tab pane. Added properties to set the "warning" and "outlier" thresholds for the traveltime and magnitude residuals. If properties are not specified, default values are used. # Message tab pane text area default colors color.tab.text.fg=000000 color.tab.text.bg=ffffff # # Phase, Amp, Coda reading listing panel default colors color.readings.cell.bg=ffffff color.readings.cell.bg.selected=f0f0f0 color.readings.cell.border=0000ff color.readings.cell.good=000000 color.readings.cell.outlier=ff0000 color.readings.cell.notUsed=0000ff color.readings.cell.warn=ff9600 color.readings.list.bg=c0c0c0 color.readings.summary.bg=ffff00 color.readings.summary.fg=000000 # #When to use the above "warn" or "outlier" cell color: threshold.warn.ttResidual=.25 threshold.outlier.ttResidual=.50 threshold.warn.magResidual=.25 threshold.outlier.magResidual=.50 # Jiggle version 2008.08.14 >-------------------------------------------- Updated default GUI property initializations when user properties are absent. Added a new "colorCatalogByType" value, = 3 color rows by subsource. Changed the "color.catalog" property key prefix format. Users that have specified these type properties in their properties files need to update those declarations as follows: color.catalog.etype.X = hex RGB Color (X is an etype) color.catalog.state.X = hex RGB Color (X is a processing state) color.catalog.subsrc.X = hex RGB Color (X is a subsource) Example of catalog color property declarations: # lt blue color.catalog.subsrc.Jiggle=ABFBFE # lt yellow color.catalog.subsrc.RT1=FFFFB2 # yellow color.catalog.subsrc.RT2=FFFF00 # purple color.catalog.subsrc.sedas=DBC9FE # dk blue color.catalog.subsrc.mung=ADCBFE # gray-blue color.catalog.subsrc.CUSP=A2ACFC # dk gray color.catalog.subsrc.unknown=9E9E9E # very lt gray color.catalog.subsrc.other=F0F0F0 # # lt blue color.catalog.etype.local=ABFBFE # dk blue color.catalog.etype.quarry=ADCBFE # lt purple color.catalog.etype.regional=DBC9FE # lt yellow color.catalog.etype.trigger=FFFFB2 # pink color.catalog.etype.teleseism=FBBDFE #lt blue color.catalog.etype.sonic=CCFDFC #red color.catalog.etype.nuclear=FD0106 # gray-blue color.catalog.etype.longperiod=A2ACFC # purple color.catalog.etype.explosion=D46FFC # very lt gray color.catalog.etype.unknown=F0F0F0 # # pink color.catalog.state.A=FBBDFE # lt yellow color.catalog.state.H=FFFFB2 # lt green color.catalog.state.F=DEFFA8 Jiggle version 2008.08.05 >-------------------------------------------- Error message popup upon db connection when Jiggle UTC/NOMINAL version does not match db stored UTC/NOMINAL code. Revised waveform panel color property key specifications. #Waveform panel background of unknown seedchan color.wfpanel.default.bg=fffffff #Waveform trace color for unknown seedchan color.wfpanel.default.fg=ff66ff33 #Background color and trace color for a seedchan group of type "XX" #For example "BH" seedchan waveform color type set by user color.seedchan.BH.panel=ff66ff33 color.seedchan.BH.wave=ff1e1464 # Solution data colors sequenced in order you want for new events in view. # For proper order display specify a sequence value < 10 with leading "0" color.solution.00=ffff0000 color.solution.01=ff00ff00 color.solution.02=ffaa1e46 Jiggle version 2008.07.30 >-------------------------------------------- Updated Jiggle map code requires the new openmap.jar (version 4.6.4), and the updated QWClient.jar both downloadable from web site. If you haven't already done so, update openmap.jar and QWClient.jar in your jiggle jar directory and then download new mapdata.zip and extract the mapdata files in same directory as jiggle jar. To update openmap.properties in your jiggle user directory, extract the new openmap.properties file inside properties.zip. If you have custom edited your old openmap.properties in your user directory be sure to rename it, before extracting the new one which you may have to edit. New openmap mouse component "panMouseMode" added to the toolbar this mode allows a mouse drag to pan the map. Wheel mouse scrolling on map caches wheel clicks and waits 1 second before zooming in/out to reduce requests to web services. Map zoom scaling factor for scale widget can now be set by property zoompanel.zoomScaleFactor = (value > 1) (the default is 2.0). The openmap.properties map global property "minZoomScale" value was changed to 1000. Added new timeout property for WMS map layer, loading aborts after timeout. Timeout is settable in openmap.properties as value of map layer property "timeout" in millisecs (default is 13000). Added the CISN diplay world map to mapdata.zip and declared this layer's properties in openmap.properties (this is a more reliable base map than using a web service). Hot keys for S picking are now activated by both ALT and SHIFT modifier. Hot key help popup is added as a new Help menu item option. Jiggle version 2008.07.14 >-------------------------------------------- Added property "swarmInWaveformTabPane=true", settable via preferences, to embed the "Swarm" panel at bottom of the waveform tab pane, otherwise it's show in a separate window. Time cursor tracking now synched between pick panel and the scroller panel (as well as the Swarm data panel, if any). Pick panel hot keys are now active without having to click on panel first. Added new pick panel hot keys, plus a hotkey help popup to menu options. New pick panel hot keys are: x, X > Delete the nearest phase to center. r, R > Reject nearest phase to center by adding +5 to its weight. f, F > Flip polarity of nearest phase to center. p, P > Popup the pick menu. User can use preferences dialog to add new color "types" for seedchan or catalog events. A few other tweaks related to property loading/saving/editing via tab panes of the Preferences dialog. Added popup prompt for saving jiggle props after preferences option returns. MagPrefPriority rules that are active on the origin date are now used to determine preferred magnitude priority ranking. "Cancel" option added to get next event button popup to abort the loading of new event if an already loaded event still needs commit and you don't want to save it. Hypoinverse calculated phase importance values are now read from and saved to the database as does the RT code. The "channelGroupName" property, is