Young Adults Nonfiction The African-American Teenagers Guide to Personal Growth, Health, Safety, Sex, and Survival: Living and Learning in the Twenty-first Century RC 56274 by Debrah Harris-Johnson read by Brian Conn 2 cassettes A guide to understanding the world and how to live in it successfully. Discusses safety, survival, sex, money, time, and responsibility. Describes a variety of skills useful to competent teens. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2001. Alcoholism RC 56317 edited by James D. Torr read by Butch Hoover 2 cassettes Essays explore the problem of alcoholism, addressing such topics as the effectiveness of Alcoholics Anonymous, marketing by the liquor industry, effects on children and families, binge drinking in college, the disease theory of addiction, and government regulation. For senior high readers. 2000. America under Attack: Primary Sources RC 55826 edited by Tamara L. Roleff read by Jake Williams 1 cassette Uses eye witness reports, news articles, and speeches to examine the September 11, 2001, attack by Muslim extremists on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Virginia. Describes America's response, world reaction, and the subsequent war on terrorism. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. 'Atta Girl! A Celebration of Women in Sport RC 56824 by Alexandra Powe Allred read by Coleen Delany 2 cassettes Inspirational anecdotes about women in sports, including the author, a former U.S. women's bobsled team member, who also once played professional football. Recounts female athletes' struggle for success and acceptance and explores society's evolving perceptions. For senior high and older readers. 2003. The Bakke Case: Quotas in College Admissions RC 57194 by Susan Banfield read by Robert Sams 1 cassette Discusses the 1970s case brought by a white male student challenging the affirmative action policy used in admitting students to the University of California medical school. Reviews the divided Supreme Court ruling in 1978 for Bakke, the continuing debate over preferential admission standards, and remaining unanswered questions. For junior and senior high readers. 1998. Body Marks: Tattooing, Piercing, and Scarification RC 56570 by Kathlyn Gay and Christine Whittington read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette Traces the history of "skin art"—tattoos and body piercings—from prehistoric times through the present. Discusses the health issues and social ramifications of such practices. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Careers for Homebodies and Other Independent Souls RC 56180 by Jan Goldberg read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Describes career possibilities for those who want to work independently from home. Includes options such as operating small businesses or franchises, consulting, and writing, along with other possibilities made available through advances in technology. Emphasizes the pros and cons and necessary skills. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2001. Careers for Scholars and Other Deep Thinkers RC 55913 by Blythe Camenson read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Highlights careers for those who love research and teaching, including job opportunities in universities, libraries, museums, and laboratories. Also details the duties of a librarian, psychologist, botanical specialist, and animal behaviorist. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2001. Chemical and Biological Weapons in Our Times RC 55829 by Herbert M. Levine read by Jake Williams 1 cassette Examines the history and development of chemical and biological weapons. Discusses their proliferation and association with terrorism, and efforts made to control their use. Topics include the 1995 sarin-gas attack in the Japanese subway system and Iraq's use of nerve gas. For junior and senior high readers. 2000. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul on Love and Friendship RC 56229 by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen read by Kristin Allison 2 cassettes Companion to Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul (RC 44853) and others offers anecdotes, poems, and short essays by teenagers about falling in love, breaking up, friendship, family, and growing up. For junior and senior high and older readers. Bestseller. 2002. Child Abuse RC 56276 by Henny H. Kim read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Presents different views on aspects of child abuse, including its definition, causes, prevention, and punishment. For senior high readers. 2000. Creature Comfort: Animals That Heal RC 56348 by Bernie Graham read by Bill Wallace 2 cassettes British psychologist describes "the potential health benefits that can be derived from the company of a wide range of animals." Includes success stories of animal- assisted therapy involving dolphins, guide dogs, horses, and cats. For senior high and older readers. 2000. Domestic Violence RC 56306 edited by Tamara L. Roleff read by Carol Dines 2 cassettes Discusses the problem of violence in the home; its prevalence, causes, prevention, and legal remedies; and its effect on children in the family. For senior high readers. 2000. Everything You Need to Know about Going to the Gynecologist RC 57269 by Shifra N. Diamond read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Explains to teens and older readers why gynecological exams are important, when to seek them, and what to expect during one. Also discusses reproductive health including diseases, contraception, and common problems. For senior high and older readers. 1999. Everything You Need to Know about Romance and the Internet: How to Stay Safe RC 55783 by Sheldon Brooks read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Explores many of the positive and negative aspects of looking for love online, stressing the need for caution. Discusses chat rooms and the dangers of becoming involved with a stranger. Offers tips on protecting one's identity and avoiding awkward situations. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Everything You Need to Know about Yoga: An Introduction for Teens RC 56821 by Stefanie Iris Weiss read by Mary Kane 1 cassette Describes the origins and benefits of yoga, whose practice is purported to lead to the union of body, mind, and soul. Provides instructions for performing basic body postures and breathing exercises for a forty-five minute session. For junior and senior high readers. 1999. The Game I'll Never Forget: One Hundred Hockey Stars' Stories RC 56421 selected by Chris McDonell read by Steven Carpenter 3 cassettes Collection of stories originally published in Hockey Digest, written by athletes from the 1940s to 2002 who describe the best hockey game they have ever played. Includes reminiscences by Ken Dryden, Phil Esposito, Gordie Howe, Bobby Hull, and Bobby Orr, as well as lesser known players. