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 1 Job stress among female flight attendants
Authors MacDonald-LA; Deddens-JA; Grajewski-BA; Whelan-EA; Hurrell-JJ 
Source J Occup Environ Med 2003 Jul; 45(7):703-714 
NIOSHTIC No. 20023749 
AbstractWe evaluated the presence of chronic job stressors among flight attendants (FAs) to examine the relationships between these job stressors and psychological distress and job dissatisfaction. Seventy-three female FAs (90% participation) employed at two commercial airlines completed a detailed questionnaire. Standard questions and scale measures were used to assess job stressors, psychological distress, and job dissatisfaction. The association between job stressors and these outcomes was evaluated using multiple regression analysis. Except for fatigue, distress and job dissatisfaction were moderate to low. Job stressors were found to have a substantive effect on these outcomes, following adjustment for individual factors. Despite moderate-to-low levels of distress and dissatisfaction, targeted efforts to reduce selected job stressors and to enhance social support may be important steps toward improving the well-being and satisfaction of FAs. 
KeywordsJob-stress; Job-analysis; Flight-personnel; Airport-personnel; Psychological-stress; Questionnaires; Psychological-fatigue 
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