settable via a combobox populated with group names returned by a query of the database applications table, or user can just enter text string. Inside the Scope mode configuration dialog, the channel list to load can now also be selected using a checkable tree loaded with either the channel names from channel group name query of the db or from the user's channel cache. Jiggle version 2008.06.23 >-------------------------------------------- Changes related to the display and setting of jiggle properties values new panels for jiggle PreferencesDialog. Most jiggle properties are now settable without having to exit. Catalog row colors are defined by property names like "color.catalog.X" where X is either an event etype string (local, quarry, regional, etc) or an event processing state string (A, H, F) Component colors are specified by property names of form "color.seedchan.XX" where XX is the first two letters of seedchan string. Default SPx.x units from 'spa' to 'cmss' for spectral amps Added code to enable openmap scale layer position/color edit via GUI editor default scale units now "km". Region polygon filter, events with no prefmag shown if minMagValue <= 0. Jiggle version 2008.05.19 >-------------------------------------------- REQUIRES db installation of latest EPREF and MAGPREF packages because Jiggle calls a new epref function signature. Database connection properties changed to allow connections to a complex service description that can failovers to multiple hosts (like the SCSNDB, RAC cluster at SCEDC). This change allows 2 new property configurations. You can use the "oci" driver with a service alias, just state the subprotocol and the service alias name from your tnsnames.ora file. and leave the domain, host, name, and port properties null, like: dbaseDomain= dbaseHost= dbaseName= dbasePort= dbaseSubprotocol=oracle:oci dbaseTNSname=myservice If you try the "oci" driver configuration and it doesn't work, then you probably need to add the directory of the oci libraries to the path environment variable if you have installed Oracle on your client machine, otherwise install Oracle instant client: "http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/oci/instantclient" Using the jdbc "thin" driver, state the subprotocol and a detailed service definition string and leave the domain, host, name, and port properties null, like : dbaseDomain= dbaseHost= dbaseName= dbasePort= dbaseSubprotocol=oracle:thin dbaseTNSname=(DESCRIPTION = (LOAD_BALANCE=ON) (ADDRESS_LIST= ... Jiggle version 2008.05.13 >-------------------------------------------- Added 2 new Jiggle properties and new main toolbar button to allow switching from "catalog" event views to realtime "snapshot" views. # Default scopeMode=false scopeMode=true In scope mode a list of channels and timespan are user specified to be loaded into waveform views by polling the RT waveserver group. # File listing channelnames (net,sta,seedchan,locations) to load # from waveservers where a each channelname spec is delimited by # "tab,space,return, or linefeed" and channelname fields are # delimited by ".+_/", a blank location code is specified as "--". # e.g. CI.RVR.HHZ.-- scopeModeChannelFile=scopeChannelList.txt RT scope mode is configured by popup dialog, user can set view endTime and view width seconds (startTime = endTime - duration). If auto refresh endTime is set, pressing "next" button updates endTime to the current host UTC time. Jiggle version 2008.05.06 >-------------------------------------------- Coda: vertical line is painted across panel width at tau only when coda contributes to summary mag. Only for Java 1.5 and higher compiled versions: Setting property "enableSwarm=true", enables a button in toolbar that opens a Swarm Utility (AVO) frame which provides alternative plot displays for the currently selected waveform. Waveforms in this display can be copied and saved using functionality implemented in the supporting swarm_avo.jar libraries. Jiggle version 2008.04.25 >-------------------------------------------- Modified catalog filter code to allowing specification, editing, and saving of multiple polygon regions with acceptable magnitude value ranges for the EventSelectionProperties, region polygons are displayed in the Map window CatalogFilterLayer if activated. Below are example eventSelection.props properties with comments: # region filter type regionType=polylist # list of region names to use, this name qualifies properties spec'd below regionNameList=anza coso # anza region spec list of lat,lon pairs (need 3 or more for polygon) region.anza.polygon=33.2 -116.4 33.2 -116.9 33.7 -116.9 33.7 -116.4 # min,max preferred event summary mag accepted # to reject all events in this region specify an out of bounds range: -9 -9 region.anza.magValueRange= 0. 1. # coso region spec list of lat,lon pairs (need 3 or more for polygon) region.coso.polygon=35.5 -117.8 36. -117.8 36. -117.5 35.5 -117.5 # min,max preferred event summary mag accepted # to reject all events in this region specify an out of bounds range: -9 -9 region.coso.magValueRange= 0. 9. # For events not inside any of the polygons named in above list accept events # whose magnitude is inside the the default mag range specified below. # to reject all events in this region specify an out of bounds range: -9 -9 region.default.magValueRange= 0. 