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Getting Away with Murder: The True Story of the Emmett Till Case by Chris Crowe read by Bill Wallace 1 cassette Account of a fourteen-year-old African American boy from Chicago who was murdered in 1955 while visiting relatives in Mississippi. Emmett Till, accused of flirting with a white woman, was subsequently killed by her husband and brother-in-law, who escaped punishment. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2003. Gold in the Water: The True Story of Ordinary Men and Their Extraordinary Dream of Olympic Glory RC 56039 by P.H. Mullen read by Gary Telles 4 cassettes Chronicles the arduous years of training of the 2000 U.S. Olympic swim team that led to victory in Australia. Follows coach Dick Jochums and his athletes, including two asthmatics who overcame their medical problems to succeed. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2001. Hawk: Occupation, Skateboarder RC 55551 by Tony Hawk read by L.J. Ganser 2 cassettes Autobiography of a skateboarding champion who retired and later became an announcer for ESPN. Hawk, born in 1968, recalls his youth spent perfecting his skills as his dad started the National Skateboard Association. Reminisces about his feats and particular events. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2000. History of Art for Young People RC 55715 by H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson read by Michael Clarke-Laurence 7 cassettes in 2 containers Provides basic coverage of art in Europe and North America— from pre-historic to modern times—covering painting, sculpture, and architecture. Discusses concepts, events, movements, symbols, techniques, and major figures. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. A History of Basketball for Girls and Women: From Bloomers to Big Leagues RC 56210 by Joanne Lannin read by Kerry Cundiff 1 cassette History of women's basketball from its beginnings at Smith College in 1892—mere weeks after its invention—to the professional arena. Describes the changes in the game and its major players and coaches. For junior and senior high and older readers. 2000. The History of Terrorism RC 55694 by Robert Taylor read by Mary Kane 1 cassette Examines the political agendas, religious beliefs, and strategies of groups that use violence to generate fear to gain their objectives. Considers anticolonial, separatist, revolutionary, and holy wars throughout history. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Jackie's Nine: Jackie Robinson's Values to Live By; Courage, Determination, Teamwork, Persistence, Integrity, Citizenship, Justice, Commitment, Excellence RC 54787 by Sharon Robinson read by Chuck Young 1 cassette Baseball Hall of Famer's daughter illustrates nine values— including courage, determination, teamwork, integrity, citizenship, and justice—her father exemplified, using events from his own and others' lives. Includes commentary by and about Christopher Reeve, Muhammad Ali, and Michael Jordan. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Jordan RC 56521 by Hal Marcovitz read by Yolande Bavan 1 cassette A history of the Middle Eastern nation of Jordan and a discussion of its role in contemporary politics. Describes the rule of King Hussein from 1951 until his death in 1999. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. A Journey: The Autobiography of Apolo Anton Ohno RC 57065 by Apolo Anton Ohno read by Mark Ashby 1 cassette A Japanese American short track ice skater, who won both a silver and gold medal in the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics at age nineteen, presents an account of his life and career. Ohno describes his upbringing and training, his injuries and illnesses, and his later success. For senior high and older readers. 2002. The Kurds RC 56522 by Heather Lehr Wagner read by Yolande Bavan 1 cassette A discussion about the Kurdish people, including their history and contemporary status in the Middle East. Describes their political, economic, and social standing as a distinct ethnic group in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Learning a Living: A Guide to Planning Your Career and Finding a Job for People with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Disorder, and Dyslexia RC 55089 by Dale S. Brown read by Jake Williams 3 cassettes The author of Job-hunting for the So-called Handicapped or People Who Have Disabilities (RC 53895) offers advice on career planning. Providing applicable how-to tips, recommends researching educational and work opportunities and building social skills. For senior high and older readers. 2000. Live Aware, Not in Fear: The 411 after 9-11; a Book for Teens RC 55989 by Donna K. Wells and Bruce C. Morris read by Erik Synnestvedt 1 cassette Gives teens the information they need about safety in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Offers six risk scenarios concerning perceived threats such as bioterrorism and disruptions of travel and communication. Dispels myths and provides information on how to respond to actual emergencies. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Mayo Clinic on Managing Diabetes RC 56478 edited by Maria Collazo-Clavell read by Patricia McDermott 2 cassettes Guide to managing type 1 and type 2 diabetes through diet, exercise, and medication. Discusses the nature of the disease, necessary testing, self-care, sexual issues, transplants, and other related matters. For senior high and older readers. 2001. The Middle East RC 56699 edited by Auriana Ojeda read by Yolande Bavan 2 cassettes Offers different viewpoints on various conflicts in the Middle East. Discusses religious issues, the Arab-Israeli dispute, and natural resources. Also considers the effects of these problems elsewhere in the world and suggests possible solutions. For senior high and older readers. 2003. One Love, One Heart: A History of Reggae RC 55594 by James Haskins read by Bill Quinn 1 cassette Discusses the Jamaican form of music called reggae, its African roots, and its relation to the Rastafarian religion. Gives a brief history of the Caribbean island and the musicians, including Jimmy Cliff and Bob Marley, who popularized the sound. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Organizing from the Inside Out for Teens: The Foolproof System for Organizing Your Room, Your Time, and Your Life RC 56029 by Julie Morgenstern and Jessi Morgenstern-Colón read by Colleen Delany 2 cassettes Professional organizer and her teenage daughter offer a method for getting one's life in order using time management and other strategies. Presents anecdotes and checklists to suggest ways to organize home, school, and outside activities. