NAME: Nikolai Mikhailovich Budarin Test cosmonaut of NPO "Energiya." Resides in Kaliningrad. Moscow region. BIRTHPLACE AND DATE: Born April 29, 1953, at Kirya settlement, Chuvashia, Russia. PARENTS: Mikhail Romanovich Budarin, father, deceased in 1984. Alexandra Mikhailovna Budarin, mother, deceased in 1986. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Black hair; gray eyes; 5 feet 8 inches; 164 pounds. EDUCATION: Graduated from the S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute in 1979, with a mechanical engineering diploma. MARITAL STATUS: Married to Marina Lvovna Budalina, (nee Sidorenko). CHILDREN: Two sons, Dmitri, 1977, and Vladislav, 1983. EXPERIENCE: After graduation from the S. Ordzhonikidze Moscow Aviation Institute, he occupied various engineering positions at NPO "Energiya," where he was involved in experimental investigations and testing of space technology. In February 1989, N.M. Budarin was enrolled in a cosmonaut detachment as a candidate test cosmonaut. In the period from September 1989 to January 1991, he underwent a complete course of general space training and passed a State examination. He is qualified as a test cosmonaut. From February 1991 until December 1993, he prepared for a flight aboard the Soyuz-TM transport vehicle and the Mir Station as a member of a group. He has experience working in the primary operations group for space mission control. In January 1991, he began training to be the flight engineer of the back-up crew for the Soyuz-TM-21 transport vehicle. MIR 18 was his first spaceflight.