9. Jiggle version 2008.04.17 >-------------------------------------------- Implemented event versioning, REQUIRES db installation of latest EPREF package. Jiggle catalog displays version by adding "VER" to the column list property. Event.version incremented once upon save if any of: Event.etype, Orgin.rflag, Event.prefor, Event.prefmag, or Event.prefmec have changed. Added "undelete" menu option when catalog selected event has validFlag=0. After "deleting" event the catalog selection moves to next row in sort order. If next event by processing state wraps past end of sorted event list a popup now asks user whether to load this next event. When "deleted" events are displayed in catalog by event selection properties their row id header is colored pink. Jiggle version 2008.04.02 >-------------------------------------------- BUGFIX: After change of prefmag selection in GUI tab, event commit was not always updating event prefmag (BUG like those db update changes). BUGFIX: UniformFlatLayer velocity model initialization had null pointer. Refreshing catalog when loaded from an id file now prompts to reload file list or instead use current event selection properties (like current time). Jiggle version 2008.03.27 >-------------------------------------------- Updated the properties.zip in download directory. Waveform sample times rounded to microsecs, should prevent some time tears. New option to input multiple velocity models via properties that can be used to estimate the time of waveform panel phases and energy window timespan. If model name is mapped to a gazetteer_region polyon, model is selected. In your jiggle.props you have been declaring one velocity model by classname: velocityModelClassName=org.trinet.util.velocitymodel.HK_SoCalVelocityModel You can now define the model as shown below. Multiple models are selectable in a GUI preferences menu. For multiple models, if the model names are mapped to names found in the GAZETTEER_REGION table then the velocity model selected is the one in which the event is located. These model names could be the same as the network region name (or different). Model region polygons entered into the GAZETTEER_REGION table must not overlap. If the model name is different from a network region DBA must insert row into the GAZETTEER_REGION table: insert into gazetteer_region values (REGION('HK_SOCAL',COORDINATES( LATLON(37.4300, -117.7600), LATLON(34.5000, -121.2500), LATLON(31.5000, -118.5000), LATLON(31.5000, -114.0000), LATLON(34.5000, -114.0000), LATLON(37.4300, -117.7600) ))); Example of mixed velocity model declaration in jiggle.props: # Name the preferred default velocity model velocityModel.DEFAULT.modelName = HK_SOCAL # # Now define velocity model with unique name velocityModel.HK_SOCAL.psRatio = 1.73 velocityModel.HK_SOCAL.depths = 0.0 5.5 16. 32. velocityModel.HK_SOCAL.velocities = 5.5 6.3 6.7 7.8 # # Now define velocity model named by network velocityModel.NC.depths = 0.0 3.5 23. 27.0 velocityModel.NC.velocities = 2.7 5.7 6.9 8.05 velocityModel.NC.psRatio = 1.78 # # Now list the model names to include in model set velocityModelList = HK_SOCAL NC Revised Ml method properties defining the parameters used to calculate amp cutoff distance km for a given summary ML. Amp is rejected or not derived from a waveform whenever its channel distance exceeds cutoff km. Formerly if ML<=2 cutoffKm = max(minDist, (66*magValue - 2)) and if ML>2 cutoffKm = max(minDist,(cutoffDistSlope*magValue)-cutoffDistIntercept), where cutoffDistIntercept=270.0 and cutoffDistSlope=200. Now in mlMagMeth2.props we have new properties, specified like: # cutoffDistanceKm intercept at ML=0.0 cutoffMag0Km=-2 # ML value where cutoffKm line slope changes cutoffPivotMag=2 # distance cutoff km at cutoffPivotMag cutoffPivotMagKm=130 # ML value where cutoffKm=cutoffMaxMagKm cutoffMaxMag=4.35 # distance cutoff km at cutoffMaxMag cutoffMaxMagKm=600 Jiggle version 2008.03.12 >-------------------------------------------- BUGFIX: 03/10 version not updating event prefor for new event clones. BUGFIX: Old bug in location delegate, magnitudes not scheduled for updates after relocation of an event. Jiggle version 2008.03.10 >-------------------------------------------- BUGFIX: 03/06 version did not update event prefor when saved. Jiggle version 2008.03.06 >-------------------------------------------- NOTE: Code changes may cause your channel cache to rebuild at startup. Changed Origin/Magnitude commit to write new amp,coda associations only if new rows are inserted or certain origin/magnitude column values have changed otherwise no update of existing association rows. Likewise for the event row the prefor,prefmag are updated only if changed from current db values. New Coda Magnitude property to change bias or lta window length in seconds: codaBiasLTASecs = 10 (default=10); code changed to use long term average LTA = min( startLTA, endLTA ) where average is over the set window size value. To maximize number of small Md event codas: Set hypoMdMagMethod property set minSNRatioForCodaStart=1.0 (default = 1.) Set hypoMdMagMethod property set minSNRatioCodaCutoff = 1.0 (default = 1.) The minimum coda amp required at start of coda is the value of "minSNRatioForCodaStart" times the long term average noise (LTA), avgAbsAmp > LTA * minSNRatioForCodaStart. Coda scanning terminates at end of trace or when: currentWindowAmp < minSNRatioCodaCutoff * min(startLTA, endLTA) or: currentWindowAmp < passThruNSR * previousWindowAmp Setting Jiggle property debugSQL=true now dumps all insert/update SQL strings when event is saved to database. Added keyboard arrow/page key actions to scroll the waveform selection in zoom/group waveform panels. After locating event, now a popup occurs if abs( newOT - oldOT ) > 180 secs. Added property, pickFlagFont=BIG, for bigger text in trace pick flag. Added extra triangle at top of waveform panel to flag amp reading. Now allow db-style wildcard pattern matching of channel name values in channel time window model properties e.g. "allowedSeedChanTypes = HH_". Added a MdDataSourceChannelTimeModel for convenient display if Z seedchan. Added a WADataSourceChannelTimeModel for convenient display of E/N seedchan. New popup when channel time window model is changed in GUI dialog allows keeping of current readings and only update the waveform display, (e.g. don't replace user phase picks with ones from read from database). Added value of isClipped to Amp string output as T or F in mag pane. Magnitude methods now delete, instead of zeroing weights of channel readings not passing validity test. Replaced "Copy all" copy menu option of magnitude pane with "Copy used" and "Copy used+deleted". Bugfix: Initialize coda exit status string when iterating in coda calculation. Bugfix: Removed coding related to REQUIRED processing state for RFLAG value. Bugfix: LocationServerGroup now updates properties to currently selected service. Bugfix: Keep currently selected magnitude tab, after solving for a new magnitude. Bugfix: CISNml init now sets disableMagnitudeDistanceCutoff by property value. Bugfix: CISNml always honor user's minDistance property setting. Bugfix: Update WF panel flags after delete/strip of readings by menu selection. Bugfix: Don't assoc readings with old mag when new magnitude calculation fails. Jiggle version 2008.01.22 >-------------------------------------------- Content of some string output in listings/gui changed (more info added). Changes in phase data intialization when solving location. Changes related to processing amps using new CISN ML magnitude method. Bug fixes, for those bugs reported since version below. Jiggle version 2007.12.20 >-------------------------------------------- At least 3 bugs fixed, please update if your version is new than 12/1/2007. Text area of preference dialog panels is now in a scrollpane. Added menu option to delete all readings to right-click popup in mag panel. Jiggle version 2007.12.12 >-------------------------------------------- Reworked catalog panel right-click popup menu item to allow user to select multiple row ids to delete, copy, or refresh. New menu item to reset catalog row selection to id of the current event in waveform view, if it exists. These popup menu items are now enabled when valid (else grayed-out). Change not related to Jiggle: PCS processing log properties dump at end of run. Jiggle version 2007.12.10 >-------------------------------------------- Added button to upper-right corner of zoom panel scrollpane to toggle draw of waveform bias line across panel. Changed getNext button action to get next in event in catalog row sorted order, (before was always next in time order). Still a Oracle BLOB locator exception, so now Jiggle pauses 35 ms and retries getting timeseries from the database if the first attempt to do so failed, lets see if this eliminates it. Fixed display bug, after filtering waveforms in the lower waveform panel group with a filter selected using the lower right button of scrollpane, display panels now rescaled and redrawn after filtering. Jiggle version 2007.12.04 >-------------------------------------------- At SCEDC, don't know about at NCEDC, the background waveform cache loading thread in the Jiggle GUI randomly interferes with the request for waveform timeseries from a user invoked magnitude calculation thread and causes an Oracle exception, so now Jiggle pauses 25 ms and retries loading a waveform's timeseries from the database if the first attempt to do so failed with this Oracle error. Added the data subsource field to the Phase, Amp, and Coda panel listings. Added tooltip hints to buttons at the bottom of the model properties panels within popup dialog created by Preferences menu option. Adding SHIFT key modifier to the mouse commands that define the timeseries window to scan to channel mangitude forces use of the filtered waveform values (if filtered values units are counts) instead of the raw waveform timeseries values (the default). Butterworth filters internal to the optional Wood-Anderson Highpass and Wood-Anderson Bandpass panel waveform filters are now customizable. Jiggle version 2007.12.03 >-------------------------------------------- Changed SeedHeader parser to accept data record type "D,R,Q,M". Added 2 new event types: 'ex' for explosion and 'lp' for longperiod. Jiggle version 2007.11.19 >-------------------------------------------- Added a few optional channel time window model properties. Properties to change the "modelName" and "modelExplanation" strings. Properties for customizing return value of getCodaDuration(Magnitude), where getCodaDuration(Magnitude) = 10 ** (MagValue - magTauIntercept)/magTauSlope. Example for org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel: org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel.magTauIntercept = -0.95 (default) org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel.magTauSlope = 2.15 (default) Properties for customizing return value of getCutoffDistance(Magnitude) in the org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel, where getCutoffDistance(Magnitude) = magDistSlope*MagValue + magDistIntercept. Example for org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel: org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel.magDistSlope = 170. (default) org.trinet.jasi.SimpleChannelTimeModel.magDistIntercept = -205. (default) Jiggle version 2007.11.14 >-------------------------------------------- Jiggle properties, magnitude method properties listed in text areas of the tab panel in the preferences dialog popup can be hand edited and reset for the running Jiggle instance. Phase, amp, and coda listings now show the value of processing state flag. Phase descriptors of flag plotted for picks on waveforms are prefixed with "*" when processing state of pick is "A", automatic e.g. RT subsource. Jiggle version 2007.10.11 >-------------------------------------------- Replaced all coefficient constants for the WA, SP.3, SP1. and SP3. filters. Coefficients were derived for all sample rates. Revised channel time window models. For the DataSourceChannelTimeModel you can now set the property "synchCandidateListBySolution=true" to force the model to refresh a named candidate list of acceptable channels via a JASI_CONFIG_VIEW query whenever the selected solution in MasterView waveform panel is changed. For example add into your property file: org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.candidateListName = RCG-TRINET org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.synchCandidateListBySolution = true Extra properties were added to allow further filtering of acceptable channel windows for display. You can list those channels types you want to reject by using optional properties like: org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.rejectedSeedChanTypes= HH1 HH2 HH3 org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.rejectedNetTypes= CE or conversely, you can list only those channel types you want to accept by using optional properties like: org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.allowedSeedChanTypes= HHZ HHE HHN org.trinet.jasi.DataSourceChannelTimeModel.allowedNetTypes= CI Minor changes in code base related to format of output strings. Jiggle version 2007.08.29 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed getMaxAzimuthalGap() bug, upper loop index was one element