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Pregnant! What Can I Do? A Guide for Teenagers RC 56363 by Tania Heller read by Carol Dines 1 cassette Physician provides guidance for teenage women who become pregnant unintentionally. Offers suggestions for getting help, making the right decisions, and building a better future. Discusses pros and cons of parenthood, abortion, and adoption, and presents interviews with teens who chose each option. For senior high and older readers. 2002. School Violence RC 56316 edited by Bryan J. Grapes read by Carol Dines 2 cassettes Series of essays contemplating the problem of school violence in both urban and suburban settings. Discusses theories about causes of violence in schools and how to prevent it. Also includes personal narratives of victims of violence. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2000. Soul Survivors: The Official Autobiography of Destiny's Child RC 55896 by Beyoncé Knowles and Kelly Rowland read by Robin Miles 2 cassettes Three members of the award-winning all-girl singing group, Destiny's Child, describe its rise to fame. They attribute the group's success to a common faith, which the women say sustains them despite many obstacles in the competitive world of music. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Terrorists and Terrorist Groups RC 55684 by Stephen Currie read by Steven Carpenter 1 cassette Discusses the origins, political purposes, religious beliefs, and strategies of groups that use violence to achieve their goals. Includes information on the Palestinian movement Hamas, Peru's Shining Path, the Irish Republican Army, al-Qaeda, and Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. The Third World: Opposing Viewpoints RC 56343 edited by Laura K. Egendorf read by Catherine Byers 2 cassettes Essays offer different opinions on issues facing Third World countries, such as overpopulation, AIDS, democracy, and foreign aid. Considers affairs in Africa, South America, and in the Middle East. For senior high readers. 2000. A Time to Love: Stories from the Old Testament RC 57134 by Walter Dean Myers read by Gail Nelson 1 cassette A retelling from the perspective of teenage characters of six Bible episodes exploring the complexities of love. Includes the stories of Delilah, Reuben, Naomi, Isaac, Zillah, and Aser. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Whatever You Say I Am: The Life and Times of Eminem RC 57318 by Anthony Bozza read by Bill Quinn 2 cassettes Chronicles the career of controversial hip-hop artist Marshall "Eminem" Mathers of Detroit, the foremost award- winning white rapper in America. Traces his rise from poverty to musical and film success as well as his personal struggles. Strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2003. Young Person's Occupational Outlook Handbook RC 56352 by Susan Pines read by Kristin Allison 2 cassettes Describes over 260 careers based on the U.S. Department of Labor's research. Explains the education needed, the duties and skills of the employee, subjects to study, earning potential, and future outlook for each given profession. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Young Adults Fiction Abhorsen RC 55530 by Garth Nix read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Abhorsen-in-waiting Lirael and Prince Sameth—supported by their creatures Disreputable Dog and Mogget (a cat)—must confront and defeat the evil spirit Orannis before it can destroy all life. Conclusion to trilogy beginning with Sabriel (RC 44682) and Lirael (RC 52678). For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Acorna's Rebels RC 56129 by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough read by Kristin Allison 2 cassettes Acorna, continuing her search for Aari, joins Condor captain Becker on a mission. But a forced landing on Makahomia, home of the Temple cats, delays Acorna as she races to save the cats from an evil scheme. Sequel to Acorna's Search (RC 54144). For senior high and older readers. 2003. Acorna's Search RC 54144 by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough read by Kristin Allison 2 cassettes The peace-loving Linyaari attempt to restore their devastated planet after the enemy Khleevi depart. When Acorna's mate, Aari, and others disappear, she searches frantically to locate them, discovering an ancient realm that sheds light on the history of her people. Sequel to Acorna's World (RC 54143). For senior high and older readers. 2001. Acorna's World RC 54143 by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough read by Kristin Allison 2 cassettes Acorna returns to deep space with Jonas Becker, Roadkill, and Aari, her Linyaari friend wounded by the insectoid Khleevi. Acorna answers a distress signal from another planet and gets involved in other adventures in her ongoing battle against the Khleevi. Sequel to Acorna's People (RC 54142). For senior high and older readers. 2000. After RC 56738 by Francine Prose read by Brian Conn 1 cassette Following a nearby school shooting, a newly-hired grief and crisis counselor replaces the principal of a western Massachusetts high school and adopts increasingly harsh methods to control behavior. Tom Bishop and his friends become suspicious when rebellious students and teachers begin disappearing. For senior high readers. 2003. Alchemy RC 57236 by Margaret Mahy read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Seventeen-year-old Roland is blackmailed by his teacher, Mr. Hudson, to spy on unpopular girl classmate Jess Ferret. Roland discovers that she is studying alchemy and that their destinies are linked with that of a power-hungry magician. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Amelia and the Outlaw RC 55693 by Lorraine Heath read by Margaret Strom 1 cassette Texas, 1881. Out of jail on a work release program, Jesse Lawton falls in love with Amelia, the seventeen-year-old daughter of Judge Harper. Amelia returns his affection, but her father and brothers have other ideas. For senior high readers. 2003. Anna and the Duke RC 55690 by Kathryn Smith read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes London, 1818. Scottish landowner Ewan MacLaughlin becomes the Duke of Brahm when his estranged father dies. Arriving in England, Ewan meets his duplicitous half-brother, Richard, and his half-sister, Emily. Anna, Richard's fiancée, uncovers a plot to discredit Ewan and finds herself falling in love with him. For senior high readers. 2002. As You Wish: Christy and Todd; the College Years, Book 2 RC 55038 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes Christy Miller starts college in California and continues to date Todd. When Matthew, someone she knew in Wisconsin, arrives on campus, Christy trusts that God will help her make the right decisions in her relationships. Sequel to Until Tomorrow (RC 55037). For senior high and older readers. 