short. Effects location and magnitude gap values. Jiggle version 2007.08.22 >-------------------------------------------- Upon commit, now checks for presence of another matching event in catalog, if one is found popup asks user whether to continue or abort commit. Added map property option to color event circle symbol by event type. Jiggle version 2007.08.16 >-------------------------------------------- Added a print statement to log a summary of a deleted event. When property "masterViewReplacePhasesByStaType=true", now a popup confirms a pick when it's P on a horizontal and a P already exists on vertical or when it's a S on a vertical and S already exists on a horizontal. Jiggle version 2007.07.18 >-------------------------------------------- Amps listed under magnitude tab now shows the amp datetime. Added filter option to group panel under hide button (must jump from top to bottom of waveform panel page to get panel plots rescaled) Added bandpass WAFilter option in picking zoom panel. Jiggle version 2007.07.05 >-------------------------------------------- Map catalog layer bug fixed to correct size of symbols for magnitudes < 1. Changes to Channel class method do require a channel cache file rebuild. Changes to, and additional of new, channel time window models. Now when an event is saved check for correct event typing, local or regional, depending on whether event is located inside network boundaries. Jiggle version 2007.05.25 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed multiple clone of event in masterview to set parent id to the event first loaded into view so that its waveform associations are copied. Jiggle version 2007.05.11 >-------------------------------------------- "Delete" of selected event removes its row from Catalog panel table. Revised pcs packages (used by finalize and delete for state tracking). Jiggle version 2007.05.03 >-------------------------------------------- Bug fix in ChannelTimeWindowModel for including preferred magnitude amps. Added right-click popup menu option to Refresh selected catalog row by event selection property screening. Row is replaced if properties match, else if database data no longer satisfy selection properties row is deleted. Loading selected row replaces the catalog row with the latest db data without selection property screening (i.e. no deletions). "Next" button now updates the catalog rows by selection properties, replacing matching and deleting non-matching rows until it finds the first acceptable row to load by satisfying "solNextProcStateMask". Jiggle version 2007.04.25 >-------------------------------------------- No known changes to Jiggle GUI. Loading of the event prefmags from db now preserves their original associated origin id until committed. Phase, Amplitude, and Coda class toString() now includes associated ids and their deleted or rejected status. Mung GUI classes were changed to better accomodate event's known prefmag map and check for magnitudes needing recalculation or commit. Jiggle version 2007.04.12 >-------------------------------------------- New NCChannelTimeWindowModel class. Changes to supporting Pcs, Mung, and Rcg java application classes. Jiggle GUI dialog that popups when preferred magnitude is not the priority magnitude now shows a list of all magnitude choices. Ml method by default required knowing gain value for channels, and this requirement can now be disabled by setting property "requireGain=false" that way summary Ml's can be recalculated from amps that already exist (e.g. historic WA data with no time series). Jiggle version 2007.03.20 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed bug related to deleting pick on lower group wfpanel that is closest to mouse cursor from a right-click popup menu. Catalog data cells now show blank instead of "null" where data is missing. Jiggle version 2007.03.14 >-------------------------------------------- Added button to catalog panel button bar that allows user to input the event id to select in table scroller (use to jump to desired id in long scroll list). Jiggle version 2007.03.14 >-------------------------------------------- Releases BLOB memory when waveform data read from a database datasource. Added "period" estimation to Ml peak amp calculation, value is displayed. Added option in edit panel to set maximum number of catalog rows returned. Jiggle version 2007.03.09 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed bug re ChanneTimeWindow model changes for waveform panel. For phases, amps etc created windows for channels with readings but no waveforms, but was not clearing list from previous event data load. Debug messaging can be toggled via Other preferences dialog. Catalog cell color map can be toggled via Other preferences dialog. Jiggle version 2007.03.05 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed bug for case where event had no preferred magnitude loaded from db so committing its dummy magnitude "Mn" caused a commit abort. The default catalog row cell background color is yellow, new property "colorCatalogByType" sets cell background to preselected color mappings by category. Set colorCatalogByType=1 to color by event type (e.g local,quarry,regional), can override default background color map through properties like: "color.local=ABFDFE" Set colorCatalogByType=2 to color through by event processing status (AHF), can override default background color map through properties like: "color.F=ABFDFE" User can now disable some confirmation popups to menu actions by properties set "confirmMenuDeleteAction=false" set "confirmSolutionNewAction=false" set "confirmWFPanelDeleteAction=false" Jiggle version 2007.02.28 >-------------------------------------------- Selected channel in location or magnitude readinglist pane now synched to change in WFView selection in waveform panel. User can specify location server list with property "locationServerGroupList" Currently selected server is specified with property "locationServerSelected" Location tab shows currently selected location server above the event summary, The selected location server can be changed/edited via button dialog popup. Full-view toggle for waveform scoller panel moved from menu to toolbar. Enabled origin time fixing formating for hypoinverse solution server. Database commit of event no longer updates lddate of event,origin,eventprefmag. Jiggle version 2007.02.06 >-------------------------------------------- New property "miniButtonWidth", if declared, sets width for toolbar buttons, the default is now 24 pixels. Added new button to toolbar to enable toggling between full timespan view and the "secsPerPage" view value for the waveform panels plotted in the scroller. Refactored synching of the sign of the value of "secsPerPage" for WFGroupPanel with the setting of the "showFullTime" option in the menu and toobar. Summary mag used stations is 1st initialized with the nsta value read from the netmag table in database, database value is number of non-zero wt channels contributing to the magnitude (not channels). Number of station is determined when reading list associated with the magnitude is loaded. Jiggle version 2007.01.31 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed offset bug in WFGroupPanel scroller when block scrolling down/up. Made non-mini mode fix depth button larger. Removed "delete" button option from phase dialog popup "More...", phase is not in solution unless "Ok" is clicked so "Delete" was noop. Jiggle version 2007.01.26 >-------------------------------------------- Got rid of unpick mode "spinner" in toolbar, now a button popup menu sets pick mode and its icon shows reading type deleted in unpick mode. Fixed bug related to committing a preferred magnitude when its set by HAND. Automatic magnitude recalculation after location no longer sets Jiggle tab to the magnitude tab, it now presents the expected location tab. Removed null pointer exception in Catalog panel reference to "who" value that occurred when the event was missing a preferred magnitude. Adjusted offset of phase popup relative to cursor in zoompanel to activate the phase descriptor submenu. Made the expand and collapse buttons for time and amp scales slightly wider. Jiggle version 2007.01.22 >-------------------------------------------- A zero value parsed from in_wgt field of AssocArO table row sets reject flag, adds +5 to quality weight. Changed summary magnitude error to be the median absolute deviation not stddev. Separate connections for the Where, SolutionLock, and Waveform reading classes are reset when Datasource connection is changed via GUI. Rearranged buttons on toolbar and added some separation between groups, unpick toggle mode now can be configured by buttons to delete either phases,amps, or coda. Now a default maximum limit of 200 waveform table rows (time-tears) per channel which can be changed via Jiggle property "maxWaveletCount". Jiggle version 2007.01.09 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed Solution locking to always use current data source connection. Fixed setting of Waveform peak amptype via amp magnitude method. Implemented alternative Wood-Anderson magnitude method having reversed Butterworth highpass pre-filter of time-series to remove microseisms. Jiggle version 2007.01.02 >-------------------------------------------- In Zoom panel, the UP arrow button group for selecting the next trace is now on top of DOWN button group when layout is "S", (next to timing buttons), also changed button icon images for expansion of x,y, or full view buttons. Added confirm dialog to popup menu items that delete, strip multiple readings, from current event, gives user a chance to abort accidental click. Jiggle version 2006.12.20 >-------------------------------------------- Rearranged control button layout in Picking Zoom panel, the panel buttons are now in detachable toolbar. Toolbar layout controlled by jiggle property "stackPickingPanelButtons", default=false, buttons on single line. If set true, buttons are layed out in 2 horizontal boxes. Also added new property "pickingPanelArrowLayout" to allow user to optionally position the waveform scroller arrows at "E","W", or "S". "E", is the default. The "S" position puts the scroller control in the timing toolbar. Replaced text with icon in Jiggle tabpane panels and removed "Where" tab from tabpane, user should use a new Where button = "?" in toolbar to create popup displaying info for the selected event in the view. Added right-click popup to info dialogs/tab panels to allow clipboard copy. The default TravelTime instance is initialized by Jiggle properties. Replaced text labels in panel tabs/buttons with mini-icons. Waveform sample rate is set to value of first decoded waveform segment if not defined in waveform table. Jiggle version 2006.12.08 >-------------------------------------------- Allow mini toolbar buttons as property option miniToolBarButtons=true Relabelled button text and changed size and layout in PickingPanel. Added WAFilterHP (WAFilter with 1Hz HP Butterworth prefilter) Fixed Coda to used observed pick Vp/Vs ratio traveltimes not model traveltime. Added extra text to coda output regarding low starting amp failure condition. Fixed amp units setting in mouse rollover cursor when view waveform filtered. If dbWriteBackEnabled=false event save,finalize buttons disabled, solution locking is also disabled. Jiggle version 2006.11.21 >-------------------------------------------- Option to pick and/or replace Coda/Amps on waveform panels using Ctrl/Alt +left mouse button click to define window time span for timeseries data, a Ctrl/Alt double-click reset timespan to pick start (1st) and end bounds (2nd). New layout for "hide" button menu in wavefrom group scrollpane corner. Deleting a prefmag that's not event preferred, now deletes the eventprefmag table association when event is saved to database. Picking panel channel label text now shows +/- amp offset relative to bias. Bombsight centertime is now shown between pick menu buttons. Mouse rollover time and amps were moved to upper right corner of pick panel. Waveform tooltips now show the timeseries time of the mouse cursor. Waveform filters now all apply a cosine taper (0.05) to timeseries segment endpoints. Ml amp may be wrong for timeseries with time gaps. Both WAfilter and spectral filters shift phases several samples late. Jiggle version 2006.11.21 >-------------------------------------------- Cascading menu for building phase description