2000. Ashes of Roses RC 55437 by Mary Jane Auch read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes Sixteen-year-old Margaret Rose Nolan arrives at Ellis Island from Ireland dreaming of a happy future. She finds work at New York City's Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and tells the horror of escaping from the tragic 1911 fire. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Ashes of Victory: Honor Harrington, Volume 9 RC 53966 by David Weber read by Madelyn Buzzard 5 cassettes Honor Harrington has escaped from prison and returned injured but alive from her alleged execution reported in Echoes of Honor (RC 53965). Her presence boosts the Manticoran Alliance's morale in their continuing war as Harrington again tests her mettle. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2000. Belle and the Beau RC 55426 by Beverly Jenkins read by Laura Giannarelli 2 cassettes In 1859 sixteen-year-old Belle Palmer escapes from slavery in Kentucky to Michigan, where she is hidden by the freedmen Best family. Belle falls in love with their son, Daniel, although he has been promised to another. For senior high readers. 2002. Beyond the Stars: Quest for Tomorrow, Book 4 RC 54874 by William Shatner read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes In Step into Chaos (RC 54873), Jim Endicott merged with the Omega Point, entering an alternate universe. In this sequel, another version of the accidental shooting of his father occurs, leading to a different scenario for this other Jim. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2000. Big Mouth and Ugly Girl RC 54799 by Joyce Carol Oates read by Celeste Lawson 2 cassettes After sixteen-year-old Matt Donaghy is falsely accused of threatening to blow up his school, the police interrogate him and his peers isolate him. His main supporter is outsider and fellow junior Ursula Riggs. Together they weather the storm of social rejection. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2002. Blind Sighted RC 55570 by Peter Moore read by Erik Sandvold 2 cassettes Eleventh-grader Kirk Tobak is moody and bored with school, his alcoholic mother, and druggie friends. His job reading for an independent young blind woman, with whom he discusses his problems, gives Kirk new insights. Some descriptions of sex and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Blitzcat RC 56052 by Robert Westall read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes Lord Gort, a black female cat, runs away to search the countryside for her beloved master, a pilot, during World War II. She survives many dangerous adventures and is adopted by several people on her journey. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1989. Born Confused RC 55988 by Tanuja Desai Hidier read by Kimberly Schraf 4 cassettes Dimple Lala, born in America to parents from India, suffers from an identity crisis and growing pains during her seventeenth summer. She must contend with her best friend Gwyn, who is trying to usurp her heritage—and a guy's attentions. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Born in Sin RC 55901 by Evelyn Coleman read by Saidah Arrika Ekulona 1 cassette Fourteen-year-old Keisha wants to go to a summer program for aspiring doctors. Instead, her guidance counselor places her in a program for at-risk kids. There Keisha discovers her innate swimming ability, learns to deal with prejudice, and makes new friends. Some violence and some strong language. For senior high readers. 2001. Bronx Masquerade RC 55776 by Nikki Grimes read by John Polk 1 cassette Tough students at a Bronx high school reveal their innermost thoughts, dreams, and fears during the English class's monthly Open-Mike Fridays. Through their expressions of rap, free verse, and rhymes, the students learn they are more alike than they are different. For junior and senior high readers. Coretta Scott King Award. 2002. Bull Catcher RC 56438 by Alden R. Carter read by Erik Synnestvedt 2 cassettes Bull Larsen's primary love has always been baseball. Living with his grandparents in Wisconsin, he has single-mindedly aimed for a career in the major leagues. As his high school days near an end, Bull has to face many decisions involving his future. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 1997. Carpe Jugulum: A Discworld Novel, Book 23 RC 56600 by Terry Pratchett read by David Hartley-Margolin 3 cassettes To celebrate the birth of his daughter, well-meaning but misguided King Verence of Lancre invites the undead of Uberwald to a party. Soon after the modern vampire family arrives, the royal host and his subjects begin to regret their hospitality. For junior and senior high and older readers. 1998. Catherine and the Pirate RC 55355 by Karen Hawkins read by Erin Jones 1 cassette Boston, 1777. Seventeen-year-old Catherine Markham defies her uncle and heads to Savannah to ransom her brother Royce from the British. She seeks help from Royce's friend Derrick St. John, and uses his ship for the voyage. Pirate- turned-entrepreneur Derrick reluctantly agrees and falls in love with the lovely heiress. For senior high readers. 2002. City of the Beasts RC 56606 by Isabel Allende read by Gabriella Cavallero 2 cassettes Fifteen-year-old Alexander Cold accompanies his journalist grandmother on an expedition to search for the legendary Yeti of the Amazon, known as "The Beast." Alexander and his new friend Nadia begin a magical adventure in the mysterious, impenetrable jungle. For senior high and older readers. 2002. The Courage to Live: Why Me? RC 55149 by Deborah Kent read by Celeste Lawson 1 cassette Chloe Peterson hasn't felt well in weeks, but she doesn't want to upset her family by complaining. Not until she is hospitalized and diagnosed with lupus does she begin to cope. Encouragement from a support group helps her along the way. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants: Even Further Confessions of Georgia Nicolson RC 56064 by Louise Rennison read by Erin Jones 1 cassette Since her adventures in Knocked Out by My Nunga-Nungas (RC 54535), Georgia continues recording her affairs in her journal. She's attracted to Dave while dating Robbie, her cat impregnates a neighbor's, and her class takes a trip to Frogland (France). For senior high readers. 2002. Deep Secret RC 56189 by Diana Wynne Jones read by John Polk 3 cassettes While attending a judicial enquiry, Rupert Venables—a junior magid in the Multiverse—learns that his mentor, Stan, is dying. It is Rupert's duty to find and sponsor Stan's replacement, even though a civil war threatens one of the deceased emperor's territories. For junior and senior high readers. 1997. Delta Search: Quest for Tomorrow, Book 1 RC 54871 by William Shatner read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Opening volume by Star Trek actor in a series about the dreams of youth and the terrors of empire. Sixteen-year-old Jim Endicott's application to the Space Academy triggers events connected with a secret encoded in his DNA. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1997. A Diamond in the Dust RC 53793 by Carla Joinson read by Cyn Delafield 2 cassettes Death from mine accidents is a constant fear in a 1900s Illinois coal mining town. When a family tragedy occurs, sixteen-year-old Katy must choose between her love for a young miner and her desire to search for a better life elsewhere. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Distant Dreams: Ribbons of Steel, Book 1 RC 54868 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Virginia, 1835. Fifteen-year-old tomboy Carolina Adams is fascinated by the new railroad trains and falls in love with her sister's fiancé, James Baldwin—who shares her enthusiasm. When he leaves to build a new rail line, Carolina puts their relationship in God's hands. Prequel to A Hope Beyond (RC 54869). For senior high and older readers. 1997. Don't Cry for Yesterday: Why Me? RC 55301 by Deborah Kent read by Celeste Lawson 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Amber is excited to be going to a party with Eric, a football player. But on the way Eric's reckless driving causes an accident, leaving Amber partially paralyzed. Now the aspiring singer endures rehabilitation and adjusting to life in a wheelchair. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey RC 54289 by Margaret Peterson Haddix read by Kimberly Schraf 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Tish, assigned to keep a journal, instructs her teacher not to read the family problems she confides there. But after being abandoned by her parents and left almost homeless, Tish allows Mrs. Dunphrey to help her and her younger brother sort out their lives. For senior high readers. 1996. Echoes of Honor: Honor Harrington, Volume 8 RC 53965 by David Weber read by Madelyn Buzzard 5 cassettes In this sequel to In Enemy Hands (RC 53964), Honor Harrington is unaware that an interstellar newscast reported her execution. No one knows that she and a few of her people are determined to escape from prison on Hell. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1998. The Enemy Has a Face RC 56652 by Gloria D. Miklowitz read by Anne Hancock 1 cassette Middle schooler Netta Hofman and her family have temporarily moved to Los Angeles from Israel when her seventeen-year-old brother disappears. Netta becomes convinced that Arab terrorists are involved, even as she befriends a Palestinian boy at school. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. Feed RC 55687 by M.T. Anderson read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette In the future, most people have computer implants in their heads streaming information. Titus has had his since birth, while home-schooled Violet received hers later. When the "feed" is attacked by a hacker, Titus's system shortly recovers but Violet's continues to malfunction. Strong language. For senior high and older readers. National Book Award finalist. 2002. Forever RC 55595 by Judy Blume read by Suzanne Toren 1 cassette (Reissue) When eighteen-year-old Katherine begins dating Michael, she's sure they will stay together, and they become intimate. But as time goes by, she discovers that there are other people she wants to meet. Some explicit descriptions of sex and some strong language. For senior high readers. 1975. Free Radical RC 55605 by Claire Rudolf Murphy read by Gary Roan 1 cassette Fifteen-year-old Luke of Fairbanks, Alaska, is preparing for a baseball tournament when his mother shocks him. She's been wanted by the FBI for thirty-one years for setting off a bomb that killed someone during a Vietnam War protest. And she's going to turn herself in. For senior high readers. 2002. Girl in a Cage RC 56457 by Jane Yolen and Robert J. Harris read by Corrie James 2 cassettes 1306. As English armies invade Scotland, spunky eleven- year-old Princess Marjorie, the daughter of King Robert the Bruce, is captured and put on public display, locked in an iron cage. Marjorie describes her imprisonment, and tells how she overcame her ordeal. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. High Heat RC 57311 by Carl Deuker read by Nick Sullivan 2 cassettes Seattle sophomore and baseball pitching phenom Shane Hunter finds his affluent life at an end when his father is arrested for money laundering. After he moves into city housing with his mother and sister, Shane transfers from private to public school and almost loses his love for the game. For senior high readers. 2003. Honor among Enemies: Honor Harrington, Volume 6 RC 53963 by David Weber read by Madelyn Buzzard 4 cassettes Honor Harrington is recalled to active duty to combat space pirates. Her challenge is complicated by the infighting of her motley crew and the difficulty in defining the enemy. Sequel to Flag in Exile (RC 53962). Some violence and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1996. A Hope Beyond: Ribbons of Steel, Book 2 RC 54869 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Janis Gray 3 cassettes Maryland, 1836-42. Carolina Adams becomes a tutor for a motherless girl in Baltimore, while her true love, James Baldwin, builds the railroad to Cumberland. Over time their commitment to God and to each other doesn't diminish. Sequel to Distant Dreams (RC 54868). For senior high and older readers. 1997. Horse Thief RC 55027 by Robert Newton Peck read by Gary Roan 1 cassette Chickalookee, Florida; 1938. First, rodeo worker and seventeen-year-old orphan Tullis Yoder loses two fingers on his first bull ride. Then, when he learns that his only family—the thirteen horses he cares for—are going to be sold for dog food, he steals them—with help, of course. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. The House of the Scorpion RC 55927 by Nancy Farmer read by Suzanne Toren 3 cassettes In a future where humans despise clones, Matt has special privileges as the young clone of El Patrón—the 140-year-old leader of a corrupt drug empire. When Matt gets a glimpse of his fate, he rebels. Some violence and some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. National Book Award. 2002. I Am the Cheese RC 56032 by Robert Cormier read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette (Reissue) Chilling tale of fourteen-year-old Adam Farmer's desperate search for his father and for a mysterious past that he must not remember if he is to remain alive. Some strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 1977. I Promise: Christy and Todd; the College Years, Book 3 RC 55039 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Nanette Savard 2 cassettes College students Christy Miller and Todd Spencer become engaged. When family and friends offer conflicting advice on the upcoming wedding, Christy starts having doubts—but trusts that God will provide. Sequel to As You Wish (RC 55038). For senior high and older readers. 