in zoompanel popup now has short S string option. WFPanel popup now has option to dump panel channel data or its readings to a popup with a monospaced text area. Fixed bug in setting custom notch filter reject frequency via dialog. Added mouse pixel timestamp to the tooltip popup in active WFPanel. Panel tooltip output text matches style of label in picking panel. Removed frac seconds from date range string output for channel maps. Jiggle version 2006.11.15 >-------------------------------------------- Changed to make auto first motion be determined on the visible waveform picked by the used the (filtered, unfiltered). Before was alway using the unfiltered. Jiggle version 2006.11.15 >-------------------------------------------- Added the NoCalRediMlMagMethod to jasi magmethod class list, method implements A0 function used by BK realtime code. Code now reads/writes model domain and id from/to origin table; this data is updated from new Hypoinverse solution server ArcSummary output. these data can be view in catalog panel by adding labels "CM" and "VM" to the catalogColumnList property. Solution magnitudes that are not hand-entered by Jiggle dialog that have no known method algorithm in Jiggle are left unchanged when committed to database (no-op). Added new button to ZoomPanel to toggle pick weight +5 (reject/accept). New property of DataSourceChannelTimeModel "filterWfListByChannelList" allows exclusion of waveforms not found in named configuration channelist. Replaced ButterworthFilter with alternative derived from fortran code written by W.Joyner found in a USGS SMC zip file. This filter has customizable pass bandwith and "notch" filter selection. Also added options for W-A and SP spectral filter algorithms from H.Kanamori. When filter is on, the filter descr follows channel descr in ZoomPanel. Jiggle version 2006.11.01 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed bug in LOWPASS Butterworth filter (recurrence term with wrong sign). Corner frequencies for activated Butterworth filter now printed in ZoomPanel for the filter menu options they are : HIGHPASS 1 Hz BANDPASS 0.5 10 Hz NARROW BANDPASS 0.5 5 Hz LOWPASS 8 Hz VERY LOWPASS 1 Hz Jiggle version 2006.10.30 >-------------------------------------------- New property "solNextProcStateMask" to determine which processing states are acceptable fornext solution loaded any combination of letters (AHF). Filter button in zoom panel window now produces popup of filter choices lowpass, highpass, bandpass. Jiggle version 2006.10.18 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed null pointer exception in status bar count initialization on event load. Fixed format for fixing depth value in terminator record output to SolServer. Added Solution's location and depth fixed flag values to location pane summary Added new location engine property (Hypoinverse) "useTrialOriginTime", if true Solution's current origintime is output to the terminator record. Changed default column names for catalog HFIX and ZFIX to HF and ZF, and in table the cell value appears as 1 for fixed, 0 for unfixed. In "Other" tab pane of "Preferences" popup dialog of Menubar added checkbox to toggle map between standalone widnow and internal frame in catalog split pane. Jiggle version 2006.10.17 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed bug in preserving secs in view scaling between event loads. Added update to status bar count fields after a location or magnitude calc. Added checkbox option in selectable reading lists shown in Location,Magnitude tabpanes to hide/show readings stripped by residual. Upon loading solution/magnitude status flags are all set needsCommit=false,isStale=false. LocationEngine if location change > 100 m, sets "stale" state for dependent magnitudes. Load of phaselist in MasterView no longer has side-effect of setting alternate mag stale. Exit popup now states if the current Solution loaded in MasterView needs commit. Jiggle version 2006.10.11 >-------------------------------------------- Default formatted "sta" string now has width of 5, the maximum seed format characters. Amplitude getQuality() now returns 1 instead of 0 when its undefined in database. Fixed bug in method of CodaGenerator in the setting of maxgoodwindows to new integer value. Trial origin time and trial location are written to hypoinverse terminator only when Jiggle property "useTrialLocation" is set true by properties file or via preferences dialog. Solution commit checks for stale magnitudes and to allow abort for a new magnitude calculation. Jiggle version 2006.09.12 >-------------------------------------------- Changes should have no effect on Jiggle GUI. Mung startup login dialog fixed to use input command line values as default values HypoMag delegate class changes related to using ChannelTimeWindowModels Properties initialization automatically setups the Waveform datasource mode Jiggle version 2006.08.26 >-------------------------------------------- Properties for stripping by distance/residual of amps,codas, and picks Added menu option for stripping all reading lists of a solution by distance. Secs scale in picking panel preserved when new event loaded. Jiggle version 2006.08.15 >-------------------------------------------- Added coefficients to make 40 sps valid for the ML WA-filter Jiggle version 2006.08.15 >-------------------------------------------- Fix makes currentWaveServerGroup property to be always set to the ComboBox selection in the dialog panel under the set preferences option. New boolean property "delegateDebug" enables debug output from location/magnitude engine delegate instead of requiring that global "debug" property be set to true. Jiggle version 2006.08.04 >-------------------------------------------- Small fixes related to tests for null/handling of null in a few classes Magnitude.getPriority, WFViewList.setCacheIndex Jiggle.loadChannelList to prevent null pointer exceptions discovered by NCEDC test runs of Jiggle. Added reload of channellist to reset done when properties loaded from menu bar option Disabled verbose output from JBChannelTimeWindowModel making it debug option Jiggle version 2006.08.04 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed null pointer related to manual set of HAND magnitude for a cloned event. Added a clear text option to location panel of Event edit parameters dialog. Added checkbox to flag entered location as bogus. Stale event commit, user override via popup to proceed (event set not stale). Jiggle version 2006.08.03 >-------------------------------------------- GUI catalog filter dialog panel for configuring event selection properties now provides default values for min,max ranges when not provided by user Jiggle version 2006.07.25 >-------------------------------------------- Fixed Magnitude null pointer occurred when mag hand entered via Event parameter edit dialog when prior event preferred magnitude D.N.E. Jiggle version 2006.07.14 >-------------------------------------------- Added a max quarry depth column attribute to GazetterQuarry table, used by Quarry package function testing if event criteria are those of a known quarry; java code for class SolutionTN updated to use Quarry function that has origin depth as an input argument. Added dist km and direction to end of default comment for quarry eventtype change Use stored procedure to test Solution against table criteria when user changes eventytype to quarry in combobox panel. Fixed bug in revised dialog panel for editing and selecting realtime waverserver group. Jiggle version 2006.07.12 >-------------------------------------------- Added optional read/write of Origin_Error table data derived from HYP2000 parsing in/from Solution class if property is set "solCommitOriginError=true". Jiggle version 2006.07.06 >-------------------------------------------- DB ADMIN NOTE: Latest version of QUARRY, MAGPREF, EPREF, GEO_REGION packages should installed on DB. Added option to JiggleProperties to allow user to override the pre-defined waveform color map base upon a channel's seedchan string (e.g. color.HHZ = FF0000FF). Added menu option to JiggleMenuBar to save current properties to a user specified file. Reworked GUI dialog panels related to choosing or editing WaveServerGroups in Jiggle. Added option to change phase popup menu layout to "flat" list of descriptors instead of "nested" menus by setting jiggle property phasePopupMenuFlat=true, which can be configured in the Preferences dialog. Added capability to reject phases, rejects have +5 to their equivalent quality weight for HYP2000 Modified Amp Mag calibrations to accept a summary_wt value from a view SQL in Magnitude query could map MEC.PVR to the Magnitude quality used as input to getMagPriority stored procedure (currently a hard-coded quality value of 1. is passed to the procedure). Allow only a single S or P per station by setting property "masterViewReplacePhasesByStaType=true". Jiggle version 2006.06.20 >-------------------------------------------- Save/Final to db button actions now does 2 extra checks that might generate popups: 1) if event not quarry, if they match known quarry data, popup prompts to change type. 2) if preferred magnitude priority is not the max priority of eventprefmag types popup prompts to change --- Menu option to edit Solution Magnitude via dialog: dialog text fields now init with HAND type defaults Frame title now shows "STALE" if event location is stale. Magnitude tab pane have button to set type as preferred (or via right-click popup at top of panel below tab) Can invoke edit of the comment for the selected solution in MasterView via a popup on Catalog panel row. Jiggle version 2006.06.05 >-------------------------------------------- Added mapSplitOrientation Property documentation to html help file. Fixed a mis-referenced mapSplitOrientation property in JiggleMenuBar listener method. HypoFormat toSummary is now implemented to return a HYP2000 archive summary format string. DataSourceChannelTimeModel getWaveformList() now returns ChannelableList instead of ArrayList. Fixed mis-spelled property name reference in SoCalMlProperties class. Added carriage-return to end of summary String created from table row data of CatalogPanel. -------------------------------------------- Jiggle version 2006.05.01 >-------------------------------------------- Removed "useLowGains" and "useBroadBands" properties from magnitude methods. -------------------------------------------- Jiggle version 2006.04.26 >-------------------------------------------- Changed source code SQL to accommodate AssocArO table structural change where EMARES,SLORES columns were renamed to EMA and SLOW columns. VERSION IS MANDATORY UPGRADE for SCSN database users and all previous versions will now experience errors reading/writing AssocArO data -------------------------------------------- Jiggle version 2006.04.18 >-------------------------------------------- Code now expects the following columns declared in the JASI_CONFIG_VIEW: name, progid, net, sta, seechan, location, config, ondate, offdate Magnitude methods with an "id" associated with their name in Applications table have option of finding their "acceptable" channel list from a JASI_CONFIG_VIEW query. A smaller startup Master ChannelList cache can be constructed for Jiggle by including property "channelGroupName= e.g. "RCG-TRINET". Should be name of a group of channel associated with waveforms to be loaded into Masterview waveform panel. New Jiggle property to not "auto" overwrite its properties file: "saveOnExit=false" RequestGenerator now has option to set the priority to the magnitude with property definition "priority=mag" -------------------------------------------- Jiggle version 2006.04.04 >-------------------------------------------- Requires database to have defined these views: JASI_CONFIG_VIEW with columns: progid,net,sta,seedchan,location,offdate Note: progid is a number associated with a application or group name in the Program table e.g. 'RCG-TRINET'. This group name can be referenced by the "channelListGroupName" property. JASI_RESPONSE_VIEW with columns: net,sta,seedchan,channel,channelsrc,location,natural_frequency,damping_constant, gain,gain_units,low_freq_corner,high_freq_corner,ondate,offdate JASI_STATION_VIEW with columns net,sta,lat,lon,elev,staname,ondate,offdate JASI_CHANNEL_VIEW with columns net,sta,seedchan,channel,channelsrc,location,lat,lon,elev,samprate,ondate,offdate --------------------------------------------