2001. In Alien Hands: Quest for Tomorrow, Book 2 RC 54872 by William Shatner read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Continuing the action begun in Delta Search (RC 54871), rival aliens compete to obtain the secrets encoded in Jim Endicott's DNA. To escape, Jim becomes a mercenary on another planet. In an escalating war Jim plots to save humanity. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1997. In Enemy Hands: Honor Harrington, Volume 7 RC 53964 by David Weber read by Madelyn Buzzard 4 cassettes Promoted to commodore, Honor Harrington settles into her role as the first female feudal steadholder on Grayson. On a routine flight, her spaceship is captured by enemies, and she faces execution on prison planet Hell. Sequel to Honor among Enemies (RC 53963). Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1997. Island Boyz: Short Stories RC 55438 by Graham Salisbury read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette Ten stories, introduced by a short poem, about Hawaiian teenagers. In "Waiting for the War," two boys have a horse, but it won't let them ride or even get close. Then a soldier from Texas gives them a little help. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Josephine and the Soldier RC 56436 by Beverly Jenkins read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Michigan, 1864. Seventeen-year-old African American Jojo Best has achieved her dream of becoming a hairdresser. Although she has a beau, Brooks, she is attracted to army veteran Adam Morgan, who has come home to recuperate from the War between the States. For senior high readers. 2003. The Last Hero: A Discworld Fable RC 55895 by Terry Pratchett read by Jim Zeiger 1 cassette Cohen the Barbarian is not happy about growing old. Hoping for a reprieve from death, he sets out with aging heroes on a final quest to return fire to the gods, a journey that could mean the end of the world. Some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2001. Living with a Secret: Why Me? RC 54778 by Deborah Kent read by Celeste Lawson 1 cassette Fifteen-year-old Cassie Mullins takes a job as a counselor at a diabetic summer camp but keeps her own diabetes a secret. She resents her mother's concern for her and wants to be a "normal" teenager. Hiding her condition doesn't work. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Memories of Summer RC 54617 by Ruth White read by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette In 1955 thirteen-year-old Lyric and her sixteen-year-old sister, Summer, move with their dad from rural Virginia to Michigan for job opportunities. Summer, always a little odd, soon mentally deteriorates and the family must decide her future. Includes reading-group discussion questions. For senior high readers. 2000. The Merlin Conspiracy RC 56442 by Diana Wynne Jones read by Corrie James 3 cassettes Roddy and her dyslexic friend Grundo, a younger brother figure, suspect that Merlin's sudden death was murder. When another teenager, Nick, appears from an alternate British world, the three combine their emerging magical talents to investigate, unaware of the dangers they will confront. For grades 6-9 and older readers. 2003. Miranda and the Warrior RC 56415 by Elaine Barbieri read by Michele Schaeffer 1 cassette Western territories, 1871. Miranda Thurston slips away from the fort where her father is stationed to visit a friend's ranch. She is captured by Shadow Walker, a Cheyenne. Against all odds the two fall in love, and Miranda has to choose her future. For senior high readers. 2002. Monster RC 56569 by Walter Dean Myers read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Steve Harmon sits in jail accused of being a lookout in a deadly robbery. An aspiring filmmaker, Steve reviews his time in jail as a movie script. He wonders if he has become the monster that the prosecutor has made him out to be. For senior high readers. My Heartbeat RC 55794 by Garret Freymann-Weyr read by Mimi Bederman 1 cassette Ellen has a crush on her older brother's best friend, James. She wonders if Link and James have a sexual relationship and is not sure where she fits into her friendship with James—until the day James kisses her. Some descriptions of sex. For senior high readers. Printz Honor Book. 2002. My Perfect Life RC 55673 by Dyan Sheldon read by Margaret Strom 1 cassette Ella has no interest in running for class president at her New Jersey high school. But her unconventional friend Lola, from Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (RC 49701), persuades her to challenge rich and beautiful Carla in a nasty popularity race. For senior high readers. 2002. Nicola and the Viscount RC 56557 by Meg Cabot read by Vanessa Maroney 2 cassettes London, 1810. Sixteen-year-old orphan Nicola Sparks becomes engaged during her debutante season. When she discovers she's wanted only for her inherited land, she turns to Nathaniel Sheridan, the brother of her best friend, for guidance. For senior high readers. 2002. One Shot RC 57304 by Susan Glick read by Catherine Byers 1 cassette Fifteen-year-old Lorrie Taylor returns to Maryland to live with her dad and new stepmother. She finds a summer job helping elderly, famous photographer Molly Price. Inspired by Molly's work, Lorrie pursues her own interest in taking pictures while reconnecting with old friends. For senior high readers. 2003. Orbital Resonance RC 57085 by John Barnes read by Erin Jones 2 cassettes Space, 2025. Melpomene Murray is a typical teenager who happens to live on an asteroid colony. When classmate Theophilus Harrison arrives from the devastated Earth, she begins to care about the future of her ancestral planet while some plans for her future develop. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1991. Parasite Pig RC 55995 by William Sleator read by Christopher Walker 1 cassette The dangerous game begun in Interstellar Pig (RC 22792) continues as sixteen-year-old Barney indiscriminately recruits new players. When they turn out to be aliens, they take Barney—infected with an alien parasite—and his new friend Katie to the planet J'koot. Some violence. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Permanence RC 57136 by Karl Schroeder read by Martha Harmon Pardee 3 cassettes Fleeing her abusive half-brother, Rue Cassels steals a shuttle from her mining station and heads for Treya. Along the way, she inadvertently lays claim to an abandoned starship, a find that will make her rich—or dead. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2002. The Popsicle Journal RC 56300 by Don Trembath read by Gary Tipton 1 cassette Harper Winslow, last seen in A Beautiful Place on Young Street (RC 49028), is now in eleventh grade and works for the local newspaper. When his father runs for mayor and his older sister has a DUI car wreck, he learns to become an objective reporter. For senior high readers. 2001. Postcards from No Man's Land RC 56042 by Aidan Chambers read by Annie Wauters 2 cassettes Jacob's first trip to Holland from England is both a personal adventure and a family responsibility to visit his grandfather's grave from World War II. His contemporary travels are juxtaposed with the experiences of Geertrui—the young woman who loved his grandfather in 1944. Some descriptions of sex. For senior high readers. Printz Award. 1999. Princess in Waiting RC 56102 by Meg Cabot read by Erin Jones 1 cassette Mia, last seen in Princess in Love (RC 54037), travels to Genovia to perform her royal duties over winter break. Returning to New York, she continues lessons with her grandmère, suffers a second semester of algebra, and tries to keep her boyfriend. For junior and senior high readers. 2003. A Promise for Tomorrow: Ribbons of Steel, Book 3 RC 54870 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Janis Gray 4 cassettes Allegheny Mountains, Maryland; 1843–53. Carolina and James move to a rural town while James supervises the building of the railroad. They respond to their stepdaughter Victoria's interest in a young Irish laborer by confronting their prejudices and trusting God. Sequel to A Hope Beyond (RC 54869). For senior high and older readers. 1998. A Promise Is Forever RC 55023 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Eighteen-year-old college student Christy Miller travels to England on a missionary trip with her church youth group. When she is sent on to Spain, Christy is reunited with her former boyfriend Todd, and they realize that they are still in love. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. The Rolling Stones RC 56028 by Robert A. Heinlein read by Gregory Gorton 2 cassettes (Reissue) Luna City, the Moon. Fifteen-year-old twins Castor and Pollux Stone buy an old spaceship to start a trading business. Their whole family decides to join them including their Martian flat cat, and problems arise when the cat has a litter. For senior high and older readers. 1952. The Rover RC 56430 by Mel Odom read by Anne Flosnik 3 cassettes Humble pint-sized librarian Edgewick Lamplighter is abducted by pirates and taken to a far-off land of wicked goblins and evil wizards. Wick's only hope is to outsmart these creatures using knowledge gained through a lifetime of reading. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. The Second Summer of the Sisterhood RC 56256 by Ann Brashares read by Erin Jones 2 cassettes In this sequel to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (RC 53252), four lifelong friends—Bridget, Lena, Tibby, and Carmen—continue to share a pair of magic blue jeans over the summer vacation. Although miles apart, they all experience family problems, romance, friendship, and betrayal. For senior high readers. 2003. Separate Roads: Ribbons West, Book 2 RC 55029 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes Two years after Westward the Dream (RC 55028), Brenton Baldwin has fallen in love with his sister-in-law Caitlan O'Connor, while Jordana Baldwin too finds love. Kiernan continues to work on the new railroad. Their faith in God helps in dangerous situations. For senior high and older readers. 1999. Seventeen Wishes RC 55020 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Christy Miller volunteers for a weekas a camp counselor—but the girls are much wilder than she expects. She is relieved when one girl becomes a fervent Christian. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. The Shadow Sorceress: The Spellsong Cycle, Book 4 RC 56999 by L.E. Modesitt read by Kristin Allison 3 cassettes Her mentor's death thrusts young sorceress Secca into a leadership role before she has completed her training. The kingdom at stake, Secca endures chauvinism while mastering the sorcery and diplomatic skills needed to guide her allies. Sequel to Darksong Rising (RC 51327). Some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2001. Shadowsinger: The Spellsong Cycle, Book 5 RC 56998 by L.E. Modesitt read by Kristin Allison 3 cassettes Secca, now sorceress protector of the East, finds romance with fellow sorcerer Alcaren. Together they wield their powers against their greatest challengers, from invading Sturinnese to menacing Sea-Priests. Sequel to The Shadow Sorceress (RC 56999). Some violence. For senior high and older readers. 2002. The Shakeress RC 55424 by Kimberley Heuston read by Colleen Delany 1 cassette New Hampshire, 1828. A Shaker community welcomes Naomi, orphaned at thirteen with her three younger siblings. The foursome thrives under the Shaker way—but, seeking her own spiritual fulfillment, Naomi leaves the community and finds her true self in a new religion, Mormonism. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Shylock's Daughter RC 54355 by Mirjam Pressler read by MaryBeth Wise 2 cassettes In sixteenth-century Venice, sixteen-year-old Jessica falls in love with Lorenzo, a young nobleman. Their situation is complicated by religious differences. Will Jessica betray her Jewish background and leave her father, Shylock, to marry the Christian Lorenzo? Inspired by Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice (RC 21495). For senior high readers. 2000. The Sight RC 55656 by David Clement-Davies read by Anne Flosnik 3 cassettes An epic tale set in Transylvania during the Middle Ages that features a pack of wolves and newborn cubs, a prophecy, an outcast she-wolf with strange powers, and horrifying ordeals. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. Singing the Dogstar Blues RC 57131 by Alison Goodman read by Norma Lana 1 cassette Joss Aaronson is close to being expelled from the university where she studies time travel. Mavkel, a newly arrived telepathic student from another planet, then selects her as his study partner and roommate. When Joss discovers she is being stalked by an assassin, the two combine skills to search for reasons. For senior high readers. 1998. Spellbound RC 56560 by Janet McDonald read by Michele Schaeffer 1 cassette Raven, a teenage African American mother and high school dropout living in a Brooklyn housing project, decides with the help of her friend Aisha to study for a spelling bee that could lead to a college scholarship program. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2001. Sport RC 56099 by Mick Cochrane read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes Eighth-grader Harlan's passion is collecting baseball cards, rooting for the Minnesota Twins, and playing ball. His family disintegrates when his alcoholic father moves out and his mother's multiple sclerosis worsens. But Harlan is optimistic as he copes with the help of his coach. Strong language. For junior and senior high readers. 2001. Starry Night RC 55019 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Christy Miller feels insecure with her friends—especially with the guys. She is annoyed with her parents' Christmas plans, until she finds peace with the Lord one beautiful evening. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Step into Chaos: Quest for Tomorrow, Book 3 RC 54873 by William Shatner read by Gary Tipton 2 cassettes After learning in In Alien Hands (RC 54872) that his true mother, Kate, encoded in his DNA a secret about linking a billion human minds into a vast supercomputer called "mind arrays," Jim's only hope for survival is to step into chaos. Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 1999. Stoner and Spaz RC 55396 by Ron Koertge read by Nick Sullivan 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Ben, who has cerebral palsy, leads an insular life with his overprotective grandmother. But everything changes when he is befriended by drug-addicted classmate Colleen, and a neighbor introduces him to filmmaking and encourages him to make a movie about his high school. Strong language. For senior high readers. 2002. Sweet Dreams RC 55022 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Christy Miller and her friend Katie are glad to be finally graduating from high school. Christy is secure in her future with Todd while Katie, influenced by her boyfriend, is falling away from her faith. For junior and senior high readers. 1994. Sweetblood RC 56722 by Pete Hautman read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette As sixteen-year-old Lucy's diabetes spirals out of control, she becomes obsessed with a vampire chat room on the Web. Theorizing that vampires are somehow related to untreated diabetics, Lucy struggles with her illness, her family, and school problems before she accepts her condition. Some strong language. For senior high readers. 2003. Tess and the Highlander RC 56426 by May McGoldrick read by Corrie James 2 cassettes Scotland, 1543. Seventeen-year-old Tess is living alone on the Isle of May after her two caretakers die. When Colin Macpherson washes ashore, he discovers Tess's long-lost birthright and is determined to return her to her clan. For senior high readers. 2002. Ties That Bind: Ribbons West, Book 3 RC 55030 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes By 1868 Jordana Baldwin is finally settled in Sacramento, California, with her family, but at twenty-two, she is bored with life. She is enticed to spy on the Union Pacific railroad, falls in love with Captain Rich O'Brian, and prays for happiness. Sequel to Separate Roads (RC 55029). For senior high and older readers. 2000. A Time to Cherish RC 55021 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Seventeen-year-old Christy Miller is happy now that Todd has made a commitment to her. Then best friend Katie gets involved with the wrong boy, and pal Doug becomes more withdrawn. Christy asks God to set things straight. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. True Friends RC 55018 by Robin Jones Gunn read by Kristin Allison 1 cassette Sixteen-year-old Christy and her friend Katie head to the ski slopes of Lake Tahoe. Christy becomes part of the fast crowd. But Katie warns her of trouble and Christy remembers her religious values. Christy is also frustrated because she hasn't heard from Todd. For junior and senior high readers. 1993. Uncle Boris in the Yukon and Other Shaggy Dog Stories RC 54616 by Daniel Pinkwater read by Neil Berman 1 cassette Author and NPR commentator relates anecdotes—bizarre, outlandish, and poignant—about the dogs in his life and lessons he and the dogs have learned. Pinkwater has faced numerous training challenges, from the Pekingese presented to him in infancy by Uncle Boris to the malamutes acquired after his marriage. For senior high and older readers. 2001. Ventus RC 57168 by Karl Schroeder read by Martha Harmon Pardee 4 cassettes Lady Calandria May arrives on Ventus to destroy an entity known as Armiger. She needs the help of young Jordan Mason, who has visions linked to the god-like "Winds" that rule the planet. Some descriptions of sex, some violence, and some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2000. Victoria and the Rogue RC 56434 by Meg Cabot read by Anne Flosnik 2 cassettes On a voyage from India, sixteen-year-old heiress Lady Victoria Arbuthnot becomes secretly engaged to worldly Lord Malfrey despite the meddling interference of the ship's young captain, Jacob Carstairs. In England, Victoria discovers her fiancé's real motives for the betrothal and the reasons for Jacob's actions. For senior high and older readers. 2003. War of Honor: Honor Harrington, Volume 10 RC 55532 by David Weber read by Madelyn Buzzard 7 cassettes in two containers An uneasy peace between the Star Kingdom and the Havenites brings the personal agendas of leaders to the fore. As negotiations begin, Lady Harrington resists her growing feelings for the earl of White Haven. Sequel to Ashes of Victory (RC 53966). Some strong language. For senior high and older readers. 2002. Westward the Dream: Ribbons West, Book 1 RC 55028 by Judith Pella and Tracie Peterson read by Michele Schaeffer 2 cassettes In 1862 Brenton Baldwin and his sister Jordana leave the east to join relatives Victoria and Kiernan O'Connor in California. Accompanying them is Kiernan's sister Caitlan, newly arrived from Ireland. Brenton photographs the expanding railroad as they travel west, trusting God to protect them. For senior high and older readers. 1998. Wolf on the Fold RC 56523 by Judith Clarke read by Barbara Caruso 1 cassette A series of poignant stories that follows members of an Australian family through several generations. In the title piece, fourteen-year-old Kenny Sinclair sets out to find a job during the Great Depression to support his family after his father dies. For junior and senior high readers. 2000. The Xenocide Mission RC 56562 by Ben Jeapes read by Steven Carpenter 2 cassettes In 2153 a secret observation base in far space, staffed by humans and furry quadrupeds called Rusties, is attacked by XC aliens from another spaceship. When Lieutenant Joel Gilmore is captured, his girlfriend and his father, a retired commodore, rush to rescue him—with dire results. For junior and senior high readers. 2002. The Youngest Hero RC 55573 by Jerry B. Jenkins read by Martha Harmon Pardee 2 cassettes Ten-year-old Elgin Woodell and his Christian mother, Miriam, move from Hattiesburg, Mississippi, to Chicago, Illinois, after his alcoholic father is incarcerated. By age fourteen, Elgin, having inherited his dad's gift for baseball, becomes the major league's youngest rookie. For senior high and older readers. 2002.